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listen2me 23

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listen2me 23 last won the day on October 22 2021

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About listen2me 23

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    FF Geek

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  1. listen2me 23

    About effing time…Ukraine to fall by end 2024

    By prolonging the war instead of going into hard peace talks? I agree. You guys do cheer death. Whats thr numbers up to? Do you see the end yet? Just keep going?
  2. listen2me 23

    About effing time…Ukraine to fall by end 2024

    Gutter roots for mass death apparently. Harder peace talks should have happened way earlier knowing Russia was ready to lose endless men and had the numbers. Nah. Lets fund it and let it go thrn back out eventually. Sound!
  3. listen2me 23

    About effing time…Ukraine to fall by end 2024

    Trump made fun of a retard hes the devil! Meanwhile Gutter is calling everyone retard here for a couple decades. I just find it amusing. Libs are generally like this.
  4. listen2me 23

    About effing time…Ukraine to fall by end 2024

    Gutter has made a career here going around calling people retards. I dont care. But the lack of self awareness to call other people "child" is quite hilarious.
  5. listen2me 23

    About effing time…Ukraine to fall by end 2024

    The irony
  6. listen2me 23

    Aaron Rodgers

    Its a guy going on a guys podcast who loves to go down the rabbit hole, sharing an opinion. Countless other celebs do this just not to extent or publicized extent Rodgers does. Rodgers by all means was or is a Liberal. He took a stance on Covid and the Libs have him blacklisted for it. If he said he was all about 12 boosters hed be left alone on any other "conspiracy" he mentioned. You know this. I know this.
  7. listen2me 23

    Aaron Rodgers

    Id have to listen to more of the podcast rather than clips. Is he not almost saying they were given so much money to figure it out and they came up with a single drug to profit off until recently? Sort of comparing it to Covid. Insinuating they held back? I could be wrong. Id have to listen to the whole pod. From the clips provided is he saying they MADE AIDS? Or is that just whats being ran with?
  8. listen2me 23

    Aaron Rodgers

    Fair enough Fair enough
  9. listen2me 23

    Aaron Rodgers

    An in the shadows slap at the ghey community. Yet...pretend elsewhere
  10. listen2me 23

    Aaron Rodgers

    Because he has an opinion? Ever hear people talk about JFK or any other thing? Are they all lunatics too? Trust everything? Is that what im gathering?
  11. listen2me 23

    Aaron Rodgers

    Lets hear the generals thoughts on the matter. Since hes researched the topic and done a bunch of reading and crital thinking. Since he can call Rodgers a goof for his opinion. Lets hear you opinion. You must be highly educated on the subject.
  12. listen2me 23

    Aaron Rodgers

    A guy gives his opinion on a podcast and flake libs freak out. Just wondering a question to you Libs, do you believe everything thr government says? Do you think they have never done shady things? Lied?
  13. listen2me 23

    Aaron Rodgers

    Its just funny you have to go right to the whataboutism. Yeah Kap riled people up. Your point? Does that make your little hissy fit over Rodgers talking on a podcast any less? I know you needed to deflect but..
  14. listen2me 23

    Aaron Rodgers

    Trump! Lol you guys will make anything into a political slap fight.
  15. listen2me 23

    Aaron Rodgers

    Weird response? But yeah..