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    FF Geek

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  1. Kozz

    Ancestry DNA results are in!

    Actually, it is...... Strange, but I took the 23 and me one. Race- 100% Askenazi Jew.. Family was from Russia and grandparents from Latvia and Ukraine. So I though I would have some of that or other European countries in my report, nope. Just Jewish. Seem like my ancestors who lived all over Europe. Ever married any local people, just other Jews in these communities. So bloodline has no Ukraine, Latvia, Russian... you can convert to be a Jew if you want, but it’s super hard.. It’s a religion but also a race as through intermarriage, there are common DNA markers....
  2. Kozz

    Dental Implant- broke toof

    Ok, well Im a Dentist in DC who placed and restores implants. Sooo, Real simple, teeth break all the time. Sometimes due to a large filling making a tooth weak. Sometimes from severe clenching and grinding. So if the tooth is broken and inrestorable with a root canal and a crown, then an implant is the best option. Good thing is 15 year survival rate of an implant is 95%. Survival rate of a routine crown that we do is 90% at 10 years. So implants are stronger than even natural crowns on teeth as they can never get cavities. If the tooth is simply broken, it is possible to place the implant at the same time as they take out the tooth. Its wuicker and faster this way. Probably need some bone grafting as well. 3-4 mi the later , we can make you a crown that looks like your old tooth, and if its well done, will feel the same. If there is an infection in he bone, we then need to take out the tooth, graft the site, wait 10weeks and the. Place the implant as you need the area to be healthy. Most of my patients on the next day dont even need to take pain meds since we use a computer guided surgery system that eliminates having to cut the gums open to see the bone. We take a 3D scan and use a cad cam guide to place it through a small hole in the gums. Let me know if u got any questions.
  3. Kozz

    This week is like getting a colonoscopy

    I'm actually a dentist and I take offense to that comment!
  4. I remember on this board, when the planes hit NY, there was a thread about it going on live. First we thought it was an accident, and then reality set in when we found out a second plane hit. Mike, is there any way to get that thread back up to look at again? Thanks.
  5. Kozz

    Capital Gains Facts, Bull

    In some ways.
  6. Kozz

    Capital Gains Facts, Bull

    Most companies retain a percentage of their own stock that is not traded. Thus, if more people invest in their stock, the stock price goes up. If the stock price goes up, then the stocks the company is holding on also go up in value, this gives them more value and ability to generate more capital if they sell at the higher prices, or use the stock as leverage into mergers of acquisitions, or expansion.....
  7. This whole debate is Bull.. First, I earned my money and paid taxes on it (about 35%)...... After paying my bills, I have for example $10,000 left. I can put it into a bank and collect 2% interest which helps the bank..... Or I can Invest it into companies, stocks, etc..... that help the economy. The difference is THERE IS RISK!!!! I could easily lose that money. So If I make a profit (there is no guarantee that I will), I pay 15% of that profit in taxes for taking that risk with my money (that I already paid taxes on the first time). If you were to charge me 35% Tax on this profit (If I make money and do not loose it), I would be less likely to invest it and keep it in the bank. This would cause less investment capital in companies, stocks etc.... Simple.
  8. This whole debate is Bull.. First, I earned my money and paid taxes on it (about 35%)...... After paying my bills, I have for example $10,000 left. I can put it into a bank and collect 2% interest. Or I can Invest it into companies, stocks, etc...... The difference is THERE IS RISK!!!! I could easily lose that money. So If I make a profit (there is no guarantee that I will), I pay 15% of that profit in taxes. If you were to charge me 35% Tax on this profit (If I make money and do not loose it), I would be less likely to invest it and just keep it in the bank. This would cause less investment capital in companies, stocks etc.... Simple.
  9. Kozz

    Saints def or Pitts Defense this week?

    I have the same decision to make........ I know my gut says Pitt, but every tine I start Pitt, the Saints outscore them....... I live in DC and the Skins are really horrible, Campbell cant score but he doesn't make as many bad throws as before.
  10. Kozz

    Has anyone been to Fire + Ice restaurant?

    Been to the one in Boston many times. Awesome food, good atmosphere. Lots of twenty-somethings, 30ish crowd. The place was always lots of fun to be at with good looking people. Almost like being at a bar with lounge type music. The food choices are amazing, I piled up shrimp and steak and you can mix any meat, veggies, and sauce you like. I think I have been there 15+ times over the course of a few years, never had a bad time.
  11. Kozz

    Kids and Cavities!

    Genetics play about a 60-70% factor. This detrmined the type of antibodies you cary in your saliva and hte type of bacteria you have in your mouth. When we ask a pt to brush 2x/day and floss 1x/day, this is the average reccomendation. Some people need to only brush 1x/day and floss occaisionally and will never get a cavity or gum disease, and others with do the 2x/1x reccomendations and still get cavities, thus they will need topical fluoride and 4month recall.
  12. Kozz

    Willie Parker Carted Off The Field

    Broken Fibula per NFL Network, out for Season...
  13. Kozz

    Fast Willie

    Broken Fibula, out for season per NFl Network