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Hardcore troubadour

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Hardcore troubadour last won the day on April 18

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About Hardcore troubadour

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    The scenic Hudson Valley
  • Interests
    The New York Football Giants, The Fat Housewives of Fishtown, Yankee Baseball

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  1. Hardcore troubadour

    About effing time…Ukraine to fall by end 2024

    Yes. But it depends on the work being performed. Much of it , like gain of function, is prohibited in our country. That’s why it was done in China. Have you been paying attention? We farm it out because it’s dangerous. And we stick it in corrupt shitholes for a reason.
  2. Hardcore troubadour

    About effing time…Ukraine to fall by end 2024

    I’m talking about this war. Is Russian defeat the only acceptable outcome?
  3. Hardcore troubadour

    About effing time…Ukraine to fall by end 2024

    Pay wall. But does it say there were no bio labs there?
  4. Hardcore troubadour

    About effing time…Ukraine to fall by end 2024

    Funny Ron / Gutterboy haven’t learned their lessons from Wuhan.
  5. Hardcore troubadour

    About effing time…Ukraine to fall by end 2024

    I also said dangerous bio chemicals that no sane country would let be performed on their soil. Why do you ignore that? You can only process one thought at a time?
  6. Hardcore troubadour

    About effing time…Ukraine to fall by end 2024

    So I ask you a simple question and you spew some non answer. That’s why you’re a clown show.
  7. Hardcore troubadour

    About effing time…Ukraine to fall by end 2024

    Let me explain the deductive method to you. It starts with a simple set of questions : Who, what, where, when and why. Who put the bio labs there? What are in the bio labs? Where did they put them? When did they put them there? Why did they put them there? Any of those questions that can’t be answered should lead you to seeking out the answer. Common sense should point you in the right direction. And if any of those questions are met with a denial or mistruth, raising suspicions, that should guide you to believe they have something to hide. Lies are told for a reason.
  8. Hardcore troubadour

    About effing time…Ukraine to fall by end 2024

    No, I’m just using some common sense and the deductive method. Why lie they are there in the first place? Why are they in Ukraine? You don’t think these are Ukrainian companies or them, do you? Holy Shitt, you do? Or that never entered your mind?
  9. Hardcore troubadour

    About effing time…Ukraine to fall by end 2024

    So how does this end? A complete Russian defeat is the only acceptable outcome or just endless deterrence?
  10. Hardcore troubadour

    About effing time…Ukraine to fall by end 2024

    I’m sorry. I thought I said bio weapons or some other type of dangerous research that no sane country would let be performed on their soil. That’s my answer.
  11. Hardcore troubadour

    Best Advice You Ever Got/Gave For Da Wemens About Ones Out Of League

    Can’t relate. Sorry man.
  12. Hardcore troubadour

    About effing time…Ukraine to fall by end 2024

    Why put them in Ukraine if it’s such a noble pursuit? They have some geniuses there to work on them or something? Their stellar reputation as a world leader in bio chemistry? Oh, and we can’t forget that Ukraine is known far and wide as being an open, liberal society not ruled by oligarchs and installed controlled and paid off puppets in their government. Biden took care of that when he withheld aid and had them clean up their act, right? Why do you purposely stay naive? So you can stick it to the magas? It’s not working.
  13. Hardcore troubadour

    Israel hits back at Iran

    If Israel would only stand down Iran wouldn’t vow to wipe them off the face of the earth. At least until after the election.
  14. Hardcore troubadour

    About effing time…Ukraine to fall by end 2024

    You just wait a cotton picking minute there mister, Rusty and the fembots here have informed us that those bio labs don’t exist and even if they did they were put in Ukraine to cure cancer or some other humanitarian pursuit. So stop spreading Russian disinformation.
  15. Hardcore troubadour

    Aaron Rodgers

    Liberals never air grievances. They just roll up their sleeves and get to work.