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mo lester

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About mo lester

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    FF Geek

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  • Location
    Great White North
  • Interests
    4 kids--- happily married

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  1. mo lester

    Reason why Bin Laden was thrown overboard...

    Whoa.... just the messenger. I laughed at parts too..
  2. Just having lunch with workers and the comment came up about OBL being murdered. Saddam was brought to US had trial, and executed. Satisfaction for the masses. However the most vile American Villian is shot twice in the head in a cave then tossed to the fishies..... Of course people suggest that he may not be dead, or even that he has been dead for 5 years... Theory? He was shot immediately upon discovery upon major direction from the White House.... because of what he MIGHT divulge to the american public. Relationship with Bushs. Training in the US.... 9/11 truth might have actually come out. Gave me some food (he he... lunchtime, get it!?)for thought. Regardless, I sure love how the Americans beleive in democracy, rights fair trial etc.... But if it is someone who attacks us, then daggnabbit we outta hang em from the highest tree. Bomb our pearl harbour, then we will mass kill 250 000 (est) innocent people and ACTUALLY justify it, that will show them. Even Nazi's get a trial, when they are found. Americans are so stuck in their wild west mentality.
  3. mo lester

    NCAA help

    Hi all.... What does it say about FFToday that some of us ACTUALLY come here for answers???? AAARGH! Planning our fall 'guys' sports weekend. Looking at Philly, Boston or Baltimore..... However I need some NCAA Div I football schools that are in those areas. Would love to scratch a big school game off of our list. Were ready to go to Philly at the start of Oct, however it looks like Temple is the only real school even close. Any suggestions? TIA
  4. mo lester

    The Fighter

    Really enjoyed it. Didnt realize it was a based on a true story. Christian Bale was very good. Usually like Wahlberg, but he didnt do anything really strong in his role!
  5. The Omaha Beach scene is so sobering. What a great movie. I remember when I saw it at the movie-plex and noticed how quiet the theatre was when everyone was walking out. Barely heard a sound.
  6. mo lester

    80's Butt Rock

    Skewed answer. I grew up ib the 80's, so a lot of the music that may have suxed then, is memory cherished now
  7. mo lester

    Bi-Annual Debauchery trip

    Nashville came up in conversation. Any quick insights? Other than the country stuff, how is that for a tourist city?
  8. mo lester

    Phillybear, did you come and visit me?

    Yet... They will be back!
  9. mo lester

    Bi-Annual Debauchery trip

    Other than the homo part... we thought of SF. Problem is we all have wives and a lot of cities are not allowed, due to the spouses wishing to visit these cities as well.. Pretty tough to do NYC or Tampa (families) without taking your sig other and kids!
  10. mo lester

    Bi-Annual Debauchery trip

    Hi all The FF Buddies have been making a bi-annual trip to a different NFL city . Being Canucks, this is obviously a huge novelty for us. First trip was Seattle (strictly because of logistics- direct flight, closest destination etc.) Food was great, atmosphere at game was amazing. Last year was Chicago. Giordanos, Redhead Piano Bar and Wrigley were by FAR the highlights. Soldier Field was a let down with the atmosphere *shrug* This fall looks like a few finalists.... ATL, Hou, Bos, or Denver. Any insights or tips would be great to make the decision. Regardless of the NFL, we look are definately in for a College game and an MLB game. Culinary and scenery are musts!
  11. mo lester


    This has proven to be the vid of the week.Probably watched it 15 times already. It is a great pick-me-up at the end of the day.
  12. mo lester

    Favorite Jackson Browne Song

    Still like JB. I went with Doctor.