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Tree of Knowledge

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Everything posted by Tree of Knowledge

  1. Kyle Griffin is eagerly waiting for Pecker.
  2. Tree of Knowledge

    Marjorie Taylor Greene

    Interesting word usage.
  3. Tree of Knowledge

    Marjorie Taylor Greene

  4. I'm willing to be cloned 11x for Father Trump.
  5. This all begs the question how can you select a “Jury of Peers” for a Trial of Father Trump? The man has no peers. Therefore, the defense should immediately push to throw the bogus case out.
  6. Tree of Knowledge

    Marjorie Taylor Greene

    She’s so hot. Hardbody too. I am surprised Boyo can’t appreciate that.
  7. Tree of Knowledge

    2024 Rock Hall of Fame nominees

    This process is so strange. Mumble rappers like Jay-Z are in but Jimmy Buffett wasn’t.
  8. Tree of Knowledge

    Biden Declares War On Women 🌈

    So you do have a rainbow flag, Boyo? I thought better of you.
  9. Fed plants to try and push a false narrative on folks with mush for brains. Duh. None of their traps and shenanigans are going to work this time. If Trump is not President on 1/20/25, this country will be in shambles.
  10. Tree of Knowledge

    New Amazon Prime TV show - Fallout

    Any idea how long we have to wait?
  11. Tree of Knowledge


    I can’t wait for Trump to get back in office so we can return to normalcy. Close the borders and quit sending money to Nazis would be a yuge improvement
  12. Tree of Knowledge


    All driven by military contractor money.
  13. I sure miss Blue Horseshoe’s contributions.
  14. Funny how TRUMP! is the one that brought Epstein down.
  15. It’s interesting that this dude’s manifesto has been released in a hour but the violent transgender mass murdering terrorist’s is still being withheld.
  16. You are a heartless thug. Someone just died. Is your thirst for Trump’s blood so strong that you lost your humanity? You TDS haters may as well make s’more’s on this man’s pyre. SAD
  17. Sounds like one of yours….
  18. All it takes is one missed pronoun.
  19. Tree of Knowledge

    About effing time…Ukraine to fall by end 2024

    More like a victory for the Military Industrial Complex. Beach homes in New England are being snapped up as I type.
  20. So the trial is basically to keep Trump tied up in court. At least you are being honest.
  21. If he is incarcerated, he will be running that jail in less than a day. The guards are typically patriots and his sway with minorities is Yuge. I’m sure there will be riots and he will be freed from within. In the highly unlikely event he is incarcerated and is not freed from within, I guarantee some pipe hitting patriots will break him out. The guards won’t stop it. Trump is a hero to millions. Putting him in jail only makes his legend and legion stronger MAGA!!!!
  22. Wrong. The woman put in writing that it never happened. Case closed. Pure Election Interference.
  23. Sounds like a lot of light-steppers and ugly angry feminists. Trump’s best hope is jurist #12 being captivated by his machismo and causing a hung jury. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/rigged-court-heres-full-list-details-nyc-jurors/