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Sean Mooney

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Everything posted by Sean Mooney

  1. Sean Mooney

    2022 Midterm Elections

    Once again you have nothing to add so you evade.
  2. Sean Mooney

    2022 Midterm Elections

    What if you're okay with voter ID and letting federal election monitors in? What if you are okay with one but not the other?
  3. Sean Mooney

    2022 Midterm Elections

    Again- it's pretty clear "election integrity" matters to you greatly....to a point.
  4. Sean Mooney

    2022 Midterm Elections

    Sure....it's at the very least suspicious considering they sent monitors to 24 states and have done this for decades throughout multiple elections. Amazing how integrity only matters to you in one direction
  5. Sean Mooney

    2022 Midterm Elections

    2 things: 1.) This highlights the whole "nationwide" vs "state's rights" stuff with elections 2.) It makes it clear that "election integrity" is only wanted if it applies one way for some people.
  6. Sean Mooney

    2022 Midterm Elections

    Was #34 at the voting precinct this morning at 7:20am
  7. Sean Mooney

    J. Wilson or Swift rest of the way..

    You give up Wilson...like now- why are you here asking this?
  8. TBF- his larger message was that having one party in sole power is bad so he was encouraging voting for Republicans to balance out the Democratic president. That is sort of just rooting for political gridlock I suppose- but his quote is longer than what is tweeted there.
  9. Sean Mooney

    2022 Midterm Elections

    You've done nothing but give strawmen. I've said outside of the money issues there are other things people care about which makes it impossible to say "everyone's lives were better." Mastriano's main issue is the election stuff..it's a huge part of his whole Christian Nationalist beliefs. Again- you ask for examples, you are given examples and you move the goalposts. Be better
  10. Sean Mooney

    2022 Midterm Elections

    You guys are clowns. Nothing to add, pathetic clowns.
  11. Sean Mooney

    2022 Midterm Elections

    Of course they aren't going to say it is their main issue. The devil is in the details as always...but one guy- PA Governor, Doug Mastriano very much defines himself through election denying. I will go ahead and guess there were a lot of LGBTQ people whose lives were not "better" under Trump. People who relied on stuff from HUD were not better because of policies he put forth and people he put in positions. Not everything is money related. And seriously bro- you're clearly the type of guy who will make up strawmen arguments to try to pick fights over. Way to go Mr. Unbiased Poster.
  12. Sean Mooney

    2022 Midterm Elections

    Money isn't the only thing that effects people. But hey you got to work a bunch more traditional insults and talking points from the far right into this. So we are okay with election deniers running for office? Must be because plenty of them are running on that as their primary policy.
  13. Sean Mooney

    2022 Midterm Elections

    Where did I ever say voter suppression? GTFO Sorry you dislike facts about the people running behind being election deniers. Again- your "calling out hypocrisy" seems to only work one way.
  14. Sean Mooney

    2022 Midterm Elections

    So it is only money that matters? Okay
  15. Sean Mooney

    2022 Midterm Elections

    You said he made everyone's lives better.
  16. Sean Mooney

    2022 Midterm Elections

    20 out of 37 Republicans running for governor (2 Republicans are running for Alaska's gubernatorial seat under the state's ranked choice voting) 9 out of 31 Republicans running for lieutenant governor 9 out of 30 Republicans running for attorney general 12 out of 27 Republicans running for secretary of state 20 out of 36 Republicans running for the U.S. Senate (2 Senate races in Oklahoma) 238 out of 436 Republicans running for U.S. House (2 Republicans are running for the Alaska at large seat under the state's ranked choice voting) The issue they are running on is election credibility and they identify as election deniers. They spout the company line on other things but their main issue is this one. That means when the real issues need to get solved many will not have any real ideas and things won't get fixed.
  17. Sean Mooney

    2022 Midterm Elections

    See- again, it doesn't matter to you then a real issue as long as the Republicans win. And you call other people biased?
  18. Sean Mooney

    2022 Midterm Elections

    "Made everyone's life better." Do you think he is here under an alias and you are trying to impress him?
  19. Sean Mooney

    2022 Midterm Elections

    That has as likely a chance as the Lions winning the Super Bowl.
  20. Sean Mooney

    2022 Midterm Elections

    It's amazing how your hypocrisy only seems to point one way. Meanwhile I said: " The Clinton side was more about the antiquated nature of the electoral college and voter suppression (which I think the latter is where Abrams has always argued too). I would say those are stupid to varying degrees in their own way. Furthermore, my main point is really about people running on a fake issue that is going to have longer range effects. Then they are going to get in office and not have any ideas because they didn't run on real issues- they ran on a fake one.
  21. Sean Mooney

    2022 Midterm Elections

    And I'm sure you will be in here tomorrow saying the election was clear and fair when Republicans win because you got the result you wanted. Tell us again how you are unbiased in what you say. Where does it say the FBI paid for it? Where does it say Clinton paid for it? Can you also find all this evidence about the 2020 election and how it was stolen through fraudulent balloting and voting?
  22. Sean Mooney

    2022 Midterm Elections

    Who paid for a fake dossier? What flavor is the Kool-Aid at least?
  23. Sean Mooney

    2022 Midterm Elections

    After they investigated they found nothing. People said there was tons of stuff in 2020 and nothing ever came of it because they either didn't have evidence or it got dismissed without standing since they could not prove harm. HTH.
  24. Sean Mooney

    2022 Midterm Elections

    Which means there was no harm done in any of it. The party couldn't prove anything criminal had been committed or caused harm.
  25. Sean Mooney

    2022 Midterm Elections

    Because there was no evidence of stuff. But yeah- nothing done.