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p00h last won the day on October 2 2014

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  1. p00h

    Peyton Manning Says HGH

    yup, all garbage research aside, HGH is actually one of the only things that can ONLY be prescribed for specific conditions. To explain that a bit better, practically any other drug can be prescribed by any authorized doctor for damn near anything. A doctor can give you oxycotin for an upset stomach if he/she wants to. HGH, completely illegal...only 3 conditions for which it can be prescribed. It's literally illegal to do so otherwise, meaning the doctors involved in this are going to be in trouble as well, same as balco... 3 things you an prescribe HGH for... Growth Hormone deficiency short bowel syndrome HIV wasting that's it. Nothing else. So there's smoke there, won't be hard to connect the dots. If they can confirm that she was indeed getting HGH, and then confirm she doesn't suffer from any of the 3 conditions listed, you basically have 1+1+x=3. They'll try and say her conditions are her business blahblahblah, but this is something that is so damn specific in what it can be used for, they won't be able to hide behind that for long. How an antiaging clinic has access to these drugs to begin with is strange, but where there's money, there's a way... For the record, I could give 2 sh!ts if he took HGH or not. He was going through some serious stuff with his neck, and if this stuff has been proven to help heal quicker, better, etc, more power to him... the rest of the roided up animals that are eating this stuff just to gain an advantage, bit of a different story. Either way it's banned by the league, so there will be consequences, but Peyton is on the way out, and the other roid fiends will gladly sit out 4 games, because this stuff might be the difference between being a 2.4 million middle of the road player vs. a 9.5 mil all pro... Same as it ever was...
  2. p00h

    Peyton Manning Says HGH

    HGH absolutely can't be used for fertility. There are 3 things HGH can be used for. It's all in the documentary...and pretty readily available on the interwebs... Peyton dod the HGH, there is very little doubt. It will unravel. All the packers players will get caught up in it too, and soon we'll find out that 4/5ts of the league does it, and 1/3 of mlb too... Same as it ever was...
  3. p00h

    Peyton Manning Says HGH

    Don't let your ignorance get in the way, or your racist tendencies. Al Jazeera is one of hte most respected new outfits in the world. While cbs does a story on secret santas at their 6:30 news, and ABC wants to tell you about flu shots, Al Jazeera is out there doing real talk. I saw the doc, and it's all based on the 1 guy talking gibberish, but there's definitely smoke there. 99.9% sure there's fire...
  4. p00h

    Fanduel - Straight up? Step inside......

    All you need to do is take a look at who built these companies, and where they are looking to staff the ever growing business. It's a lot of ex poker players, and likely a whole lot of people involved in sports gambling one way or another. This group, at the risk of generalizing, are degenerates. They have a mentality of getting over on whomever, whatever, at any chance they get. They live for the moment. Most likely believe this magical gravy train will be derailed at some point, let's get what we can out of it ASAP. Hence the wrong doings. The higher ups are too distracted by all the investments flowing in. They're all dreaming about the day they go public and each one cashes out 50 mil or whatever to see what's happening. And even those that see it don't care, because their background is from shady industries where the whole game is about finding unfair advantages against suckers. End of story. From everything I'm reading, these businesses are staffed by gambling industry scum. Even though these are now legit businesses that will one day possibly be worth 10s of billions of dollars, you can't change the mindset of the people working there. They will likely at some point have to clean house and hire some real business people. But then again, wall street scum is as bad as degenerate gamblers, so who knows. Bottom line is, in these types of industries, you're going to get degenerates doing degenerate things.Read up on the legal books in Europe, and how they got infiltrated by global mafia type syndicates throwing soccer games and what not. Where there's a lot of money flowing and not very tight regulations, you'll see this type of behavior... Bottom line is this, if you're not on the inside, you're the sucker feeding the system. Plain and simple. Sure anyone can hit that jackpot, and having insider info on which played is owned in what % is not automatically going to give you the edge. You can pick up tampa bay's 3rd WR, doesn't mean he'll perform, but over time, that insider info will lead to significant advantages. Numbers don't lie, upwards of 70% of the money paid out is going to 1.3% of the the field. That's insane, by any accounts. It's rigged. Or the pros are so good at what they do you still have no edge. SO bottom line is this, if you want to engage in this because it's a form of entertainment to you, figure out what your price fore that entertainment is. Other than that, iof you have delusions of grandeur of winning that 2 mil prize, you might as well put in 12 team parlays for 10 bucks, same thing. I think they'll get regulated a bit tighter, but won't stop anyone from cheating. Same as how wall street is regulated. All this ###### is built to milk money out of suckers. Remember the ever ominous poker saying. If you sit at the table and can't ID the sucker in a matter of minutes, guess who the sucker is. Well that 1.3% of the field that's taking down 70% of the money is looking out at a vast sea of suckers, and that number ain't gonna diminish anytime soon. Ask yourself if you really want to be that sucker...Being the forum this is where I'm posting this, odds are there are far more suckers here than not. But hey, your money, your life...
  5. p00h

    Fanduel - Straight up? Step inside......

    More drama...looks like some of the devious stuff happening might have been know it even sanctioned by higher ups. My opinion that there's no way these companies go down is shifting slightly. Will have to see what the Feds dig up, but they're not running around for nothing. There's smoke in the air, fire must be somewhere... http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/10/17/sports/fantasy-sports-trade-group-is-said-to-receive-subpoena.html
  6. p00h

    Fanduel - Straight up? Step inside......

    The Sharks that are makin bank based on their system or scripts or whatever, of course they're gonna bounce, unless they're high up with equity in the business or something. But from the smell of things, lot of these top dog turds are getting rich off insider info, so how can they bounce and still get paid. Know how? They'll keep their jobs and just be a bit more covert about their playing. Their sister's boyfriend's great aunt will now be the account t that wins 350k. Same as it ever was. Like I said, lip service will be paid to regulations and then...same as it ever was... Moral of the story here is to not get too vested in what the end result will be. Who cares? I got 99 problems but these sites ain't one! If you're smart enough you wouldn't waste a dollar on That nonsense. But fiends gon fiend...it's what they do...Gieco needs to make a commercial about it...
  7. p00h

    Fanduel - Straight up? Step inside......

    Not even close man, but I won't get into a never ending argument about it with you or anyone else. Billion dollar companies don't fold because of stuff like that. They pay fines, apologize vaguely without admitting to anything, and move along. They promise some changes that may or may not materialize, and onwards and upwards. Remember, this ain't the mafia that rhey can slap a RICO charge on. It's a legit business, with tons of money and high priced lawyers. I'll say it 1 more time. Please see big American banks for the playbook on stuff like this. We won't do it again mister, pinky swear! Ok...pay us $30 mil and try to behave! At least in public! Wink wink Nod nod Nudge nudge Same as it ever was...
  8. p00h

    Fanduel - Straight up? Step inside......

    yup, that'd be breaking the law, but only if DK or FD knowingly did this. if the users used some tricks like proxy and spoofing and whatever, they can't pin it on the sites. And even if they pin it on the sites, they'll levy a fine, and move along. Again, look at our banks and the financial crisis for a blueprint. ANd the way these sites are growing, with their valuations in the billions now, there's no fine heavy enough to shut them down. Hell Robert Kraft would probably pay for it behind the scenes. It's the same as it ever was man. If there's enough money involved, looking the other way will be common place. No one gets held responsible. Faceless 'corporations' pay some money, get a slap on the wrist, and they continue on with their business. ANd that business, have no doubt, is about parting a sucker from his money... Funny thing is, they released stats, and both sites had their largest volume in history this weekend. Odds are every weekend beats the previous record, but they had a major spike this weekend. All this bad publicity actually turned into good publicity, because a lot of outsiders learned about this industry. What's that tell you. These little hiccups are mere blips on the radar. This daily fantasy stuff is merely carving out a corner in the trillion dollar gambling industry that exists. And they don't have to worry about it being underground. Other than that, same as it ever was...
  9. p00h

    Fanduel - Straight up? Step inside......

    won't happen. Not at this stage anyway. Read that last NYTimes article I just posted. WHen in 2006 they signed legislation trying to limit online gambling and money laundering and all taht good stuff, they left an exemption for fantasy sports. Guess who was big behind that exemption. The NFL. That's right, the league lobbied for all this. This is not like gambling where shady bookies are working in the shadows. They got their exemption, and every major sports league in this country and across Europe are investing in and endorsing these sites. That means there's real clout behind this. The feds can only go so far. They'll stick around, but changes will need to occur. However, regardless of what changes occur, this is a sucker bet right here. If you're comfortable with paying for entertainment, figure out what your price is, and put that much money in to be entertained. If you have any delusions of grandeur about hitting it big, or even being semi profitable, well I got another bridge in BK for sale. Brand new...
  10. p00h

    Fanduel - Straight up? Step inside......

    it's actually perfect for the leagues. They have known since the beginning of time that gambling increases interest in their sports/leagues. That is not rocket science. But they can't overtly support gambling, because you know the integrity of the game and some other crap. As if these guys aren't focused solely on the money. So along comes daily fantasy, same as gambling, will increase interest in their sports same as gambling, if not more, and no stigma attached to it. So they not only support it, they invest in it to help it grow exponentially. ALl these ads you see day and night, they're funded by the investments the leagues and owners have put into these sites. The sooner people realize that the whole world is a sham, and anyone and everyone is out for their own interests, and will take everything you have without thinking twice about it, the sooner you'll learn to navigate the realities of this crazy world we live in.Till then, keep on dumping your cash into these pyramid schemes(not directed at you, just making a general statement)...
  11. p00h

    Fanduel - Straight up? Step inside......

    nytimes is on the case hard... THis just dropped: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/10/15/us/sports-betting-daily-fantasy-games-fanduel-draftkings.html?emc=edit_na_20151015&nlid=49521004&ref=cta
  12. p00h

    Fanduel - Straight up? Step inside......

    ALso, looks like those scripts dudes and other sharks are actually looking at a 17% rate of return, not 7. That'd make hedge fund managers cream their pants... 91 percent of player profits in daily fantasy sports were won by just 1.3 percent of the players. In fact, the top 11 players on average paid $2 million in entry fees and made $135,000 in profit while accounting for 17 percent of all entry fees. Many of the professionals use automated processes that let them change hundreds, if not thousands, of lineups in seconds, a decided advantage when last-minute changes are made in the lineups of real football, basketball or baseball teams. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/15/sports/draftkings-fanduel-fbi-investigation.html You'd have to be an idiot spending money on this. Like literally you'd be better off gambling straight up on sports...
  13. p00h

    Fanduel - Straight up? Step inside......

    FBI involved now, the truth shall come out. Can't hid behind your computer screens when the feds get involved, nor can you brush it off as 'nothing to see here.' http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/15/sports/draftkings-fanduel-fbi-investigation.html Also, ITT lots of stupidity. Any industry left to self regulate will have issues, it's human nature to be greedy. Hell industries that are heavily regulated consistently end up with scandals. Where there is money involved, and especially lottery type free money like this industry, there will be shade. Sure as corporations, neither of these companies need drama. Their business is raking. Doesn't matter who wins, who loses, they make $ on every cent wagered. End of story. Or is it? THe individuals working in these corporations are not the corporation. Same as some rouge banker is not bank of america. Human nature will prevail. If you think a dude making 15-20 bucks an hour is not going to try and gain an edge, walk a fine line between skills and illegal behavior, well I have a bridge to see you in BK. Forget about the sharks, and the people using scripts and such to essentially turn the average player into a sucker that feeds the system at best. That's a whole other story. Let's talk about the real story, insider trading. Taking confidential info to gain an edge. insider trading is a very serious problem here. Forget that a new guy won, and with a bunch of outliers. You have to have outliers to win the lottery contests, and whether a guy is new or old is absolutely irrelevant. If you have access to what player is owner in what % across the board, and you also are somehow connected with creating the market, aka determining what price each player should fetch, the combo will make you a lot of money in the long run. You might miss on 10 weeks in a row, but that 11th week based on that insider info you'll come up with that magical lineup and cash in on 350K. Or 2 mil. And the upper mgmt folks will not care because they're not being asked to regulate anything. People are winning, number of users increasing week over week, we're all gonna be billionares! They're too busy burning through other people's cash on incessan, horrific t advertisements to care. Until the feds get involved that is. THis business model is nothing different from online poker. The corporation is interested in making 100s of millions off the rake, don't need any drama. But the corporations are filled with nefarious cats working there, because guess what, gambling attracts degenerates. These degenerates will always walk the fine line between having more knowledge than others and engaging in illegal activities. Add in the fact that you can literally off 5-10 bucks, over the course of a single sunday, walk away with 6-7 figure winnings, and it will be shady. Until it is regulated, and even then there will be shade involved. Too much money for there not to be, and too many degenerates attracted to this type of gambling model to even keep it completely clean. Again, look at our banking industry as a blueprint... As the old saying goes, if you look around the room and can't spot the sucker, guess who the sucker is...
  14. Iknowrite! And how about making up the requirements for how much air needs to be in a ball on the fly while we're at it. AmIrite or what?!? I mean every qb should be allowed to determine how much air he likes in the ball. ANd now with winston in the league, we should allow them to determine the shape of the ball as well. From what I understand, Jameis is far more proficient at throwing a baseball than a football, so why not let him use a round ball. AmIrite or what guys?!? huh??? dunce
  15. ITT: Flyfreak repeats the same mantra, and Murf has a boner the likes of which he hasn't had since watching St. Elmo's fire(Rob Lowe). Flyfreak, your assersion is so horribly wrong, that stating it once makes you look dumb as shite. Repeating it over and over and over makes it seem you're on crank and rather than polishing your front door knob, you're stuck on this. Please smarten up. Firstly, there is a range in the air pressure, which you repeatedly state as something they should have. It's a full PSI range. Smarten up. Further, there are all sorts of standards within any game. Do you want to change the height of the mound for pitchers that are short?!? Widen the goal post for kickers that suck?!? Jesus man, it's not rocket science. There are standards in place to ensure the game is played on an even playing field. End of story. Stop repeating the same nonsense for months on end, you look dumber than you actually are, and I bet that's not easy to do... The pats are cheaters, have been for a long time. Do other teams cheat, probably. To what extent, who knows. Only thing concrete is that they keep getting busted. Those on the NE side of things will claim it to be, 'looking for a competitive edge.' THose on the polar opposite side will say all their winning is tainted. Reality likely resides somewhere in between, though definitely not right in the middle. They have shown a blatant disregard for any sort of integrity, rather opting for the, 'win at any cost.' mantra. Sure the 4 game suspension and draft picks hurt, the million bucks is a joke. However, ask any team in the league if they would expend that cost to cash in on a championship and all will say yes. That is the bottom line here. THen again, it's simply a reflection of society. Same as the financial companies will rape and plunder only to pay a 12 billion dollar penalty later on to sweep their doings under the rug. Rinse/repeat. Neither side should get too vested into this discussion. Life will go on. People will continue dying of hunger while we discuss rich people problems such as these. Just accept the fact that practically every aspect of life as we know it has someone in power looking for an edge to cheat you. Just accept it, and you'll be able to cope with life a lot better... PS: Lay of the meth and stop repeating yourself over and over and over again. It's sad...you know who yous are...