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Everything posted by SJ

  1. SJ

    The Office

    "It's a win-win-win!"
  2. SJ


    You can say that again, Nancy....
  3. There have been some great ones: Meph vs. Kadaver (resulted in Kadaver being banned) for the factor. Bigtraine GTG was THE classic from the series. The franchise could never live up to that one golden moment. 2dogsfkn was greatness. 9/11 Babe clash was also great (Thank you Mr. Anon) Racism thread where TJ misread "niggler" was pretty damn funny. "What should I get my dad for Father's Day" still brings a smile to my face. There may be one more....
  4. SJ

    Worst actors of all time.

    Their inability to act is more than made up for by their outstanding racks.