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Mike FF Today

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Status Updates posted by Mike FF Today

  1. I shot you a private message. Wasn't sure if you checked those.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. sperri40


      This popped up on my screen today...no idea why. Weird.


    3. Ratboy75


      Can someone please activate my account so I can post and reply to messages.....

    4. zimm43


      I know this isn't where this is supposed to go, but I'm with Ratboy, i'm unable to post or reply to topics, am I also waiting on account activation?

  2. How do I delete a thread that I created? I can't find the option anywhere. Thanks.

  3. Why don't you ban that worthless POS Gutterslut ???

  4. Please don't lock my forum comments. My discussion was generating a lot of interest and I generally think my discussions are valid. I know you don't like promotions, but my signature is "the People's Team" I believe in it. Am I not allowed to link my signature to my site?

  5. Compiler/draft buddy was the hit of our draft. By round 10 everyone was asking to see my program for players they could draft.

    Thanks for the great product. I will never draft without it again.

  6. What happened to my post about the 12 Year Old Chinese Girls name? There have been plenty of posts about team names that have not gotten blasted. I have been frequenting this site for years. Don't see why this post was removed. I have seen much worse conversation left on this board.

  7. must be tough to get a 5 star ranking around here. Keep working on it youre almost there

  8. You guys should ban HenryChianski as all he does is demean people on the boards. It's a tired act that needs to be stopped.
