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Posts posted by lickin_starfish

  1. With all of th recent accusations of sexual assault in the headlines, I've been wondering if I have a case against my employer.


    25 years ago, when I was 19, I had a physical in the company nurses office. The doctor performed the usual routine, blood pressure, turn-your-head and cough, and whatnot. At the end of the physical, he had me lay on the table, and gave me the ol' finger in the butt. Why would a 19 year old kid need a prostate exam?


    Over the years, I have mentioned this to other employees, and noone else had to do that.


    Do I have a sexual assault case?

  2. With me, the burden of proof is on the accuser.


    This isn't about truth, or proof, or even justice.


    This is about getting a story into the news cycle, whether true or false. Once the stink of the story is in the air, it doesn't go away even if proven to be false.


    If it is a lie, a backpage correction might be found in fine print, and the false accuser will see no reprimand.
