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I don't really know who the Arctic Monkeys are, but they are my new favorite band

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Rock group Arctic Monkeys have become the latest music industry stars to question whether the performers taking part in Live Earth on Saturday are suitable climate change activists.


"It's a bit patronising for us 21 year olds to try to start to change the world," said Arctic Monkeys drummer Matt Helders, explaining why the group is not on the bill at any of Al Gore's charity concerts.


"Especially when we're using enough power for 10 houses just for (stage) lighting. It'd be a bit hypocritical," he told AFP in an interview before a concert in Paris.


Bass player Nick O'Malley chimes in: "And we're always jetting off on aeroplanes!"


Large parts of the band's hometown of Sheffield were flooded at the end of last month after a deluge of mid-summer rain that some blamed on global warming. Two people were killed.


But the band wonder why anyone would be interested in the opinion of rock stars on a complex scientific issue like climate change.


"Someone asked us to give a quote about what was happening in Sheffield and it's like 'who cares what we think about what's happening'?" added Helders.


"There's more important people who can have an opinion. Why does it make us have an opinion because we're in a band?"


The group, whose first record was the fastest-selling debut album in British history, will clock up thousands of air miles -- in normal airliners not private jets, they say -- during their tour to Asia and Australia in the next few months.



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I see you've joined the breitbart Flat Earth Society


Tell gocolts and Recliner Pilot I said hi

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I see you've joined the breitbart Flat Earth Society


Tell gocolts and Recliner Pilot I said hi

Because I happen to agree with this? :huh:

But the band wonder why anyone would be interested in the opinion of rock stars on a complex scientific issue like climate change.


"Someone asked us to give a quote about what was happening in Sheffield and it's like 'who cares what we think about what's happening'?" added Helders.


"There's more important people who can have an opinion. Why does it make us have an opinion because we're in a band?"

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Because I happen to agree with this? :huh:


No, because you read/post breitbart. Don't play dumb.

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sometimes it makes me like bands a little less when they try and sue the stage to express their opinions.


Pearl Jam is as guilty as anyone. I really like pearl jam, but when i pay that much money to go see them, I dont want to hear eddie talk politics, fockin play some songs assmegs.


I saw Cross canadien Ragweed a couple years back, and that band just kicked major ass. But did they need to speak their mind about the current situation in Iraq?


why do these celebrities and musicians feel like they know everything about world issues and try and convince us drones in the audience to think like they do?

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why do these celebrities and musicians feel like they know everything about world issues and try and convince us drones in the audience to think like they do?

It makes them feel like they're doing something important in between bottles of Jack/Oxy/Vicodin/H/Blow/Rehab... :huh:

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sometimes it makes me like bands a little less when they try and sue the stage to express their opinions.


Pearl Jam is as guilty as anyone. I really like pearl jam, but when i pay that much money to go see them, I dont want to hear eddie talk politics, fockin play some songs assmegs.


I saw Cross canadien Ragweed a couple years back, and that band just kicked major ass. But did they need to speak their mind about the current situation in Iraq?


why do these celebrities and musicians feel like they know everything about world issues and try and convince us drones in the audience to think like they do?


No one gives two shits about your opinion either. Does that stop you from spouting off whenever you feel like it?

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No one gives two shits about your opinion either. Does that stop you from spouting off whenever you feel like it?

nobody is paying to see me


I'm paying to hear them perform not lecture me on social issues.

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nobody is paying to see me


I'm paying to hear them perform not lecture me on social issues.

Not to mention that you aren't using your fame in an attempt to push views that are often tainted w/factually incorrect and completely one-sided logic.


At least when people try to do that here we're usually blinded by their no-talent assclownedness, rather than their superstardom.

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I agree with the statement that actors/musicians need to stop using their talent as a forum to shove their personal agenda up our asses.


Why does Eddie Vedder or Susan Sardndon think their opinion means any more than Jim the Butcher's?


Shut up and sing (or act).

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It seems to me that bands taking part in benefit concerts, for whatever cause, are there to play music, not share thier opinions. Of course, some bands preach about causes, but in the case of large benefit shows like this, the time available for each band means they play music and let the promoters do their talking.

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It seems to me that bands taking part in benefit concerts, for whatever cause, are there to play music, not share thier opinions. Of course, some bands preach about causes, but in the case of large benefit shows like this, the time available for each band means they play music and let the promoters do their talking.


But the bands are there because they believe in the cause. Sure they're in a band, but they're also for the most part just normal people with opinions and concerns just like anyone else.

Show promoters don't talk to the audience.

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