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Projection Pal

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I have a problem with the projection pal, that maybe it was already addressed. I have projections that have FirstName LastName on 2 different cells in the Raw Sheet. I've updated the top column that describes the proper listing for the FirstName and the LastName in each cell. When they are in the two cells, the Clean sheet doesn't update the name. It seems there may be a problem with the FirstName, LastName forumula that is listed on the Clean Sheet, before it gets updated to the compiler.


I've already checked and changed the name in the Raw sheet from individual cells to one cell and that works so I think it has to do with the FirstName, LastName formula. i.e. C10 = Aaron ; D10 = Rodgers ; C6 = FirstName ; D6 = LastName ; [ Doesn't work ] C10 = Aaron Rodgers ; C6 = FirstName LastName ; [Works]


Any suggestions, aside from taking cells and reformatting names? Which would be a tedious fix, just checking if there is an easier fix to the formula.



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Hi quetzal. I think the thing that is perhaps a bit confusing to understand is that, the Clean sheet will not necessarily show the data flowing from the Raw tab to Clean right away. It shows errors now, but I would wager after you hit Copy to Compiler then it will work - with no other changes.


See, not only does "Copy to Compiler" literally copy the data from the Clean tab to the Compiler, but first it adjusts the Raw tab as necessary. One of those steps involves it realizing, "hey, there is FirstName in one column, and LastName in another column", so it will then combine them into a single cell FirstName LastName for all players so the Clean tab works. It performs similar steps if the name is in "LastName, FirstName" format.


Short answer - try hitting Copy to Compiler.

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