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mo lester

The Fighter

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Really enjoyed it. Didnt realize it was a based on a true story. Christian Bale was very good.

Usually like Wahlberg, but he didnt do anything really strong in his role!

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I saw it last week and bumped this thread on it..


Yeah, I thought it was good. I watched it two days in a row I liked it so much.

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Just watched it; Bale was great and Wahlberg (who I like) was flat and uninspired. Of course, his role wasn't one where a ton could be done with it either IMO.

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Just watched it; Bale was great and Wahlberg (who I like) was flat and uninspired. Of course, his role wasn't one where a ton could be done with it either IMO.

If you have seen the real brothers doing an interview your post would get confirmed. Bale had quite a character to portray and he nailed it. Walberg had a quiet guy and there was not much more he could have done.


The actresses were great in this movie as well.

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