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Draft Buddy for odd leagues

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Hey guys,

I'm in two leagues this year, one of which drafts this evening (i know... way too early). BUT, I'm trying to make sure my draft buddy is as accurate as possible so I'm looking for some setup help.


1. The league that drafts tonight has a fairly normal setup, except the fact that points have been reduced across the board to allow for bonus points for big yardage games from all offensive positions. The league scoring anomalies looks like this:








Weird Scoring:
Sacked QB: -1
QB throws 400+: 2 points
100-199 rushing: +2
200+ rushing: +2
100-199 receiving: +2

200+ receiving: +2
Also, players get credit for ko/punt returns

Now I see the spots for yardage based bonus points, but that looks to be PER PLAY rather than the entirety of the game. Also, I see nowhere to penalize for being sacked OR to give players credit if they return punts/kicks. I know that these stats aren't really included in your projections, so is it even possible to account for this extremely odd scoring style?

2. The other league I'm in has a much more traditional scoring system, but has a slightly odd position set up. I can't seem to wrap my head around how to set my league rules for players. The positions look like this:












The QB flex spot is throwing me off. Can you give any advice on how to set the league up? Also, I see you constantly helping people by telling how to set their leagues up and it seems so simple to you guys (even getting as far as breaking it down into decimals). Is there a formula you use to calculate it properly? If so, would you mind sharing it?

Lastly, how would you guys set the "overall rankings method" for both leagues? I know you obviously recommend the recommended settings, but those don't seem like they'd fit non-traditional leagues like the two I'm playing in.

Thanks for all the hard work!

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Hey 5. Wow, draft tonight. Well, 'tis the season! Lets tackle this a league at time, starting with the first one...


There are two different yardage scoring options for each player. For QB, it is per passing yard and 300+ yard passing games, and per rushing yard and 100+ yard rushing games. For RB/WR/TE, it is per rushing or receiving yard, and 100+ rushing or receiving yard games.


We don't have a 400+ yard passing yard category. We don't have 200+ yard rushing or receiving categories. But, you can use the 100+ rushing and receiving yard categories for the 100-199 yard categories from your list.


You could use the custom scoring options for the other categories, but to do that, you need to add projections - number of games each player will top 400/200/200 pass/rush/receive yards. Given the short time until your draft, and rarity a player hits these milestones (I mean, I know it happens, but it might have once per season for a handful of players), I think I would leave it out of impacting your cheatsheets. The players most likely to hit them anyway will be the top ranked players, like Brees at QB is probably most likely to top 400 yards passing in a game.


We don't have projections for QB sacks against, which is why you don't see a scoring category for that. Same idea as above, you could use the custom scoring. Not sure how to generate reasonable projections though. Put a little more emphasis on a QB with a quick release who doesn't take a lot of sacks. Manning, Brees, Luck up. Subjectively drop down running types and more statuesque QBs. Griffin, Palmer down.


When you say credit for punt and kickoff returns, you mean just number of returns? Sorry, same boat. That is a pretty odd scoring category, one I haven't even heard of before. I have been asked about yardage before. It is usually extremely tough to project. I don't think you will get a lot of utility from having this influence your cheatsheets very much. Depends on the scoring I suppose. Tends to be regular every down players - those that are fantasy relevant - don't get a lot of action on special teams.


I think the lineup for this league is fairly standard, even if more flex options than usual. I would stick with the draft pick recommended overall ranking method. It should serve you well here.

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League 2, this is otherwise called a super-flex league, when the QB can be flexed, and these are becoming more popular.


Since every team will pretty much desire to draft two starting quarterbacks, then I would probably just go straight to setting the QB starters at 2, and O-Flex is down to just 1, checking off only RB, WR and TE as being included in the flex. This will be a very QB heavy draft at the top end given the low number of starters at RB, WR and TE.


For the 2 D-Flex spots, make sure to check off all of DL, LB and DB, although you will probably draft exclusively LB depending on the scoring.


As for overall ranking method, I would start with the recommended setting, check the results, and if you feel QB in particular is not valued enough, then switch to Median Player Drafted. Run it and check the results if you think they are better suited. You can also use the individual position adjustments to try to strike a nice balance between the two, if needed.

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Hey Mike, thanks for the quick response!

About the super flex league.. I probably should have stated that the points per yards for QBs have bee reduced to adjust for the possibility of 2 QBs. So they score +1 per 35yds, would you still up the baseline to 2?

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Probably, although look at the points for QB vs. RB/WR positions. If they are very close, then maybe ratchet the QB starters back to something like 1.7, O-Flex to 1.3.

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