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Rosh Hashanah next week

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The Jewish New Year is celebrated next week, and Yom Kippur on the 23rd.


I attended a service a couple of years ago to hear the sound of the shofar.


some info about it:


There are five different names for the Feasts of Trumpets and it is mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures 5 times of which 2 are rabbinic names. The five names are:

1. Zicharon Truah: Means “memorial of triumph” or the “shout for joy.”

This phrase is found in Leviticus 23:24 and the literal meaning is “a remembrance of blowing.” The phrase shouting for you is found in Job 38:7 where all the sons of God shout for joy. Rabbinic Judaism teaches that God created the heavens and the earth on the Feast of Trumpets so it was on this occasion that the angels shouted for joy.

2. Yom Truah: literally means a day of blowing the trumpet.

It is a biblical designation found in Numbers 29:1.

3. Rosh Hashanah: This term is a common Jewish term for this feast today.

Very few Jewish people refer to it as the Feast of Trumpets, but rather it is known as Rosh Hashanah which literally means “the head of the year.” The Jewish people call this Feast of Trumpets Rosh Hashanah, or “the head of the year” because they believe that God created the heavens and the earth on this day. Therefore, this feast has become known as the beginning of the Jewish civil year. Judaism has two calendars, a religious and civil new year. However, God only gave Israel one calendar and that is expressly stated in Exodus 12:2. The first began in the Jewish month of Nisan in February/March and the other in Tishrei in the month of August/ September. The term does appear in Ezekiel 40:1 but not in connection with the feast day.

4. Yom Hazicharon: This is a rabbinic name which means “the day of remembrance.”

It is called by that name because Jews are to remember their sins before the next holy day, the Day of Atonement. It is said that on this feast day of Rosh Hashanah that God remembers His creation and shows them mercy. It is important for Jews to remember their sins in preparation for Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.

5. Yom Hadin: This is another rabbinic name and tradition which means “the day of judgment.”

In Jewish beliefs, all Jews on this day are to pass in judgment to see if their sins will be forgiven or not.



Judaism had ten practices that went along with the rabbinic traditions in celebrating this day:

1. The Month of Elul:

a. This month processed the month of Tishrei where all three of the fall feasts appear. Elul is a month of preparation; a month to begin repenting of one’s sins; a month to be diligent to fulfill the commandments of God.

b. During this month Psalm 27 is recited. It is done twice a day, throughout the completion of the three fall feasts. The reason for this practice is because the rabbis believed that this Psalm had a direct reference to the Feast of Trumpets.

2. The Meaning of Rosh Hashanah:

In rabbinic literature the meaning of Rosh Hashanah concerns three main things: first it is the anniversary of creation; secondly, it is the day of judgment; third, it is a day of renewing of the bond between God and Israel.

a. Creation occurred on this month.

b. It is “the head of the year” for the Sabbatical Year.

c. It is “the head of the year” for the Year of Jubilee.

d. It is “the head of the year” for trees. When a new fruit tree is planted, rabbinic law forbids the eating of the fruit for the first three years of it growth. That count begins on the Feast of Trumpets.

e. It is “the head of the year” concerning the law pertaining to vegetables. On this day 10 % of all produce was to be given to the Levities.

3. The Blowing of the Shofar:

The blowing of the trumpet is the only actual command in the Hebrew Scriptures as to how this feast is to be observed, but the Bible does not give any reason for it. And where the Bible fails to give a reason, the rabbis felt a need to provide one.

a. In the blowing of the Shofar the Talmud gives 10 rabbinic reasons.

b. There are also three main purposes for Blowing the Shofar.

c. Rabbi Saadiah Gaon (882-942 CE) gives 10 reasons for the blowing of the Shofar, but only one will be mentioned because it is practiced today in rabbinic Judaism.

– to introduce the ten days of penitence that comes between the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement.

d. The Three Meanings of the Blowing of the Trumpets:

(1) First, it was a symbol of the final regathering of Israel when the Messiah comes.

(2) Second, it was a symbol of the resurrection from the dead.

(3) Third, on this day (Feast of Trumpets) three different books will be open in Heaven. One is called the Book of Righteousness. Those who were perfectly righteous would have their names inscribed in the Book of Life and they would live another year. The second book is called the Book of the Wicked or the Book of the Dead and those whose names are inscribed in this book would die during the year. Most people are neither totally righteous nor totally wicked, so there is a third book call the Book of the In Between. Those inscribed in the third book are given ten days to repent – the ten days between the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement.

(4) The Trumpet Blasts:

The Tekiah – is a long, single blast. It was straight, plain, smooth, continuous note and it is to symbolize the expression of joy and contentment.

The Shevarim – is three short blasts. A combination of three broken notes to symbolize weeping.

The Truah – Extremely short blasts which are a combination of nine staccato notes in a very quick succession of short trill. This symbolizes trepidation, sorrow and sobbing.

The Tekiah Gedolah – Means “the last trump.” This one symbolizes the hope of redemption. It is a very long, final note.

– In these one hundred blasts, the first of three categories are combined back and forth until there is a total of 99 sounds. Then comes the 100th, the Tekiah Gedolah, a very long-sustained note – as long as the trumpeter had breath to hold it, and this is known as “the last trump.” That will become very significant when the Messianic Implications of this particular festival are discussed.

(5) Scripture Reading:

(a) The Law:

– first day – Genesis 21 and Numbers 29:1-6

– second day – Genesis 22 and Numbers 29:1-6

( b )The Prophets:

– 1 Samuel 1:1-2:10 because rabbis believe Samuel was born on this day.

( c ) The Writings:

– Psalm 47 which is a praise to God recited seven times because it mentions the blowing of the ram’s horn in verse 5.

– Jeremiah 31:2-20 because it deals with Israel’s coming forgiveness and restoration.

(6) Tashlich:

The term Tashlich means “the casting forth’ and is a ceremony based on Micah 7:18-20. In verse 19 Micah predicted that God was going to cast the sins of Israel into the depth of the sea.

It has become a Jewish custom on the first day of the Feast of Trumpets in the afternoon following the service, that they go out to a body of water and symbolically empty their pockets into the water. This symbolizes God casting their sins into the depths of the sea. The following passages are also read:

– Psalm 118:5-9 – seeking refuge in God

– Psalm 33 – praise to God for past deliverances and present hope

– Isaiah 11:9 – Messianic Kingdom of Peace

– Psalm 24 – a righteous worshipper & the glorious King

Yyehi Rratzon – special prayer which means “may it be desirable.”

(7) Other Practices and Customs

(8) Legends of Rosh Hashanah:

Things that happened on this day according to legend:

(a) Creation of the world occurred on this day

( b )Creation of Adam on this day

( c ) Adam sinned on this day

(d) Cain was born with a twin sister on this day

(e) Abel was born with a twin sister on this day

(f) On this day both Cain and Abel made their offerings

(g) Cain killed Abel on this day

(h) Flood dried up on this day

(i) Abraham was born and died on this day

(j) Isaac was born and died on this day

(k) Jacob was born and died on this day

(l) Isaac was offered on this day

(m) Jacob arrived at Bethel on this day

(n) Sarah gave birth on this day

(o) Rebecca, Rachel and Hannah gave birth on this day

(p) Joseph was liberated from prison on this day

(q) Samuel was born on this day

( r ) First Temple was dedicated on this day

(s) Elisha was born on this day

(t) Sacrifices were resumed after the Temple was rebuilt

(u) There are many more.

(9) The Ten Days of Penitence:

Ten days of penitence fall between the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement. These are the ten days during which one must repent, particularly the 7 days in the middle, because the first two of these 10 days are the Feast of Trumpets and the 10th day is the Day of Atonement. So the days of penitence concern days 3 – 9 only. It is during these 7 days that one is to seek forgiveness. Special forgiveness prayers are recited in the Temple. The Sabbath that falls within these days is known as “the Sabbath of Repentance” and there is a great emphasis on repentance, especially on that Sabbath day.


4. The Usage of the Trumpet in the Hebrew Scriptures

1. Two Key Words:

a. Shofar – which literally means “a horn for blowing” and refers to the curved horn.

b. Truah – means “shout,” “a blast of war, alarm, joy.” This is the word that is used for this feast in Leviticus 23:24.



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What's with beanie and why do some Jews wear them and some don't?


For men, the primary question is whether or not to cover the head. This practice has evolved from a minhag (custom) of the very pious to an accepted norm, incumbent on all observant males. Talmudic law does not require covering the head, through there are hints there that doing so is to be regarded as a sign of reverence. But the practice became more and more widespread, until by the Middle Ages Jewish legal authorities everywhere were unanimous that sacred words (prayers, words of Torah) could not be spoken, nor sacred precincts (synagogues, houses of study, even cemeteries) entered bareheaded. Today, too, there is complete halakhic [Jewish legal] agreement on this question.

Some Men Keep their Heads Covered Always, Everywhere

Covering the head at all times is a different matter. In Europe, it was the universal custom among Orthodox Jews, except for some in Germany, to do so indoors and out. The most orthodox even did it while sleeping. In the Near East there was greater latitude in the matter, and many religious Jews only covered their heads for sacred activities. Keeping the head covered at all times has a kabbalistic [mystical] significance, leading some to cover their heads twice–a hat over a kippah (skullcap), or a tallit (prayer shawl)over a kippah–while praying.

For various historical reasons–chiefly because most Jews no longer wear a distinctly Jewish garb–the head covering has, for many, taken on the significance of a badge. Once such a view takes hold, it acquires a certain significance in the eyes of halakhah. Even practices with no inherent meaning sometimes acquire real importance from the way they are viewed in the popular mind, due to the notion of kiddush hashem (glorifying God) and hillul hashem (sacrilege). When a given act comes to be perceived by most people as one of hillul hashem, ipso facto, it is so, even though intrinsically there may be nothing wrong with it.



when you visit a jewish temple for a ceremony, they hand you a hat and ask you to wear it while you are there.

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Bless you

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