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1st time ever....

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Had a commish (who I happen to play against this week) veto trade in a PPR....

J Samuels (my team) for R Woods ... ??? 

Again PPR.... veto?  Thoughts?





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Seems like BS to me.  Completely legit trade.

To add to that though...if you are the one trading Jaylen Samuels then don't do it.  If you are getting Samuels then I can see how he vetoed it because the trade helped you...but still the commish should not have this power alone that is ridiculous.

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3 minutes ago, FantasyKing said:

Seems like BS to me.  Completely legit trade.

To add to that though...if you are the one trading Jaylen Samuels then don't do it.  If you are getting Samuels then I can see how he vetoed it because the trade helped you...but still the commish should not have this power alone that is ridiculous.

I agree with this.  Why are you even in a league that gives the Commish - or any league members - the power to veto?

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