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nuclear war - doomsday⌛

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To be clear I think we should have stronger borders.  Biden's policy sucks.

What I don't agree with is Hamas has terrorist sleeper cells and we should stay out of New York and Washington DC because those sleeper cells are going to set off a dirty bomb or some shìt.

I get it.  We can't waste this crisis, so let's scare people into supporting stronger borders.  It just feels skeevy.


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19 hours ago, JustinCharge said:

Hamas has sleeper cells in the us ready to attack if certain conditions are met some of which may be the usa striking iran or israel putting boots on the ground in gaza.  They may have nukes since the mexican border is wide open.  At any rate, it is really really likely the usa suffers a major attack in the next hours or in the next few days.  If nuclear bombs are involved it will be hard to pin on russia at first which gives the sleeper cells time to decimate or cities and infrastructure.

id get out of new york city and dc pronto.   This is ww3 folks. This is nuclear war.  

You could milk a nuclear-war prediction out of a Sunday afternoon potluck dinner at the church.


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4 hours ago, Hawkeye21 said:

I'm curious what kind of nukes these insiders would have and how they got them here.

Maybe they have DeAndre Hopkins on their fantasy team and this is all a big misunderstanding. :dunno:

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2 hours ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

The border has been open for a while now.

When was it opened, and who opened it?

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4 hours ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

What if they are already here? The border has been open for a while now. It’s nit like they planned this last week. 

Those nationwide drills in Russia to prepare for nuclear war make a lot of sense if Russia gave Hamas operatives small nukes to smuggle across the border in the past month or so

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3 minutes ago, JustinCharge said:

Those nationwide drills in Russia to prepare for nuclear war make a lot of sense if Russia gave Hamas operatives small nukes to smuggle across the border in the past month or so

Reminder- nothing JustinCharge says makes even the smallest bit of sense. 

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On 10/9/2023 at 8:49 PM, JustinCharge said:

Hamas has sleeper cells in the us ready to attack if certain conditions are met some of which may be the usa striking iran or israel putting boots on the ground in gaza.  They may have nukes since the mexican border is wide open.  At any rate, it is really really likely the usa suffers a major attack in the next hours or in the next few days.  If nuclear bombs are involved it will be hard to pin on russia at first which gives the sleeper cells time to decimate or cities and infrastructure.

id get out of new york city and dc pronto.   This is ww3 folks. This is nuclear war.  

How do you know Hamas has sleeper cells in America?  Just because?  At the BEST this is a guess.

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3 hours ago, MLCKAA said:

How do you know Hamas has sleeper cells in America?  Just because?  At the WORST this is a guess.

Im not posting the 2019 article on that again.  

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North korea announced they are halting work on a nuclear power plant. Speculation is the material will be redeployed to make more nuclear weapons. 

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How small can a nuclear weapon be that it could be smuggled into the country?  I always thought of it as being a larger bomb or device. 

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When nuclear war hits, rusty will be forced to go from mocking me to full-blown District 9 and will have to eat cat food to survive. 

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3 hours ago, Sean Mooney said:

Reminder- nothing JustinCharge says makes even the smallest bit of sense. 

Not everything he says is whack. He's not wrong when he points out that if some hostile actor were inclined to smuggle a nuclear warhead into the US, it wouldn't be very difficult. I mean, look at how much drugs get in.

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29 minutes ago, JustinCharge said:

North korea announced they are halting work on a nuclear power plant. Speculation is the material will be redeployed to make more nuclear weapons. 

Are you ever going to go away with this sh1t?  So fukking annoying
Mebbe you should start thread about how nuclear (given that word seems to be your passion) austin ekeler is going to be this week vs Dallas?  

Just a thought

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8 minutes ago, SUXBNME said:

Are you ever going to go away with this sh1t?  So fukking annoying
Mebbe you should start thread about how nuclear (given that word seems to be your passion) austin ekeler is going to be this week vs Dallas?  

Just a thought

There are more nuclear threats this week than ever.  Weve had russia run nationwide covilian nuclear war drills days ago.  And this is your response?  Really bizarre.  

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4 minutes ago, JustinCharge said:

There are more nuclear threats this week than ever.  Weve had russia run nationwide covilian nuclear war drills days ago.  And this is your response?  Really bizarre.  

Whatever, dude. 
You live your life,  I'll live mine. 
All I'm saying is that your doomsday threats here annoy me to no end.  I don't read the thread, but it does depress me when I see them bumped on occasion. 

Once again, my problem, not yours.  You obviously have an agenda and this is an open platform.

Mebbe it's time for me to take a break from this place if I get triggered this much from this. 

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1 hour ago, JustinCharge said:

Im not posting the 2019 article on that again.  

You mean the one that called out Hezbollah and not Hamas?

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1 hour ago, Voltaire said:

Not everything he says is whack. He's not wrong when he points out that if some hostile actor were inclined to smuggle a nuclear warhead into the US, it wouldn't be very difficult. I mean, look at how much drugs get in.

Well except that in order to sneak a nuke across the border they'd have to have the expertise in the area of nuclear weapons, and they'd have to shrink it to a size that makes it discrete.  This isn't just putting a ball of plutonium in a microwave and getting a nuke like some people here seem to think.

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49 minutes ago, JustinCharge said:

There are more nuclear threats this week than ever.  Weve had russia run nationwide covilian nuclear war drills days ago.  And this is your response?  Really bizarre.  

WTF is a "covilian nuclear war drill?"

Is that some kind of drill to respond to a nuke that doubles as a COVID disease superspreader?




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4 minutes ago, nobody said:

Well except that in order to sneak a nuke across the border they'd have to have the expertise in the area of nuclear weapons, and they'd have to shrink it to a size that makes it discrete.  This isn't just putting a ball of plutonium in a microwave and getting a nuke like some people here seem to think.

Haven't you seen the aerial images of thousands of people shouldering ICBMs as they wade through the Rio Grande to get here?

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7 hours ago, nobody said:

Well except that in order to sneak a nuke across the border they'd have to have the expertise in the area of nuclear weapons, and they'd have to shrink it to a size that makes it discrete.  This isn't just putting a ball of plutonium in a microwave and getting a nuke like some people here seem to think.

Long before the border crisis or these recent wars, the benefits of smuggling one in would be enormous. When it detonates, you have Iran, Russia, and China pointing their fingers at each other, whereas a missile could be traced back to its point of origin.

The first/only nuclear warhead I looked up is 250 pounds and looks like the Stanley Cup if you took the bowl off the top. It'd fit in the trunk of a sedan. There's a picture at the link. W80 (nuclear warhead) - Wikipedia

It took a roomful of Oppenheimer/Bohr/Feynman/Teller level geniuses to figure out how to build one and guys like that are hard to come by. In Iran's case any budding physicist with potential winds up getting killed, but having 2020s rather than 1940s level technology available would certainly help. No matter, acquiring a bomb presupposes the ability to detonate it, not necessarily manufacture it. And you could teach Forrest Gump how to detonate it.

You get your Ukraine war going at the same time as a Middle East Sh*thole war, and China invading Taiwan... if you were inclined to try, that the best time. Justin's not wrong about that.

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8 hours ago, nobody said:

You mean the one that called out Hezbollah and not Hamas?

Are you seriously telling me that because you wish to nitpick over names, it is impossible to have another 911 or a nuclear 911?  Gtfo troll you are a dbag

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7 hours ago, Pimpadeaux said:

Haven't you seen the aerial images of thousands of people shouldering ICBMs as they wade through the Rio Grande to get here?

Shut up troll. Your defense is our border is secure? Hahahahaha

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OP would have passed out daily from the vapors had he lived in the 60's and 70's when there was actually a nuclear threat.

Also OP is too dim to understand that world leaders live like kings and that lifestyle would be wiped out with nuclear war.  OP, would you voluntarily wipe out your king-like lifestyle?

Well OP is nuts so I guess anything is on the table.

Get some meds OP. 

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2 hours ago, JustinCharge said:

Shut up troll. Your defense is our border is secure? Hahahahaha

I never said it was impossible.  What you don't understand is that your posts are extreme.

Stay away from New York and DC.  Especially, this Friday..." Look at this article that tangentially supports my point as evidence.  

I'm simply saying the article is pointing to an entirely different group.  Not Hamas.  So far you've been wrong every step of the way, and I've been right 

There was no civil war 

We didn't get nuked in 2022

We didn't get nuked last week or last month

Dorian Thomas Robinson isn't worth the Giants 1st and 2nd round picks

McDonald's never checked people's vaccination status before providing service


Now this all doesn't mean the threat is zero.  It's just not as high as you are fear mongering about.


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19 minutes ago, JustinCharge said:

I wonder if that liberal troll nobody thinks i read any of that lol

I know you did 

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16 hours ago, JustinCharge said:

Those nationwide drills in Russia to prepare for nuclear war make a lot of sense if Russia gave Hamas operatives small nukes to smuggle across the border in the past month or so


The idea that "suitcase nukes" are still out in the wild is basically Tom Clancy level fiction at this point. Some are in the hands of some really dangerous people outside the normal high level political spectrum. However one of the benefits of being in an "elite" position on your respective culture and society is that your children and the children of other powerful people around you can go live, study and work abroad. Often in "Western" nations. 

There is only a small bracket of practical targets in the US as such, for something like a suitcase nuke. To make the "juice worth the squeeze" for some terrorist group. To get one into the country is possible. To remain "invisible" with one for the long term or even medium term, especially near a high value target, is not. Technology has advanced too far forward at this point. 

If the US wanted to create chaos in Iran, then one of the worst kept secrets in the Military Industrial Complex is DARPA has received major funding for mobile labs that can exponentially scale and do a better job of staying mostly covert. What that means is instead of hitting Iran with chemical weapons or nukes or heavy missile strikes, you just pump it full of fentanyl instead. 

If all the young people are addicts and dying, that destabilizes the entire economy and basic infrastructure. Without those, you can't function. If you can't function, you are forced to amass your resources elsewhere besides developing nukes. 

Russia would never give Hamas any nukes. That's not a reasonable assessment. Could Hamas get their hands on chemical weapons? Yes. At scale? Probably not. 

The safety valve is the various established intelligence communities. They aren't going to let some suit and tie idiot politician go completely rogue and start nuking people. 

I'm not saying nuclear holocaust and conventional nuclear war are off the table completely. But using them within the US specifically doesn't add up. The geopolitical context is too complex for that to likely happen. ( America is the world's breadbasket and too severe an attack would destabilize the world economy, thus guaranteeing widespread famine and death to even said bad faith actors in play) 

Most terrorists are parents. Assessing that they will blindly incinerate their own children is not reality. And why use a nuke? Hamas could activate 10 terrorists in 10 major US cities. With simple bolt action rifles. Look at the kind of chaos and economic blowback happened with the Beltway Sniper. Hamas could cause more long lasting terror and damage with with less than a dozen operators at about 100K in cost. Terrorist organization look for an exponential multiplier effect in their strikes. Spend 20K and cause your targets to burn off 15 billion in reaction. That kind of strategy. Nothing about suitcase nukes dovetails into that. 

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4 hours ago, JustinCharge said:

Shut up troll. Your defense is our border is secure? Hahahahaha

Have you and your inexorable fatalistic flatulence ever been to the border? 

I've been to every Texas border town and crossed over and back almost as many times as you make your baloney nuclear predictions.

Unless you take a bunch of back roads, you can't drive up from it without hitting a border checkpoint, where they search vehicles and go around them with drug-sniffing dogs. There are checkpoints on both sides of crossings in border towns.

Years ago in Big Bend National Park, you could pay a Mexican a few bucks to take you on a flat boat across the Rio Grande to a little town where could buy cheap trinkets and have a few tequila shots. Now, you have to go through a Border Patrol office and have a passport, although you could just go a mile or so downstream and walk across at Boquilla Canyon. The Mexicans often cross there and set up stands to sell fruit juice and whatnot.

Not only has the Border Patrol budget increased in recent years, state troopers are being deployed along the border to stem the tide of illegals. Wall has been built and will continue to get built.

Our borders are not "wide open," as hyperbole-loving morons like you think they are. What has surged is the number of people trying to get in, and it's next to impossible to seal off 2,000 miles of border, even with a wall that people can cut through, tunnel under and climb over. Or they can come into this country legally and just not go back.

No one thinks border security is not an issue, but MAGAturds don't seem to understand that the border is not "wide open" and that there are more security measures in place than ever before, but it's not enough to solve the issue.


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I'd argue that if you can take "a bunch of back roads" to get around border checkpoints, the border is wide open.

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16 hours ago, Voltaire said:

Not everything he says is whack. He's not wrong when he points out that if some hostile actor were inclined to smuggle a nuclear warhead into the US, it wouldn't be very difficult. I mean, look at how much drugs get in.

it's okay to not encourage crazy people.

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4 hours ago, Sean Mooney said:

it's okay to not encourage crazy people.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and we don't have that.

Don't you think that if some bad actor had smuggled a bomb into the US, right now would be the ideal time to detonate it? You got Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Palestine, and potentially China/Taiwan going on. Domestically things are a mess and coming apart. You have an unpopular feeble president dealing with impeachment, no House Speaker, and a major party nominee under political investigations, no trust in the media or government, and blue and red America deeply hating each other.

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2 hours ago, nobody said:

I'd argue that if you can take "a bunch of back roads" to get around border checkpoints, the border is wide open.

Border Patrol and state troopers also patrol the back roads, and "widen open" implies that it's completely unprotected, which it most certainly is not. Again, this is just a far-right buzz phrase to catastrophize and misrepresent the issue. I thought you were smarter than this.

I worked as a reporter in South Texas for a few years, and two Border Patrol checkpoints were part of my beat.

I spent a day at one of them writing about Border Patrol operations. There was a holding cell, and inside were a bunch of illegals who had been caught. They seemed friendly and even waved at me.

Wondering how many of these people Border Patrol agents rounded up in a year, I asked, "So how many of these people do you capture?" 

The response: 5,000.

I said, "5,000 a year?"

Agent, "No, 5,000 a week."

That was a shocking number to me, and the problem has gotten far worse. 

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8 hours ago, Blue Horseshoe said:


The idea that "suitcase nukes" are still out in the wild is basically Tom Clancy level fiction at this point. Some are in the hands of some really dangerous people outside the normal high level political spectrum. However one of the benefits of being in an "elite" position on your respective culture and society is that your children and the children of other powerful people around you can go live, study and work abroad. Often in "Western" nations. 

There is only a small bracket of practical targets in the US as such, for something like a suitcase nuke. To make the "juice worth the squeeze" for some terrorist group. To get one into the country is possible. To remain "invisible" with one for the long term or even medium term, especially near a high value target, is not. Technology has advanced too far forward at this point. 

If the US wanted to create chaos in Iran, then one of the worst kept secrets in the Military Industrial Complex is DARPA has received major funding for mobile labs that can exponentially scale and do a better job of staying mostly covert. What that means is instead of hitting Iran with chemical weapons or nukes or heavy missile strikes, you just pump it full of fentanyl instead. 

If all the young people are addicts and dying, that destabilizes the entire economy and basic infrastructure. Without those, you can't function. If you can't function, you are forced to amass your resources elsewhere besides developing nukes. 

Russia would never give Hamas any nukes. That's not a reasonable assessment. Could Hamas get their hands on chemical weapons? Yes. At scale? Probably not. 

The safety valve is the various established intelligence communities. They aren't going to let some suit and tie idiot politician go completely rogue and start nuking people. 

I'm not saying nuclear holocaust and conventional nuclear war are off the table completely. But using them within the US specifically doesn't add up. The geopolitical context is too complex for that to likely happen. ( America is the world's breadbasket and too severe an attack would destabilize the world economy, thus guaranteeing widespread famine and death to even said bad faith actors in play) 

Most terrorists are parents. Assessing that they will blindly incinerate their own children is not reality. And why use a nuke? Hamas could activate 10 terrorists in 10 major US cities. With simple bolt action rifles. Look at the kind of chaos and economic blowback happened with the Beltway Sniper. Hamas could cause more long lasting terror and damage with with less than a dozen operators at about 100K in cost. Terrorist organization look for an exponential multiplier effect in their strikes. Spend 20K and cause your targets to burn off 15 billion in reaction. That kind of strategy. Nothing about suitcase nukes dovetails into that. 

Maybe so. Justin talks nukes all the time, it doesn't have to be that like you say. It does seem to me that if something were to happen from a destabilizing hostile force, the situation is ripest right now to get the most mileage out of carrying it out for reasons I made in my last post.


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Also our "Liberals are being protected by MikeFFT" thread has been deleted. Maybe good riddance. 

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6 minutes ago, Voltaire said:

Also our "Liberals are being protected by MikeFFT" thread has been deleted. Maybe good riddance. 

That thread was ridiculous.  Anyone else would have been made fun of incessantly for making that thread, regardless of political leaning.

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