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July Mock 2024 Check in

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@Mike FF Today

Assuming there will be a July Mock this year, count me in


Checked in

Mr Landry
Ray T

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Posted (edited)

Yes, we will have one. Starting date will  be 7/22. I'll send out an email in over the weekend.

Edited by Mike FF Today
Wrong date

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I am on vacation July 20 & 21, back on the 22nd. If you start on Saturday the 20th please feel free to find a replacement for me. No problem if you do.

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23 hours ago, robb said:

I am on vacation July 20 & 21, back on the 22nd. If you start on Saturday the 20th please feel free to find a replacement for me. No problem if you do.

Ooops, I had the wrong date. :o We'll start on Monday, 7/22. 

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I am in!

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Count me in if you’ll have me

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If I recall correctly, we take a pause on the weekends. 

If that's the case, I am 100% in.

If we're drafting on the weekends, I'll have to bow out.

I've got back to back weddings on the 27th and the 3rd.

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1 hour ago, Mr. Landry said:

If I recall correctly, we take a pause on the weekends. 

If that's the case, I am 100% in.

If we're drafting on the weekends, I'll have to bow out.

I've got back to back weddings on the 27th and the 3rd.

Yep, we pause on the weekends. Mocking time is M-F 8 AM to 5 PM Central. You can make picks on the weekend if you wish, but it's not a requirement.

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I will once again be participating!


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I'm in.

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On 7/5/2024 at 3:26 PM, Mike FF Today said:

Yep, we pause on the weekends. Mocking time is M-F 8 AM to 5 PM Central. You can make picks on the weekend if you wish, but it's not a requirement.

Then count me in!

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count me in.    I have a couple days where my job may prevent me from picking, but I'll send a list in when needed.

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I'm in. I'll be out of pocket for 1 hour on the morning of the 22nd, but good otherwise. 

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we should probably look at setting the draft order.  I am going to be rather busy on the Monday/Tuesday (possibly Wednesday) so knowing where I am picking will help me to organize so I dont make you guys wait

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Just heard from The Football Guru and he is in! Looks like I need to find a replacement for shovel. Once I get that squared away, I'll set the draft order.

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OK, polecatt is going to fill in for shovelheadt this year. Now that we have our 12, I'll get the draft order posted tomorrow and we can begin on Monday!

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