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Sergeant Bri

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About Sergeant Bri

  • Rank
    FF Geek
  1. New York Strip or Tuna Sandwich Found In Couch Cushions?
  2. Sergeant Bri

    Yet another female driver

    Awesome. You gotta love the going back for seconds.
  3. Sergeant Bri

    How does one actually die from Alzheimer's / Dementia?

    They die from answering the revolver.
  4. Sergeant Bri

    Friend Question

    I think that stupid chicks dating dirtbags might actually predate facebook. Just zip it and go back to watching Real Housewives. Or get her to send some semi-nude pics. If she wants relationship advice she'll ask for it.
  5. Sergeant Bri

    Friend Question

    I think that stupid chicks dating dirtbags might actually predate facebook. Just zip it and go back to watching Real Housewives. Or get her to send some semi-nude pics. If she wants relationship advice she'll ask for it.
  6. Sergeant Bri

    Drew Barrymore or Marisa Tomei?

    She has a kind of big, Amazon build. You catch me when my rectum is ready to launch a major turdship and I just might go for the dump option. At least I'd be one of less than 1000 guys who've done that. Prolly.
  7. Sergeant Bri

    Drew Barrymore or Marisa Tomei?

    Follow-up question: Fergie (the black eyed peas one): Fock her or take a dump on her face?
  8. Sergeant Bri

    Drew Barrymore or Marisa Tomei?

    It's still Marisa.
  9. Sergeant Bri

    Child at airport crushed by falling sign

    Crap. Now the TSA prolly won't let me carry on my 18 by 32 foot megatron.
  10. Sergeant Bri

    Drobeski Question of the Day

    Not wrong at all. Their prices really are not low; they sell in order to raise as much money as possible for their charitable efforts.
  11. Sergeant Bri

    1-year-old gunned down while in stroller...

    We don't know the whole story. Maybe they thought the kid was Jewish.
  12. Sergeant Bri

    Computer Science geeks

    You're a professional word counter? There are good jobs out there for guys who shove their heads into vaginas. Use edjr as a reference.
  13. Sergeant Bri

    10-year-old shot with BB gun dies...

    I wonder if they applied Tru-Coat to the town's undercarriage as well.
  14. Sergeant Bri

    Are all Amurican boys Phags now?

    Maybe he'd had bad experiences with Asian hookers.
  15. Sergeant Bri

    1-year-old gunned down while in stroller...

    The kid was prolly a member of a criminal stroller gang trying to move in on someone else's playground. Live by the stroller, die by the stroller. : /