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  2. Ok so now you're moving the goalposts since the numbers don't reflect what you thought they did. No, list some drastic social/political/economic facts that happened the beginning of 2021 in those countries. You can't. Where's your next move to?
  3. Big government run by globalist elitist authoritarian bastards. Yeah!!! Who doesn't love rgese corrupt power-hungry greedy bastards?
  4. The Real timschochet

    🚨USAID & CIA behind 2019 Trump Impeachment🚨

    For example I read headlines like this: https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2025/02/08/nih-cuts-billions-dollars-biomedical-funding-effective-immediately/ And it’s just stupid. These are useful programs and they help everyone. Of course there’s some waste, of course there’s some corruption. But this is a mindless plan that makes things worse. And don’t bother talking to me about the debt because none of this cutting will have the slightest impact on the debt. It’s like saying “I know I owe you $50,000, but here’s 20 cents, that should help for now.” It’s ridiculous.
  5. You sound like a good bootlicker. Do you not see that the political Washington establishment has been taking this country into the toilet for the last 60 years. They robbed us blind, got us into useless wars, made the world hate us, try to rule the world by assassinating world leaders and putting in puppets, took over the messaging in the media and later Big Tech, got in bed with big Pharma and big Banks. We are drowning in debt at levels that will destroy the future of our children. We need to be fanatical. We have four years to destroy the swamp monsters and try to prevent them from ever coming back. You obviously are in denial, but the truth is out there. Continue to listen to the lying bastards on the government propaganda media channels as they all parrot the same message worshiping big government.
  6. Horseman

    What reaction will Trump get at SB 59?

    It's true most liberals are dumb, poor and vote for government handouts
  7. The Real timschochet

    🚨USAID & CIA behind 2019 Trump Impeachment🚨

    Are we talking about USAID here or American education? I wasn’t aware the two were connected.
  8. The Real timschochet

    🚨USAID & CIA behind 2019 Trump Impeachment🚨

    You don’t remove the whole thing just to remove the corruption. If there is corruption (I expect it’s grossly overstated) you find a way to remove that without harming the rest of it.
  9. Red White and Blue

    What reaction will Trump get at SB 59?

    I’d stand in respectful acknowledgement, even though Trump is an embarrassing disgrace.
  10. Engorgeous George

    What reaction will Trump get at SB 59?

    I wonder if anyone will bring in some Trump Baby balloons.
  11. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Get those Billionaire's out of here!

    I dont think there are many IF anyone who makes over 1B a year net worth is a diff story
  12. purdygood

    What reaction will Trump get at SB 59?

    Hopefully a meteor hits. F KC and PHILLY.
  13. They only want USAID approved media.
  14. Tree of Knowledge

    What reaction will Trump get at SB 59?

    YUGE ovation.
  15. weepaws

    What reaction will Trump get at SB 59?

    More petty then the trumper.
  16. weepaws

    What reaction will Trump get at SB 59?

    How many threads does the board need about this issue? again I think it’s prideful for the president to be possibly putting lives in danger, but that’s the trump . 2 Thessalonians 1:3. We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is meet, because that your Faith grows exceedingly, and the charity of every one of you all toward each other abound. Indeed Amen Thanks
  17. lickin_starfish

    What reaction will Trump get at SB 59?

    Not you, though.
  18. Hardcore troubadour

    🚨USAID & CIA behind 2019 Trump Impeachment🚨

    Tim doesn’t care that kids can’t read at an absurd level. He just wants the money to continue to flow and not hold anyone accountable.
  19. 5-Points

    Get those Billionaire's out of here!

    Income should be taxed at no higher than 10%. Capital gains no higher than 25%. The government should be able to function just fine for what we need them to do with that amount of tax revenue. ETA: And inheritance should be tax free. Taxes were already paid on that money.
  20. CaptainObvious1

    🚨USAID & CIA behind 2019 Trump Impeachment🚨

    You don't care about the corruption (stealing) compared to the good (charity). The corruption needs to be exposed and eliminated. The good programs can come back, if needed.
  21. thegeneral

    What reaction will Trump get at SB 59?

    The important thing tomorrow is how people react to President Karen!
  22. Today
  23. And you have a reasonable case for all the people you are having put to death So dumb.
  24. The Real timschochet

    🚨USAID & CIA behind 2019 Trump Impeachment🚨

    No. How did what I write lead you to this conclusion?
  25. Burt


    Actually, after rereading what I just typed, maybe I could step aside now and allow Biff to fill my spot. Maybe if yall expand next season, I could rejoin when I may have more time. Just a thought...I'm not quitting. Just a suggestion if he really wants to play.
  26. The Real timschochet

    What reaction will Trump get at SB 59?

    I detest Trump but if I was there I would not boo. I personally think that at a public gathering booing the President is disrespectful to the office. On the other hand he is a disgrace to that office so I couldn’t cheer either. I would stay silent.
  27. Burt


    I'm not trying to strongarm you guys. I dont mind you guys expanding. If that's what yall want, I dont want to get in your way. But between lining things up for my next move after Elon finishes gutting my agency (I'm a fed, and they are already digging through our databases), and high school and 12U softball ramping up (I coach both), I just dont have any additional time or energy to devote.
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