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  2. jerryskids

    McDonald's: Buy Shares On The Cheap Tomorrow

    Yeah, that's a great analogy. Trump famously loves McDs. He knocked it out of the park connecting with folks, and you hate that, so you think if you say the word dumb enough, it makes it true.
  3. Bier Meister

    What Yous Having For Dinner Tonight

    Just shut work off. Haven’t eaten yet, but still full from a large burrito from lunch
  4. Herbivore

    McDonald's: Buy Shares On The Cheap Tomorrow

    politicians talking about weiners would be weird.
  5. shorepatrol

    What Yous Having For Dinner Tonight

    And six scrambled eggs for lunch, protein shake for breakfast after workout
  6. Strike

    The state of the Presidential race: Dead Heat

    Kamalatoe's CNN Townhall did not go well.
  7. Gepetto

    The state of the Presidential race: Dead Heat

  8. MDC

    Male golfer competing for LPGA spot

    Around 70% of Americans oppose transgender people in women’s sports according to polls. If PGA is getting bullied by a vocal minority I think they’re reading the room wrong.
  9. thegeneral

    McDonald's: Buy Shares On The Cheap Tomorrow

    Correct. I said it wasn’t weird, outside of Donald is just weird in general, but that it was dumb. Let’s try this another way. Donald is said to be hung like a light switch by the Pron star he shagged. If Kamala went to a Little Smokies Sausage place and was talking about Donald’s little wand with Stormy this would be a dumb political stunt.
  10. jerryskids

    McDonald's: Buy Shares On The Cheap Tomorrow

    Well, the original thing was calling it weird. You introduced the word dumb, and other than saying it at least 10 times, you haven't really defended it. Is "dumb" the new word your DNC masters are given you? Joy! Weird! Nazi! Dumb!
  11. thegeneral

    McDonald's: Buy Shares On The Cheap Tomorrow

    I don’t think he has my vote.
  12. Strike

    Non-Binary Divisions in Sports

    Don't worry everyone. It's not widespread: https://www.news3lv.com/news/nation-world/un-study-reveals-transgender-athletes-have-won-nearly-900-medals-in-womens-competitions-united-nations-sports-lgbt-gender-identity-title-ix-athletics
  13. He wasn’t indicted (or “indicated,” lol), some randos filed a civil suit against him.
  14. Herbivore

    McDonald's: Buy Shares On The Cheap Tomorrow

    trying to get in front..ha, again, sure. Walz made the comment, it wasn't made up by the msm. I don't think anything you mentioned about Walz is weird or creepy, though I don't think I would really like to have a beer with him. I wouldn't like to have a beer or order donuts with JD. To be clear, I don't think the McDs thing was weird at all. It was a staged event, where Trump got to riff a bit, it was fine. The thing I was pointing out was cdub writing weird 3 times in 2 sentences. This is relating to a conversation, that I believe was with you, and others, where Rs have tried to co-op weird. Walz pinned weird on you guys. Everytime one of you try rubber/glue it is weak. thats the deal.
  15. seafoam1

    McDonald's: Buy Shares On The Cheap Tomorrow

    Cool. Don't vote for him. Oh, and please carry on with your whining.
  16. thegeneral

    McDonald's: Buy Shares On The Cheap Tomorrow

    You seem to be straying from the point. This McD’s was a typical, dumb stunt by this guy. Is it effective to his audience, sure, but it’s dumb which was the original thing you asked me about.
  17. Strike

    Roman Polanski set free!

    Hey @The Real timschochet, Roman Polanski could use your words of wisdom. Can you defend him like you always do after he settled ANOTHER case of raping a teenage girl? No word yet on whether she "looked" older. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/roman-polanski-avoids-trial-alleged-1973-sexual-assault-minor
  18. Today
  19. HellToupee

    Get ready for the October Surprise

    Should’ve had abortions to keep that body. It’s the DNC thing to do
  20. TimHauck

    Get ready for the October Surprise

    For a former model this Williams lady doesn’t look great. Guessing she had kids amirite?
  21. jerryskids

    McDonald's: Buy Shares On The Cheap Tomorrow

    Yeah, you get it. He's a billionaire risking assassination to sell made in China tscotchke, and to have the Secret Service stay in his hotels.
  22. MDC

    The Squistioning Happened Again

    Will you reach closure if squish lets you suck his cack?
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