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Posts posted by sketch27

  1. 13 hours ago, huskyhater75 said:

    I'm just enlightening the good folks on here that I've FORGOTTEN more about football than you will EVER LEARN. You seem to chime somehow on every post I put up-and that would tell any psychologist that you have some kind of jealousy issue with me (I'm better and smarter and you know it). I really feel sorry for lost souls like you, did you have at least one of your parents around when you were being raised? I would assume you didn't have your mommy there-you needed some coddling, and that's why you're such a bitter loser now. Hey, grow a pair and GROW UP! Do you live in Florida, and did you vote for trump? These are 2 true signs of a LOSER (proud boys are pussies), and I know who you are. Go away, you bore me with your immature/raised wrong/BS. Shame on your "mother".

    Douche bag

  2. I just don't understand the lack of targets by these guys. Can anyone shed any light on it? I'd add Boldin, but then realized he got 8 targets, just converted only 2. So much for consistency.


    Stevie is damn joke these days. Almost droppable. Anyone know what the hell is wrong with this idiot?


    I know AJ Green was banged up, but the guy is a freak ala Randy Moss. He was in up until 3rd quarter and only 2 targets? Dalton just throws it up and Green will come down with it. I'd want to get that guy about 15-20 targets a game with his ability.


    Nicks played the whole game I thought, and I'm just surprised he only got 4 looks out of 40 attempts by Eli.


    I admit I'm biased and just pissed b/c these guys are my receivers, but having a tough time understanding the lack of targets.

  3. MJD - several injury concerns? Really? You can't simply make things up to try to prove your point. MJD has been healthy all season and is off to the best start of his career...


    On the topic of this thread - I am a Tate owner and offered Hillis, McGahee and Boldin for Foster and Jennings....we'll see if the Foster owner goes for it.


    I guess if your in a league that doesn't count points for touchdowns. MJD had 5 TD's at this point in 2009. He has 1 this year.

  4. It's funny how some of these "Who should I start?" or "Little Help" questions thinly masked as discussion questions slip by the Bored Police


    Thanks Guzzler,

    Maybe if you get on your knees and deep throat the site admin he would let you play mall cop and tattle on everyone who has a questionable forum post.


    Get a life loser!

  5. I'm with you but even worse off.


    Currently my all star receiver cast for the week is:




    P. Parker



    Out of those guys I might go with Burress on the off chance he gets a td. Nelson has a tough matchup with Philly and Crabtree is just inconsistent and Tampa's corners are decent.


    Good point.

  6. I'm in a PPR League and have some difficult decisions to make at my WR3 spot.


    Nelson played well first 3 weeks and saw plenty of targets.. not sure what the hell happened last week.


    Burress is an inconsistent receiver that shows up frequently in the red zone.


    Finally, Crabtree is a talented (yards after catch) freak on a vanilla offense starting to look his way (9 targets last week).


    Anyone out there shed any more light on these guys?

  7. 12 man league. Even w my rb situation I cannot beleieve I am 0-3




    Foster/Tate/Charles/D. Thomas/Tolbert







    I may be having a brain fart but who is your quarterback "Matthews" ?

  8. I wouldn't touch him. I'd rather target someone healthy like CJ. There's too much risked involved with injured players. Especially when it's a chronic injury like a hammy pull. I still can't believe he's suiting up this week. I really hope HOU isn't retarded enough to play him if he's less than 100%. I really wonder though..


    Definitely not CJ. I have a question though.... Is there anyone who IS 100% at this point? I mean a quick scan of the injury report and I'm seeing guys I wasn't even worried about missing practice and battling injuries. (Mathews, Daniel Thomas, AP, Megatron) And if not injured now.... I'm worried about injury history and heavy workload (stafford, turner, forte, ray rice, MJD) . And then guys that are young, in prime of career with little injury history all of a sudden done for the year (Britt, Charles). I mean it's a violent game... whats a guy to do?

    A look at my top 30 preseason rankings below: Over 75% are injured or have serious injury concerns.


    Top 30

    Foster (injured)

    Peterson (concern over calf)

    Rice (healthy)

    Charles (injured)

    A. Johnson (concern over knee)

    Chris Johnson (healthy)

    McCoy (concern about injury)

    Calvin Johnson (concern over ankle)

    Roddy White (concern over thigh)

    McFadden (concern over shoulder and past injury history)

    Gore (injured a ankle)

    MJD (several injury concerns)

    Fitzerald (healthy)

    Rodgers (healthy)

    Vick (injured)

    Jennings (healthy)

    Mendenhall (healthy)

    Forte (healthy)

    Nicks (concern over knee)

    S. Jackson (injured)

    Austin (injured)

    Mike Wallace (concern over ribs)

    Hillis (sick)

    Steve Johnson (concern over injury)

    Colston (injured)

    Dez Bryant (injured)

    Gates (injured)

    Britt (injured)

  9. I am not set in stone, but I am starting Branch and Steve Johnson over him atm in one of my leagues. Kind of hoping for a NE/Buf shootout.



    I may have my toes curled over the edge of a high bridge Sunday night, but I'm going A.J. Green over him this week. the S.O.B. lost it for me last week by 1 point (even though I blame Eli). Plus, I know I'll be starting him the rest of the year and want to take A.J. for a ride this week.

  10. As a Raider fan, with all of Marcus Allen's feats, the stat line I remember most is the 33 rushes for 133 yard beat down he threw on us Christmas Eve of 1994, as a Kansas City Chief, to knock the Los Angeles Raiders out of the playoffs.


    I still remember the story of the beat writers screaming up towards Al Davis' luxury box:


    "Way to go A**hole!!!"



    I'm just surprised he hasn't been assassinated by a raiders fan

  11. Because of Romo's uncertainty this week, I have to drop Decker or Colston to add Colt McCoy, Andy Dalton or Alex Smith :unsure:


    No one seems to want to trade. Should i drop an injured Colston or Decker?


    Or just gamble with Romo on MNF and drop Decker for a QB if he doesnt do well this weeekend?


    Do you have any openings in your league for next year? damn. I'm not sure where your getting your information but it looks like 95% that he starts. Dude is a warrior and a stud. The real question is if he'll have anyone to throw the damn ball too.

  12. You guys go have your fun rubbin one out to Chandler and Dickson. I'll roll with the benz anytime over those guys. Now Fred Davis, thats a different story. I'm not expecting big things from Marcedes, but WHO else is there to through the ball too? Sure Mike Thomas, but it's much easier to find a 6'8 beast in the endzone than a 5'8 midget. I'm not high on any of these TE's, but definitely drinking the Fred Davis Kool-Aid.

  13. Okay rank the following TE's in order 1-10 for most fantasy points (PPR Scoring) scored from week 2 through week 8 (Critical time for fantasy owners to lock down a playoff spot).

    Winner will be the most accurate according to a scoring methodology that will give 5 points possible per player and will be assigned based on how close your projected rank is to actual rank. (perfect score would be 50). For example, if you ranked Evan Moore #3 or #7 and he actually ended up being the #5 best TE, you would receive 3 points for that projection. If you ranked him #4 or #6, you would receive 4 points, and if you ranked him #5 you would receive 5 points.


    1.Evan Moore

    2.Ed Dickson

    3.Fred Davis

    4.Scott Chandler

    5.Jermaine Gresham

    6.Lance Kendricks

    7.Zach Miller

    8.Ben Watson

    9.Greg Olson

    10.Anthony Fasano

  14. cbfalcon


    you are one dumb piece of sh&t. I hope someone in that league kerosene's your house and torches every possession in it that allows you to participate in fantasy football. Have fun trying to manage a league and veto legitimate trades while trying to fight off hundreds of illegal immigrants that do nothing but spend citizen tax dollars and continuously clog up the 6 computers at your local library.


    Chris Johnson and Percy Harvin are both extremely risky RB1 and WR2's to have on your team right now. You got one who thinks because they had one excellent season that he deserves to be the highest paid player in the NFL; and the other who can go from top flight receiver to bed ridden migraine patient in less than an hour. To the contrary, Roddy White and Cedric Benson are as consistent of a WR1 and RB2 you'll find the past 2 years.


    I know our country has been infected with the illness of socialism, but your rambling is like the stage III cancer of communism. Go get curb stomped, move to China and become a fantasy badminton commissioner.

  15. In my league the COMMISH was playing a team that had Gore and Denario Alexander starting with Caddy Williams and several startable WRs on the bench. With the game having playoff implications, I suggested that he put in players that are going to play and he said, "When you are commish, you can set other teams lineups, buy their groceries, and wash their car .... but until then .." Fortunately he would have won either way.


    What a focking joke. Why do people who do not know how to commish a league insist on doing it?


    Again, you need to have some kind of anti-tanking rule declared prior to the year. Commish sounds like a real douche but technically he's right in not doing anything without authorization.


    Instead you could have my commish.


    We have a league bylaws and have stuck firmly to it for 10 years, until week 3 when he makes an exception for some dumba*s who submits their waiver wire bid incorrectly. Meanwhile I had submitted my bid correctly and legally got Brandon Lloyd on my team. Instead, commish makes an exception for the team who submitted it incorrectly and subsequently puts Brandon Lloyd on his team.


    Fast forward to last sunday when I miss the playoffs by a few points only to watch the "only exception" fruitcake dance his way into the playoffs with Lloyd being his best receiver. Had Lloyd been on my team I would have been a top seed in the playoffs, now I'm watching from the sidelines with no chance to win the $1800 grand prize.

    Lets just say numerous thoughts--- both legal and illegal--- have run through my mind.

  16. Mine happened last night. I needed to win and player B to lose. I won and Player B won his game by .5 points to eliminate me. This is a bad story because his opponent was 4-8, already out, and had stopped setting a lineup. He had Welker on the bench while starting Hines Ward and Braylon Edwards and he didn't even start a defense, even though he had one on his bench.


    Half a point and the guy I needed to lose beat an opponent that didn't field a full squad. :nono: :wall:


    Your league needs an anti tanking policy in its bylaws. Terrible situation, but only thing you can really do is just not be in a league with the guy that gave up next year.
