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Everything posted by Dr.Grimm

  1. Dr.Grimm

    More zany ramblings from a lib FB frined

    Yep. My edit was too slow.
  2. Dr.Grimm

    More zany ramblings from a lib FB frined

    ETA: I looked it up. After you said that I thought I might have been wrong. Looks like we were both right. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-N_DPNve44
  3. Dr.Grimm

    More zany ramblings from a lib FB frined

    Not hardly. That was from the cable news clowns predicting recession for 4 focking years because they wanted one so bad with Bush in office. Folks started believing it and the news pundits made it happen. Just like they tried EVERYTHING possible to lose the Iraq war.
  4. Dr.Grimm

    Birthers ..... it's over.

    Come on man. You guys need to get a grip with this race BS. One thing that was different about Obama than the others was that there was video with Obama's grandmother saying she witnessed his birth in Kenya. Now, some folks learned it was a miss translation, but most never saw the retraction. We all know there are tons of people who are easily manipulated and stupid. Knowing that this video with misinformation was viral for a while, Obama STILL chose to not address this and put it to bed immediately for some focked up reason. One thing there is no doubt about. This next election will be the racist election. Racism will likely DOMINATE the 2012 election. That is the only card the libs have left.
  5. Dr.Grimm

    More zany ramblings from a lib FB frined

    Obama has attacked folks publicly for some time now about for making a profit. Hell, didn't he even say something like now is not the time for profits. It is beyond belief that you can not see the connection. Even though I love you nikki, I think it is you who is in the twilight zone.
  6. Dr.Grimm

    More zany ramblings from a lib FB frined

    I have a few facebook friends the same way. Right now I have a friend on there that b1tches constantly about public transportation. She and her husband are handicapped and they expect the government to bend over every time they need a ride. One of her children is graduating and she says she and her husband can not go because the buses don't run on Sunday. So they are blaming IU, the city government and the state government.
  7. Dr.Grimm

    More zany ramblings from a lib FB frined

    Could he have done worse??? I think not. Holy fock. Even though Bush sucked, Gore would have been a disaster of biblical proportions. Half the country would be dead if he got in. The dude never even fired a Daisey BB gun. We REALLY dodged a bullet in 2000.
  8. Dr.Grimm

    More zany ramblings from a lib FB frined

    How is this so focking hard to understand. Obama ran on how evil rich folks were. He is anti-business and didn't try to hide it. Of course folks were selling. Any smart person would. He ran on waging war against anyone making a profit for gawds sake. Sux has focking owned this thread ~80 times over.
  9. Dr.Grimm

    breaking up is hard to do

    I do have pretty low standards. I would definitely fock nikki, she is way out of my league, so the desperation factor doesn't apply to her.
  10. Dr.Grimm

    Birthers ..... it's over.

  11. Dr.Grimm

    What happened to Jerry's Liberal Student thread

    Often Wrong Soong
  12. Dr.Grimm

    4 round Actor/Actress draft anybody?

    "The Boz" is Stone Cold.
  13. Dr.Grimm

    Birthers ..... it's over.

    No doubt. He seems equally bad, if not worse than Palin. McCain absolutely sucked ass too though. Worst choice EVER. Both Obama and McCain were my last choice in each party during the primaries.
  14. Dr.Grimm

    $4.26 a gallon

    It's usually 10 cents a gallon cheaper in Kentucky. I have to go to Kentucky to buy smokes, so I try and time it to fill up when there.
  15. Dr.Grimm

    Birthers ..... it's over.

    He might run on how he gave Reid and Schumer money for their campaigns.
  16. Dr.Grimm

    GoColts/Grimm Dream Date

  17. Dr.Grimm

    breaking up is hard to do

    Very true. Plus, she gave the best blowjobs ever!!! One night, she sucked me off. However, she didn't stop after my eruption. Next thing I know, I am getting hard again and eventually, explode again. Best BJ I ever got.
  18. Dr.Grimm

    breaking up is hard to do

    I remember this contest. All except the last man standing commits suicide part.
  19. Dr.Grimm

    breaking up is hard to do

    Nope. I don't really have any friends like that. I could never use a babysitter.
  20. Dr.Grimm

    breaking up is hard to do

    Dude, seriously. Thanks for that. Your the best Me_2006.
  21. Dr.Grimm

    breaking up is hard to do

    I don't think I could change the scary stuff that bothered her. No doubt I blow at picking woman. It's kinda focked. One night, girlfriend came over to my apartment and we focked. Well, a week later, me and few dudes were getting trashed. The conversation topic soon became my girlfriend "Kristen". Well, come to find out, I got sloppy 3rds that night.
  22. Dr.Grimm

    Grammar Police needed

    Evidently, most of the free world knows about this incident with heavy-set.