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Everything posted by Dr.Grimm

  1. Dr.Grimm

    A girl has been kidnapped.

    I wouldn't go that far. Did you not see the performance her mother put on???
  2. Dr.Grimm

    A girl has been kidnapped.

    I thought the said this is not what happened the 2nd day of this story. That she was just talking to some dude in camo by the woods that just led her away, not dragged her.
  3. Dr.Grimm


    Not sure. I know I haven't had a BJ in probably 6-7 years.
  4. Dr.Grimm

    Stupid question of the day.

    Nikki's headlights are one every time she reads one of my posts.
  5. Dr.Grimm


    You have no idea.
  6. Dr.Grimm


    You don't know the half of it.
  7. Dr.Grimm


    If you didn't use your vagina like a clown car, that might not be a problem.
  8. Link Are you focking kidding me??? They should sue the knife makers too. They are down there cutting heads off like there is no tomorrow.
  9. Sounds like someone wasn't getting balanced coverage back then. I heard all kinds of reasons BEFORE we went into Iraq as to why. Many of which have been mentioned. Hell, Sodom Insane was actually paying the families of suicide bombers 25K. How in the fock can you not go after a guy who does that???
  10. Dr.Grimm

    please VOTE for me!

    So, is Addict in the top 20???
  11. Dr.Grimm

    why wont obama show his birth certificate

    Well I read a post to fast. When the 2 parents was mentioned, for some reason I was thinking about a child being born on foreign soil. We all know that if a baby is born on US soil, it is an automatic citizen, as insane as that policy is.
  12. Dr.Grimm

    How to watch sporting programs online?

    Someone asked this recently and I don't think anyone came through with a place to go.
  13. Dr.Grimm

    Saw Hobo with a Shotgun

    A bum with a photographic memory. Or is there something you left out of the story, like the Bj behind the dumpster.
  14. Dr.Grimm

    why wont obama show his birth certificate

    Doesn't apply to Obama. Hell, just look at what he is trying to do to Boeing. They are trying to survive by getting away from the crooked unions by moving to South Carolina. Not on Obama's watch. Companies can move over seas and to Mexico, but how dare they move to another state in the USA.:wall:
  15. And please don't tell my son heavy-set.
  16. My 11 year old still believes. I asked him about it and he says he has proof. His proof you ask. Well every year Santa brings him stuff my son KNOWS I can not afford to buy. This year, it was a 150 dollar Lego Star Wars AT-AT. "I know you can't afford that dad." I will prolly tell him soon. He says most of the kids says it's their parents. This year, for Easter, the Easter Bunny focked up. He bought him the same Lego set he just got a few months back.
  17. Dr.Grimm

    Creationism education bills

    The only thin this thread has proved is that there are MANY closet believers in GOD.
  18. Dr.Grimm

    breaking up is hard to do

    You gawd damn right we are. I have been LIVID reading this sh1t.
  19. Dr.Grimm

    breaking up is hard to do

    There sure is. I have put ZERO effort into it. I have a kid. He is my focus. Not real fair to a woman for me to date them. Before I had custody of him, I had him EVERY single weekend. Probably not too appealing to a woman. Now, I have him EVERY single day. He MIGHT go to his mom's house one night a month. MIGHT. Kinda hard to date and I don't think he should have to deal with my sex life, which is why I don't have one. Plus, I am poor and disabled. So you can see I don't have much, if anything, to offer a woman anyway. I learned a long time ago, I simply can not make plans. I tried a few times and without fail, everytime something always came up with my ex and her boyfriends that destroyed my plans.
  20. Dr.Grimm

    let's all admit something...

    Not so fast on the vindicatored part. Check the comments. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showuser=20936
  21. Dr.Grimm

    why wont obama show his birth certificate

    It will either be exposed or debunked by then. IMO
  22. Dr.Grimm

    why wont obama show his birth certificate

    Actually, with that book coming out and the way this is going, it will be resolved long before the election gets serious. I think you are just looking for a reason to not vote for the GOP. This should be a non issue by the time the election rolls around.
  23. Dr.Grimm

    breaking up is hard to do
