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Everything posted by Dr.Grimm

  1. Dr.Grimm

    Anyone else facebook stalk the news?

    Here is a shocker from this person. "about to go git my new tatoo"
  2. Dr.Grimm

    Lyrics Thread

    Same thing that crossed my mind reading those lyrics.
  3. Dr.Grimm

    Some Adult Humor

  4. Dr.Grimm

    Great video

  5. Hey man, I hear they are canceling All My Children. Sorry for your loss. Also, Frank M came in an owned this thread at the end.
  6. Dr.Grimm

    why wont obama show his birth certificate

    So there is a book coming out about this. Where's the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President by Corsi Jerome Hardcover This title will be released on May 17, 2011. "It's utterly devastating," reveals a source close to the publisher. "Obama may learn things he didn't even know about himself!"
  7. ADD1CT36 doesn't realize this yet, but this speaks volumes about HER choices. Not the abuse part from when she was a minor, but all the abusive people she has had in her life since. I keep picturing a Jerry Springer guest who has one bum after the next in their lives and then wonders why everyone is so mean and abusive.
  8. Dr.Grimm

    Which is the sexiest?

  9. Stop posting. Don't be so dramatic. I happen to agree with this post of yours. Problem is, it has nothing to do with what I was talking about.
  10. Sure it is okay. I was referring to introducing children to boyfriends.
  11. I was actually being a little over the top, like she was with her post. No, that is not what made her selfish.
  12. That is not what you said earlier. Not EVERYONE who was traumatized by their mom's boyfriend's went into the sex industry. More back-peddling. You needn't say anymore. It is crystal clear for all to see. Hopefully, nothing happened to your daughter due to your selfishness.
  13. Dr.Grimm

    Lyrics Thread

  14. Dr.Grimm

    Lyrics Thread

    And when you kill a man, you're a murderer Kill many, and you're a conqueror Kill them all ...
  15. Defensive much??? Look, I just asked a question. It is more than obvious from your reply that you feel guilty as hell for introducing you young daughter to all these random men. I didn't assume sh1t, that is why I asked numbskull. You KNEW all this stuff about who molesters really are, yet you still put your daughter at risk so you could have some d1ck between your legs. That says a lot about you and your character.
  16. Dr.Grimm

    Where's edjr?

  17. Dr.Grimm

    Riceman Fail or Moon Landing?

  18. I have always found "My baby's momma/daddy" a bit disgusting for some reason.
  19. Dr.Grimm

    My new favorite quote

    It is possible to store the mind with a million facts and still be entirely uneducated. Alec Bourne
  20. All kinds of risk factors go up when folks have kids out of wedlock. Early age sex, drugs, alcohol, etc...