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Posts posted by Dr.Grimm

  1. I would have LOVED to have traded up, but you have to have something to trade, to move up. :overhead:



    Seriously though, just chalk down another FAIL for the Dung Dealers, I didn't think anyone would trade with me to allow me to move up.


    :thumbsdown: Still focking clueless.

  2. Well we already knew bunny was one. Gocolts is another and he'll be in here later declaring how hot those women are. Other than that, no one else is probably brave enough to admit it.


    Hey now. The one in the blue looks hot in the pic with all 5 women in it. The others don't do much for me though, although I would still hit all of them if I had the chance.

  3. Why are there so many fakes? And why use them on senators? It's only going to feed conspiracy theroists. It's like O didn't learn anything from the birther movement. The movement may not be rational, but if you disclose everything from the git go, you don't give the movement any steam.


    EDIT: And what's with the water gun in pic #2? Is that what they were fighting back with?


    I think they just LOVE conspiracy theories.


    As far as the water gun goes, someone focked up in the staging of this.:overhead:
