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Posts posted by Dr.Grimm

  1. So when the Dow dropped 3000 points between September and October of 2008, that was because the speculators were anticipating Obama getting elected and focking up the market? It wasn't because the banking crisis had come to a head and President Bush announced that we needed a $700 billion bank bailout at the end of September to ensure that our economy and financial markets remained intact? I remember him talking about potential depressions and stuff....




    Not hardly. That was from the cable news clowns predicting recession for 4 focking years because they wanted one so bad with Bush in office. Folks started believing it and the news pundits made it happen. Just like they tried EVERYTHING possible to lose the Iraq war.

  2. So why did this because a "concern" right now, when actually having a long form birth certificate released to the public was never even a question in the past? No other president has ever been asked to release this info. Why is Obama held to a higher level of disclosure? I never saw Clinton or Bush's long-form birth certificates and they served two terms.




    I don't think that was his strategy at all. I think Obama worried that releasing the long form would encourage the right wing to come up with further and further loony conspiracy theories, demanding more and more rings for him to jump through. When in fact these people are just crackpots and deserve to be ignored.


    Come on man. You guys need to get a grip with this race BS. One thing that was different about Obama than the others was that there was video with Obama's grandmother saying she witnessed his birth in Kenya. Now, some folks learned it was a miss translation, but most never saw the retraction.


    We all know there are tons of people who are easily manipulated and stupid. Knowing that this video with misinformation was viral for a while, Obama STILL chose to not address this and put it to bed immediately for some focked up reason.


    One thing there is no doubt about. This next election will be the racist election. Racism will likely DOMINATE the 2012 election. That is the only card the libs have left.

  3. I was shocked earlier. Now I'm just in the Twilight Zone. I can't believe there are two people on earth that can not only think this, but say it out loud.


    I talked to Sux on the phone earlier and I told him I was going to map out my menstrual cycle and find a correlation to the rise and fall of the stock market. And it would have about as much relevance as what he said did.

    Obama has attacked folks publicly for some time now about for making a profit. Hell, didn't he even say something like now is not the time for profits. It is beyond belief that you can not see the connection.


    Even though I love you nikki, I think it is you who is in the twilight zone.

  4. I have a few facebook friends the same way. Right now I have a friend on there that b1tches constantly about public transportation. She and her husband are handicapped and they expect the government to bend over every time they need a ride. One of her children is graduating and she says she and her husband can not go because the buses don't run on Sunday. So they are blaming IU, the city government and the state government.

  5. McCain would have done a whole hell of a lot better, right guys?

    Could he have done worse??? I think not.


    :cheers: No doubt, McCain was my guy.


    Just to prove I'm no partisan hack, I'm also 100% that we'd be in better shape if Gore won in 2000.


    Bush-Obama: the absolute worst 12 years of Presidenting EVAH. :doh:


    Holy fock. Even though Bush sucked, Gore would have been a disaster of biblical proportions. Half the country would be dead if he got in. The dude never even fired a Daisey BB gun. We REALLY dodged a bullet in 2000.

  6. So you agree that the decline in the US Stock Market from late 2007 to early 2009 was because Barack Obama was running for POTUS?


    How is this so focking hard to understand. Obama ran on how evil rich folks were. He is anti-business and didn't try to hide it. Of course folks were selling. Any smart person would. He ran on waging war against anyone making a profit for gawds sake.


    Sux has focking owned this thread ~80 times over.

  7. I guess that means you're safe. ;)


    But really, you've gotta be the favorite just based on how low your standards are. Like that fat bikini girl from the other thread. I think you even implied that you would fock nikki in her boots thread.





    I do have pretty low standards. I would definitely fock nikki, she is way out of my league, so the desperation factor doesn't apply to her.

  8. Why can't the Governator be president if he wants to? If the will of the people want him to be why not?


    The natural-born citizen qualification continues to provide to the political system of the United States a certain level of protection against the influence of foreign nations. In addition to this safeguard, the requirement also secures the ability of the President to make decisions involving domestic and foreign policy that are in the best interests of the United States without an inherent emotional or familial attachment to another nation.


    :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

  9. What... the... fock... are you talking about? Seriously you ruin every thread you go in. I was joking around with skids. He knew it and everyone who read my post knew it except you. But you are often wrong, so it's not surprising.


    Now I feel bad because I have a lunatic following me around and is going to turn even the fun threads into a big pile of shiit.


    Often Wrong Soong

  10. Not to defend Palin, but does anyone want Biden in charge? :dunno:


    No doubt. He seems equally bad, if not worse than Palin. :wacko:



    McCain absolutely sucked ass too though. Worst choice EVER. Both Obama and McCain were my last choice in each party during the primaries.

  11. On my trips from Detroit to St. Louis, I always stopped for gas as I passed through Indiana. The prices were always a lot better than Michigan, Illinois, and Missouri. As a matter of fact, before such a long trip, I would deliberately not top off to begin if I knew I had enough gas in my tank to get to Indiana.


    It's usually 10 cents a gallon cheaper in Kentucky. I have to go to Kentucky to buy smokes, so I try and time it to fill up when there.

  12. I feel bad for The Donald, what's he going to run on now? Family values and fiscal responsibility are clearly off the table. Maybe he can do something with gay marriage. :dunno:


    He might run on how he gave Reid and Schumer money for their campaigns.

  13. Better than no sloppiness, no?

    Very true. Plus, she gave the best blowjobs ever!!! One night, she sucked me off. However, she didn't stop after my eruption. Next thing I know, I am getting hard again and eventually, explode again. Best BJ I ever got.


    you forgot to mention she is tied up in your basement !




  14. I believe goGrimm, heavy-set, eaglesinmylifetime, and I are still in the midst of a contest wherein the first person to "get laid" wins an FFT t-shirt, and the last man standing commits suicide:




    Honor system, no hoars allowed. :nono:


    So it pains me to see Dr.Grimm being injected with any sort of confidence, like this. <_<


    :lol: I remember this contest. All except the last man standing commits suicide part.

  15. Don't mention it. It can be easy to focus on the bad stuff about yourself when you have to deal with it every day, but other people never really see us the same way we see ourselves, good or bad. Plus, most of the women you'd be dating are going to be of the age that they're past that superficial bullshit anyway, I'd hope.


    By all accounts you're a great dad, you've been patient as hell with an ex wife that deserved her ass beat, you're honest and have the integrity to be on hard times and STILL refuse any handouts. Unless some broad is looking for a guy to go rockclimbing with, I don't see what the problem would be. You gotta present yourself with that mindset though. Cause if you don't like yourself, you damn sure can't expect some chick to.


    Trust me, there are some weeeeeird, ugly, deranged ###### in this world and they find someone. Surely to God a perfectly normal dude with a bad back or whatever can find plenty of females. It's not like you're a leper. Now go get that booty. :banana:



  16. You're only as disabled as you allow yourself to be. EVERYONE has several focked up things about them. We're all either crazy or rude or obnoxious or fat or poor or ugly or have funky looking naughty bits or whatever. And if you introduce yourself and say "I'm Gary, here's all the negative things about me" you're gonna get that response.


    Put your good shiit out there and don't be afraid to get shot down. It'll happen, but why worry about it? What, are you gonna embarrass yourself in front of a chick that didn't want to date you to start with? What did you lose? All you need is one yes. Shower, shave, throw on something simple and casual and go out and meet some folks. Find a few targets and get your focking swag on. I don't care if you've gotta put spinners on your chair. So what if you're disabled? Be the baddest, coolest, suavest disabled motherfucker she's ever met.


    Dude, seriously. Thanks for that. Your the best Me_2006.:cheers:

  17. Have you no friends or the ability to pay for a babysitter every once in a while? Can you change the "scary" part of your situation (or was that woman a superficial b!tch)? And perhaps it is something about the women you pick that increases their propensity to cheat…


    Jesus, if a stupid homeless drug addict Muslim can run this country, you can get a date!


    Good luck with your next prospect :cheers:


    I don't think I could change the scary stuff that bothered her. No doubt I blow at picking woman. It's kinda focked.


    One night, girlfriend came over to my apartment and we focked. Well, a week later, me and few dudes were getting trashed. The conversation topic soon became my girlfriend "Kristen". Well, come to find out, I got sloppy 3rds that night. :cry:
