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Everything posted by devin952

  1. devin952

    do you think this person is too skinny?

    I hate black people, also... I DO WHAT I WANT!
  2. devin952

    My life at this very moment.

    are you ###### kinding? these are your problems. You are the suck! Mabey you ment to post on the im rich and my petty problems got in the way of all my cash forums!
  3. devin952

    go fock yourself

    and when your done, listen to pushit by TOOL! or if you can multi-task, kill small animals at your climax!
  4. devin952

    DJ problem

  5. devin952

    Best advice to give your children

    I do WHAT I WANT!
  6. devin952

    Best advice to give your children

    really...###### REALLY.... PLEASE FOCKIN EXPLANE WHY 90% OF THE NIGGERS ARE RAPING THE WELFARE SYSTEM. (is this off topic?) oh well, i hate black people!
  7. devin952

    Best advice to give your children

    daddy stuck a hanger into mommy, now I dont have a brother no more!
  8. devin952

    Greetings from the armpit of the Midwest

    Welcome to the shithole I call home. Hope you picked up some pothole insurance!
  9. devin952

    Geek Club education level?

    If not for people like me, you would have to get your lazy ass up and drive to the pizza store. alsoimakeround20anhour
  10. devin952

    Okay, I'll admit it

    Man, I thought this thread would going to be full of pic's! http://www.webelez.com/image/britni_alyssa...mall%20tits.htm NSFW
  11. devin952

    Live watering hole in africa

    guess they have someone to pay the bill now... new link is http://www.infotecbusinesssystems.com/wild...&sh=africam need to click wildlife...afrocam
  12. devin952


    I posted a topic a while ago bout gettin into shape, after abour 2 months, Id have to say gettnhuge had the best info here, I know less cals and more exe, will do the trick, but you need energy to exe and eating rite is key, my prob is giving up the beer, and fock that, I like me some beer, but over 60 days i lost a total of 6 pds, and I think thats good, cause i droped a belt size and gain muscle mass. to say its hard work is an understatment, Its very focking hard! but start somewere and keep on keppin on!
  13. devin952

    How old were you when you first smoked the herb?

    drugs r bad.. mmmk ... http://www.woodtv.com/Global/story.asp?S=6182473
  14. devin952

    Sarah Silverman Show

    ugh, 14 posts w/ no link.... Ill man up ----> linky
  15. devin952

    Leinart is moving

    Go over to his house yellin out "FREE EGG ROLLS!" then give his girlfriend the flamin amazon while jerkin his dogs off and snowballin his chicks goat!
  16. devin952

    Coolest Dog Breed

    w/o reading any of this, I Have to say the american black lab hands down. The funny thing is I googled the american/english breeds (the am looks more like a doberman pinscher, the english, well stocky bull dog type) anyway, this is what i got.. lmao (look at 1st word) http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&saf...glish+black+lab
  17. devin952

    Glad I'm not in colorado right now...

    Come on over to Michigan http://www.woodtv.com/Global/story.asp?S=6029303 looks like im stuck inside today with no booze in the house.
  18. devin952

    fun multiplayer golf game

    http://www.albatross18.com/season2/ I just started, pretty fun game for free. Edit to add---> you can play 3,6,9 or 18 holes. ive only played a 2-some 3 hole(took about 10-15 min) if any one wants to play me, my ingame name is spillage
  19. devin952

    Gym geeks

    Heres the deal, I want to get back into shape but don't really know how. I thought id start by going to a local health food store. Well, I ask the guy about working out and what kinds of foods I should start to buy. After about 30 min, he had mind focked me and I was brain dead. He wanted me to buy all kinds of powder drink power ups, pills, god knows what eles. I thanked him and left even more confused than when I entered. So I ask you, whats a good plan to start with, exersise and food wise? Im only about 15-20 pds over weight, but id like to lose my fat I got from tv dinners and such, as well as build some muscle tone for this summer. Any advice you can give me without confusing the crap outta me would be aprecated. also I have never worked out before, so this is all new to me tia
  20. devin952

    Gym geeks

    A co-worker told me to go out and buy some free weights, is this a good idea for light weightlifting?
  21. devin952

    Gym geeks

    I heard diets are bad, as you only starve yourself and your body feeds off muscle tissue, and as for exersise, and at the risk of sounding stupid, I dunno how, theres so many gimmicks out there ( the ball, stairmaster.. butt master {lol} ect... ) I really am confusied.
  22. devin952

    Need a new PC Game

    try fable. You can go into pubs and get wasted.
  23. devin952

    Tax FACTS for you lib class warfare retreads.

    [You liberal crybabies would rather have the imperial federal govt take money away from achievers using threats, and give it to you so you don't have to work for it. You have to ###### kidding me...right? Is this really how you think??? If so, WHAT THE FOCK IS WRONG WITH YOU@! You need to take that finger of yours and shove it strait up your ass!
  24. devin952

    I just heard espn's

    Stewy scott say "lovie smith in da crowd, suportin hiz african-amacian brothers....?? I never knew them brothers were from africa. hmmm dumb nigg.... FOCK WHITEY!!!!!