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Everything posted by devin952

  1. devin952

    When you go to the movie,

    good god, bring your booze , but if you really cant afford it, download the the shitty movie and remind you kids that when you were young, all you had was a cheap ping-pong table and all of grandpa beers on top of it to play with. bunch of sallys you guys are! .. ...ohh no 10 bucks for crap to eat while we watch a crappy movie... pffftt fat america strikes agian!
  2. devin952

    Student Section

    holy crap you gay, and you don't even know it.
  3. devin952

    MP3 question

    just buy an euro-usb to an u.s american usb such as adaptor
  4. Im told they still make duct tape. Worked on my last vic..girlfriend, and may work for you too. TnP
  5. devin952

    Who remembers the African Watering hole?

    i doos, that was my post
  6. devin952

    Technosphere is back!

    my lil bug is not doing anything. if he dont eat soon he will die i fear.
  7. devin952

    What's on the grill?

    mini ravioli with mini meatballs and 24oz can of beer
  8. devin952

    What's on the grill?

    i dont have a grill, but i ate the crap out of a ham sammich w/ some chef-boy-r-dee. its pretty much what i have everyday though.
  9. devin952


    completed the game (round 50) trick is to buy super monkeys, i only had 3 and about 15 reg monkeys and 1 dart thingy. pretty easy.
  10. devin952


    ..see topic!
  11. devin952

    does any one have a

    cause im lazy, whats your problem?
  12. devin952

    does any one have a

    details below... no way in hell i can write this in time.. Major Papers Description Sheet Paper I) Descriptive or Short Fiction Piece (Either of these is a good starting point.) First Option: If you choose the descriptive piece, it may or may not be autobiographical in nature. Nonetheless, the focus here is (obviously) on description, and your writing thus must contain plenty of specific detail and dialogue. In other words, a description of the strange group of friends you attended the Dave Matthews concert with would work well here, but a recounting of the beautiful sunset you observed while walking alone on the beach in Holland most likely would not (unless you encountered a talking seagull...). Second Option: The Short Fiction Piece must take the form of a short story. (This means, of course, that you make it up.) Again, however, the emphasis here is on detail and dialogue (and both must be included). Fiction is at once exciting and scary to attempt, but it’s well worth a try, even if you’ve never created a story before. (Your final score will not reflect whether you’re a polished fiction writer, but rather your development and coherence.) Either option must contain some (an appropriate amount of) dialogue. 100 points possible. 3-4 pages finished length. Scoring base D-C-M (45-45-10). Paper II) Interpretive Piece. This piece is both literary and persuasive in nature. Through it you must explore, employing a theme of your choice, one of the texts we’ve encountered thus far. For instance, you might discuss the anti-social behaviors of Bub in Carver’s “Cathedral,” or the significance of “shoes” in Forrest Gump. Regardless of the text you choose, your task consists of this: you must attempt to persuade your reader, using appropriate textual evidence, that your interpretation is a sound one. Note: Be sure that you do not attempt simply to re-tell (this is not a summary) an entire piece, even if that piece is a poem. There just isn’t enough space in a short paper to explore more than a single theme, and the theme you are addressing—the “thesis statement”—must be clearly identified in the opening paragraph. Also, be sure to identify your text and author (or director) and to refer to your thesis statement often. 150 points possible. 3-4 pages finished length. Scoring base: D-C-M. Paper III) Research Piece. This piece should take the form of a traditional research-based paper, and include a thesis statement as the last sentence of the opening paragraph. It must include quotes and/or paraphrases from at least 5 (that’s 5) outside sources, and a Works Cited list at its closing. It will follow MLA format (see Hacker), and may either support a position on an issue or be purely informational in content. However, please be aware that your topic, whether you are taking a position on an issue
  13. devin952

    Need tips on how to get the smell of cigarette smoke

    cheapest way that works is put a box of baking soda in the car... i use this to get the pizza smell outta my car.
  14. http://www.wzzm13.com/news/news_article.aspx?storyid=76184 some of the 911 calls are classic
  15. devin952

    Define: Cute vs. Hot

    cute means you want to be a ######, hot means you all ready are! are you a wanna be ######?
  16. devin952

    Kobe to Lakers: trade me, beyotches*

    trade him to AFRICA!
  17. devin952

    My Chemical Romance

    ###### u, fock u up and down and on your face!
  18. devin952

    SMOKE em up pot heads!

    by darkies you mean niggers. Its not the pot they can't live without, its the grape koolaid there worried about!
  19. devin952

    Lemonade stands for kids?

    wow, 40 post on this, just fuckin do it and if it works, good, if not, who fockin cares!
  20. devin952

    How fockin dumb are people?

    soooooo, what did he do wrong? Did som yo ho ming kill with a ski mask? was it + 12 in making people ascared? If I were him, id sue the piss outta the school, the law and the ascared nut that freaked out. No wonder theres a shortage of health personal, everyone thinks there sick!
  21. there in groups now, my lord! what next? they may start to finger out the welfare system, we need to stop them now!
  22. mighty fine to light on fire and then toss there buring bodies into an oncoming train, just be careful not to let any black get splashed on to you, its more than a plauge, cause you have to live with it!
  23. devin952

    My wife is bragging about her minimum wage job

    you spelled shiat wrong, and your wife gets all her cash from bangin niggers in the hood! I make it so! I DO WHAT I WANT!
  24. devin952

    wall spinoff: Greatest Vacation Ever?

    me getting my c0ck sucked by 15 hotties and then blowing up random stuff at will. Dont laugh, it will happen!
  25. Fock them black biatches, fock um up and down and on da face cauce I hate those black biatches!!