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Barnaby Wilde

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Posts posted by Barnaby Wilde

  1. I am interested to know more as well. We have a rookie/restock draft coming up in a week. I have #3 and McFadden is going #1. Not sure who the guy right before me is taking. I was leaning towards Stewart, then Forte then Smith. I can't really make up my mind. :music_guitarred:

  2. I know. I just got off the phone with my friend. We're tailgating starting at 4:30. We were worried that the rain would put out the charcoal, but the Football Gods are once again smiling down on us. :doublethumbsup:

    You going to the game?



    Nah, gotta work tonight. But I'll be watching on the big screen we have there.


    Hope it stays dry for you man. Have a good time! :lol:

  3. Here are my 11 keepers:


    QB: Eli Manning, Derick Anderson, Tavarius Jackson

    RB: Jamal Lewis, Michael Turner, Brandon Jacobs, Justin Fargas

    WR: Brandon Marshall, Roddy White, Kellen Winslow, Santana Moss


    Scoring is kinda basic but a little weird, but let's just say it's standard scoring.



    Now, my last spot will either go to Bryant Johnson, Brandon Jackson, or either the Packer or Titan D. I am leaning towards Johnson due to Marshall being suspended for 3 games. Thoughts?

  4. If DA has 2 consecutive bad games Brady Quinn will be starting so fast your head will spin. I'm not a Quinn fan at all, but the Browns have invested alot of money and a #1 pick in Quinn. They will look for a way to throw him in there.



    This statemnet made me laugh. :lol:

  5. My 10 year old would be interested. He too has started to have an interest in FF.



    My son is 12 and for the past few years has shown a lot of interest in my FF activities. I've thought about getting him into a free yahoo league or similar, but it occurs to me that it would be more fun if we did a league here with our yungins. Well, not "here" as in the geek club, gawd forbid; mebbe Mike could hook us up with a bored that is more PG-13. They can learn the art of smack talking, to never bench Stephen Davis, and other valuable life lessons.


    Any interest? I'm thinking small, maybe 8 teams, so that they can stick with relatively star-studded teams.
