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Everything posted by J5

  1. 12 team standard non-PPR league. My team is: Brady/Leinart/Harrington LJ/LT/Rhodes/Addai/L. Washington Holt/Harrison/Housh/D. Jackson/Chambers/Henry I would like to get Turner as an LT owner. Do you think I should offer this trade. He wanted to give me Bruce and Turner for Housh. I was thinking of making this deal. I could also try and do Washington and Housh for Turner and Evans.
  2. I playiin a 12 team standard non-PPR league. My team is: Brady/Leinart/Harrington LJ/LT/Rhodes/Addai/L. Washinton Holt/Harrison/Housh/D. Jackson/Chambers/Henry Palmer has been a disappointment so far this season. I was trying to acquire him to team with Brady. I don't know if I need to but I think I may be able to get him for Leinart/Rhodes/Chambers. I don't start Rhodes but he is nice insurance as the Indy rbbc. Should I make this move? Do you think I need to make this move? As ridiculous as it sounds, I am looking to week 16 and Leinart plays SF while Brady gets Jacksonville and Palmer get Denver. Should I hang onto Leinart just for week 16?
  3. I play in a 12 team standard non-PPR keeper league. My team is: Brady/Leinart/Harrington LJ/LT/Rhodes/Addai/L. Washington Holt/Harrison/Housh/D. Jackson/Chambers/Henry I have been proposed a trade of Turner and Bruce for Housh. Make the move? Gives me LT's backup, but both Rams wr's. I think I may try and counter with Evans.
  4. J5

    Lee Evans' week?

    Evans really looks like he is starting to come around. I am thinking of trading Housh and L. Washigton for Turner and Evans. I have LT and I would like Turner as insurance.
  5. J5

    After the dust has settled,

    I think you did better as well.
  6. J5

    Trade advice-moving Housh?

    Should I do this for Evans and Turner?
  7. J5

    Trade help

    I think I would do this. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=243701
  8. It is an upgrade at qb and wr and a downgrade at rb the way I see it. If you are sold on Gore doing it for a whole year go for it. I would be hesitant to give up Taylor for Brown but maybe Harrington turns the Dolphins around. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=243701
  9. J5

    Trying to trade for Palmer

    I get Palmer, while would I hold off until closer to the deadline? I can't believe I am hesitant to do this but Palmer's schedule is really tough.
  10. I don't think you are giving up that much in terms of talent or your team but I think you are giving up too much for Coles. I am not sold on Coles either. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=243701
  11. J5

    Fair Tade?

    I have to think you can get more for Manning. Chambers has not lived up to his expectations. T. Jones has Benson looking over his shoulder and Rivers hasn't been able to throw the ball enough. I would not do this. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=243701
  12. I like Edwards more than Mason. I think he is more talented and has a higher ceiling. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=243701
  13. J5

    FWP and Romo for Tiki

    Wow, this is tough. I like Tiki alot but he is not getting the td's. I think Pitt needs to get back to the run to get back into this thing. I still don't think I would make this trade. I don't see the Cowboys going to Romo just yet. I would stick with Tiki. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=243701
  14. J5

    WR help. I'm going nuts trying to pick

    I will agree with everyone on Evans and Chambers but I also think Mush will have a solid game if you are really hesitant to go with either of these two. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=243701
  15. J5

    Desmond Clark or Chris Cooley at TE?

    Clark. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=243701
  16. J5

    What would you do?

    You can get more for LJ. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=243701
  17. J5

    Choose 2 0f 3 RB's!

    Westbrook and Jones. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=243701
  18. J5

    Tatum Bell or Frank Gore...

    Bell. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=243701
  19. J5

    Pick 2 out of 3

    Go with the Jets. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=243701
  20. J5

    Which kicker? Kasay or Josh Brown?

    Brown http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=243701
  21. Who is trying to or has traded for Palmer. He is currently the 17th ranked qb in my league and has what amounts to one of the hardest schedules left for a qb. Is he a good buy low candidate or with the injury, schedule, and o-line play, is this typical of how the season is going to go? I have Brady as my starter and Leinart as my backup and was considering moving Leinart/Rhodes/Chambers for him. I think this may get accepted but I don't know how I feel about Palmer for the rest of the year.
  22. I have only seen Palmer play once this year and it was the Pat's game so my view is a little jaded, but the entire team did not look that good in that game. The o-line looked really bad.
  23. J5

    4:20 help train...hop on.

    I playiin a 12 team standard non-PPR league. My team is: Brady/Leinart/Harrington LJ/LT/Rhodes/Addai/L. Washinton Holt/Harrison/Housh/D. Jackson/Chambers/Henry Palmer has been a disappointment so far this season. I was trying to acquire him to team with Brady. I don't know if I need to but I think I may be able to get him for Leinart/Rhodes/Chambers. I don't start Rhodes but he is nice insurance as the Indy rbbc. Should I make this move? Do you think I need to make this move?
  24. Do you think he is going to end up in the top 10? I agree that the upside is there but he hasn't been very reliable so far.
  25. J5

    Trade-Palmer/Evans -4- Brady/C. Johnson

    I would make this move.