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fantasy master

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Everything posted by fantasy master

  1. fantasy master

    Done with Sportsline - Best Alternative?

    Ok I'm thinking about jumping ship too. Has anyone ever had CBS before and made the switch ......... and how do the other sites compare? The blind bidding is a must for sure. Any info on other sites would be great!
  2. fantasy master

    What to do if multiple owners quit in the same year

    This is exactly why keeping that many players isn't a good idea. Keeper leagues are much more fun if you limit your keepers to players that are drafted after a certian round like say the 6th round. That way players get rewarded for making a good pick and the top players are available every year so its easy to get new owners. In your case I would adopt my suggestions and re-draft!
  3. fantasy master

    Jahvid Best

    Could he be the next big thing in Detroit? What do you expect? I'm considering swiping him up in the 3rd round. I pick 12th and usually stay away from rookies but he is tempting me.
  4. fantasy master

    Ryan Mathews

    So much hype you will have to pick him early to mid round 2 in every draft to get him. Might be worth it..........Might be bust of the year too!
  5. fantasy master

    Who's number 1?

    In my opinion I like AP over Johnson, Ive herd this off season he has really worked on his fumbling problems witch will help. Also there is no Chester Taylor to steal PT. Who would you go with?
  6. fantasy master

    Dallas Cowboys

    I love this....... The Texas State Police are cracking down on speeders heading into Dallas. For the first offense, they give you 2 Dallas Cowboy tickets. If you get stopped a second time, they make you use them. Q. What do you call 47 millionaires around a TV watching the Super Bowl A. The Dallas Cowboys Q. What do the Dallas Cowboys and Billy Graham have in common? A. They both can make 70,000 people stand up and yell "Jesus Christ". Q. How do you keep a Dallas Cowboy out of your yard A. Put up a Goal Post Q. What do you call a Dallas Cowboy with a Super Bowl ring? A. A thief. Q. What's the difference between the Dallas Cowboys and a dollar bill? A. You can still get four quarters out of a dollar bill. Q. How many Dallas Cowboys does it take to win a Super Bowl? A. Nobody remembers and we will never find out! Q. What do the Cowboys and a possums have in common? A. Both play dead at home and get killed on the road!
  7. fantasy master

    I'm bored.... Should I switch teams to root for?

    Have some spine and stick it out. I've been a pats fan since the Stanley Morgan / John Hannah early days and it worked out. If your going to jump ship make sure your jumping to the right team!!!!!!!!! PATRIOTS!!!!!!!!
  8. fantasy master

    Baltimore/Pittsburg Game

    Think this game will be close? If Baltimore wins they tie Pittsburg for the division. I still say Pittsburg runs away with this game. Any opinions?
  9. fantasy master

    Who Should Blow Up Week 15?

    Portis will go off vs Cincy and look for Mark Bulger to have a nice game against Seattle.
  10. fantasy master

    Chargers/Raiders Thursday

    I hate picking the Raiders but they are getting 10 points? Almost have to right?
  11. fantasy master

    Pats Fan Check In

    Pats and Sox have dominated the Millennium, Celtics are the best team in the NBA, and now the Bruins are at the top of the food chain. Don't be haters just keep hoping that your City puts together sports teams like we do!!
  12. fantasy master

    Patriots Fan's Daily Check In

    Few things that you all non Pats fans need to be aware of...............Cassel is 5x the QB he was the last time we faced the Dolphins.........Ben Watson was awaken last week...........The Pats backs are against the wall for the 1st time in a long time...................LOOK OUT.
  13. fantasy master

    Better Keeper Value

    I'm a Pats fan but I would go with Bowe. He's a better Red Zone Target and has just as many passes going his way. Chiefs should play from behind more next year as well.
  14. fantasy master

    AFC East - Who wins

    Patriots-40 Jets-17
  15. fantasy master

    AFC East - Who wins

    Well sorry to say but the same team that wins it year after year is going to win it again. They are the ultimate TEAM. Dolphins have a shot at the playoffs though.
  16. fantasy master

    ***Official Week 11 NFL Gambling Thread***

    You have something against the Seattle vs Arizona and St.Louis vs San Fran games?
  17. fantasy master

    Ok I'm sold

    I have to put Breaston into my starting line up. Thought at 1st it was a fluke but this guy looks like the real deal and is on an offense that passes all the time. I have him on my bench and Evans, Bowe, and Welker in my starting line up in a NON PPR league but no more!!!!! He's a starter from here on out I'm sold.
  18. fantasy master

    Pats fan checking in

    Lets start a chant...............B............G..........E.............B..........G.......... .E..............B.........G.............E!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. fantasy master

    Patriots Fan - I am sad today

    As usual the Pats keep going because they are the ultimate TEAM.
  20. fantasy master

    Patriots Fan

  21. fantasy master

    Ronnie Brown or Thomas Jones?

    When players are close like that I like to go with the better offense and that would be the Jets and Thomas Jones.
  22. fantasy master

    Pats Fan checking in

    No QB No RB's and still going to win!
  23. fantasy master

    Little Help Board

    I'm sorry but that board is useless.......What do you all think......... NON PPR league....... Team A gets Addai S.Young Jamal Lewis B gets Westbrook Colston Ray Rice
  24. fantasy master

    Trade Help please.........

    NON PPR league....... Team A gets Addai S.Young Jamal Lewis B gets Westbrook Colston Ray Rice Let me know what you think and leave your link and I'll answer yours!
  25. fantasy master

    Would you ever start 2 RB's from the same team?

    If I was a dumba$$ then I would start 2 RB's from the same team.