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Everything posted by Spinner

  1. Spinner

    Ronnie Brown

    Not taking any chances here...something's wrong with him (12 carries for -1?). Gonna' have to show me he's alright before using him again. Not a play this week.
  2. Spinner


    Nate Burleson Reggie Bush Brunell
  3. Big hindsight talk but give Vick the receivers most other teams have and he kicks-ass.
  4. Spinner

    Proof that ESPN sucks

    Paris ususally looks like a run over stick of baloney...but she looked good last nite.
  5. Spinner

    the DeAngelo Williams era begins

    OK...I'll continue to carry him..but only until this kicker I want becomes available..
  6. I've had plenty...bad-ones to fair-ones, about 30 to 1. Many times with telling me I have too many RBs or WRs. But they are mostly with no reason for me to do it..forget about the bad part..it's usually a downgrade at my postions that the guy is trying to improve. It only benefits the knuclehead.
  7. Just a bunch of dumb-ass cops who love for something like this to happen so they can get on TV, waste a bunch of time when they could be looking for real crime...old ladies running stop signs, etc.
  8. Spinner

    Hasselbeck owners!

    Jackson Engram Burleson Branch I'll take Hassel with me at running back.
  9. Spinner

    Stallworth cost me the game last week

    I think they held him out because they wouldn't need him against the 9ers. But he plays this week; potential for those WK1 big nums.
  10. Spinner

    Who's crazier?

    Who's crazier?
  11. Spinner

    Lendale White

    I'm holding on to him...don't know why...maybe because it's a long season and anything can happen.
  12. Spinner

    Reuben Droughns

    Think I'd just as soon have Reuben Stoddard...he can sing a little at least. But it could be worse..he could be named Romeo.
  13. Spinner

    Who's play will Deon Branch affect most negatively?

    So far as effects on players: Hasselbeck Alexander
  14. Spinner

    What's your take on Reggie Brown?

    Let's tap the brakes on Stallworth... and McNabb for that matter. They played HOUSTON...not the Cowboys...not the Giants..etc. If you were lucky enough to have them WK1, congratulations.
  15. Spinner

    Farve is horrible

    Put that "old foundation" on three-fourths of the other teams in the league and with their talent, he would kick-ass. Looked to me like he throws as fast as ever. The "rebuilding" is needed in all other areas.
  16. Spinner

    Portis = the reason you dont have a draft before August 26

    Oh Ye of wonderful 20/20 hindsight. Where was your amazement, wonderment and WTF BEFORE Portis' injury.
  17. Spinner

    Portis Hurt

    Can you spell it?
  18. Spinner

    troy aikman has a concussion in the booth

    8-Ball has never been accused of being the sharpest tool in the shed.
  19. Spinner

    What is Mike Bell fetching in your league ?

    My bet is that with Mike Bell, Shanny is: Trying to light a fire under Tatum and Dayne's assess Saving the two above from preseason Has uncovered the next Terrell Davis F******G with me personnally because I drafted Tatum All of the above
  20. Spinner

    No way Gates finishes #1 this year!

    Based on my prior experience of trying to analyze situations and trying to think logically (and getting burned) such as: the QB this year lost his good WRs of last year the WR this year lost his good QB of last year the RB this year lost his good OL of last year the team this year has a tougher schedule than last year the QB this year lost his good RB of last year so he'll have to throw more this year the QB this year has a great RB over last year so he'll throw less this year etc. I'd have to say you're prolly wrong.
  21. Spinner

    Atlanta WRs and Michael Vick...

    Vick will be a steal in the 9th or 10th.
  22. No wife...no kids...only lap dance expenses . When it got up to $200, I said "Hell no!". Missed it on opening day but after that, no problemo. I don't know what it's up to now..but enough is enough .
  23. Spinner

    Players you swear you'll never draft again...

    Warner, Culpepper, Horn, R Moss, Bulger, I Bruce, Shockey...bound to be others.
  24. Spinner

    Anyone considering not playing fantasy this year?

    I'm scaling way-back. Only fun I seem to have is on draft day..after that, it's aggravation..or maybe I'm just not good at it. Like my gambling, I dwell on the losses instead of savoring the wins.