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Posts posted by xenophobe

  1. I like the hot team. See Giants, 2007.


    I hear you, but my question for you is, if that's your example for your preference, I ask, did you predict the Giants to win the SB entering the playoffs a year ago? If you did, you may be the only one.


    The fact is, we redistribute the lable for who the "hot" team is from week to week. A couple weeks ago when Philly was in control of their own destiny and blew it when they lost to Washington, no one was calling them hot. Then they crushed a gutless Cowboy team who rolled over for them, and suddenly they are hot. Wasn't Indi the hot team a week ago entering the playoffs riding a 9 game winning streak? Perhaps, until they lost to SanDiego, who is, without dount, the hot team in the AFC at this point. That is...until they lose. Then its someone else.


    I hear a lot of camparisons between Philly and the Giants of a year ago. But the fact is, the only meaningful comparison won't be true until they win the SB. The truth is, at this point they have a lot in common with a couple dozen teams who sneaked into the playoffs and won a wild card game.

  2. The Giants have looked a bit listless of late, and I don't know if they can turn it back on in one week.


    That's because they hadn't had any time off since September, and had an absolutly brutal 10 game stretch to close the season. That and the fact that in all of their final four games except Carolina, they were facing desperate teams yet had little at stake themselves.


    I don't think there is any question they'll turn it on for the playoffs. They desperatly needed that bye week to recharge the batteries and have had a chance to tweak a few things schematically.


    I'm cautiously optimistic about the Gianst this week.

  3. Some people kill me. Peyton didn't choke at all. He played very well, actually. Did we watch the game, or just bash Manning because we don't like him? No running game at all, and a defense that couldn't tackle, that's why Indi lost, for those who, apparently, don't watch football.

  4. The case for Philly is far stronger. Statistically they are superior to Minn on both sides of the ball. They are coming in as the hotter team. They have the edge at QB, a top knotch coaching staff, and a veteran team with tons of playoff experience. They've played in bigger games, and have shown they are capable of winning meaningful games on the road.


    If Philly plays their A game, the Vikings have no shot. None.


    But what makes this an interesting game is the inconsistency in this Philly team, and it's not just this season. The McNabb/Reid combo have been somewhat inconsistent since reaching the SB in the 2004. They often look like one of the league's elite, but have suffered from far too many let downs in games you would expect them to win... the most recent taking place just two weeks ago.


    So I guess the question here is, which Eagle team will show up this weekend? I guess we'll see.

  5. Don't worry. After handling the Giants and Steelers this year, there is not one single team that I would say scares me to play. Not saying I think we'd beat anybody, but there certainly isn't any team in the playoffs that the Eagles can't beat for one game if they play like they did yesterday or against the Giants two weeks ago. I don't care if it's home or away.


    I just don't think they're consistant enought o keep winning road games against good teams week after week. Maybe my confidence in that will change if they win a game or two, but as of now, I can't see it happening.


    I agree. We'll see what happens.

  6. We sure do have short term memory around here. Philly needed help yesterday after blowing a huge opportunity to a sad Redskins team a week ago. The question for Philly has never been can they get up and play a big game. The question for them is, can they sustain it. The Philly hype machine was in full force a few weeks ago after stringing a few impressive wins together, including the one over NY. But I caution all those ready to jump back on the Philly bandwagon, as history seems to suggest as soon as they get a taste of success... there's usually a Washington game lurking somewhere around the corner.

  7. Philly can get up for games, and can do so even in stretches. But their problem is they can't ever sustain it. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. They beat up on a gutless Dallas team that didn't bother to show up, but they also blew a huge opportunity by losing to a sad Redskins team a week ago. So how about you start out with Minn and hold off on the SB talk?

  8. Dallas is a playoff team if they win and they are going to win. Also, if Dallas brings enough pressure for ware to get the record then philly is in deep trouble.


    If Dallas wins, then more power to them. But it seems to me the last thing they need is something else to preoccupy themselves with and keep them out of focus. How about they just go out an try and win a football game?

  9. "but in a limited sample of one season, he doesnt seem to have "it". "


    That is basically what I said. I dont put all of the losses on Rodgers - of course the defence was swiss cheese. Part of the value of a qb is making the right decisions at crunch time and winning the close games. This is where he seemed to strugge, though a handful of games is too small a sample to make a banklet judgment call.


    Teams dont go 6-10 or 13-3 based on a singe player as BMoney's simplistic view seems to point to Favre would not have made any difference to their overal record this year. GB made the right move going with Rodgers despite the lack of success this year. Whether he is the long term answer is up in the air. He appears to be similar to a Hasseback where he is fairly decent, not elite, and tends to lose when it counts. Again, based on a very small sampe ...


    No doubt. Rodgers was impressive enough to keep them right in a lot of games when the defense had let them down, but puzzlingly hardly ever good enough to win those close ones. He's young and this is an area he needs to improve on. If he does, could become a very good QB some day. But it's also not a give that this will happen.

  10. I'm not really sure the answer to this question, but if we're asking because we're looking to evaluate if GB made the right decision, there is NO QUESTION that they did. The GB running game and especially their defense was a huge let down this year, and this year was shot regardless. And Rodgers showed some very impressive skills, but also clearly needs to develop some areas of his game, so this was the right move. We're also now seeing Favre waffle on his future again, and I'm sure GB is happy to be done with that headache.

  11. We will have to wait and see xeno...... :music_guitarred:


    I can say a year ago at this exact point I was giving my guys (Giants) no chance based on 15 games of play. In fact, when they lost to Washington last year, I said the same thing about them (that they didn't want it), so you are exactly right here...we will have to wait and see. The game that turned everything around for them, as we all know, was the week 17 game with NE, and I can say it would be hard not to keep that in the back of my head as I watch this Dallas Philly game because we know what both are capable of when playing their A game.
