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Posts posted by Squintz82


    While I'd take the Nuk side 100 times out of a 100, I am curious: Is this a Dynasty league? Because Godwin has at least decent value down the road in that setting.


    No, redraft. Owner giving up Hopkins has Hilton as his WR1 and lost Ajayi. He's panicking.

  2. I'm commish of a 12 team PPR league. I will never veto a trade, and there are no reviews. We generally have a trustworthy group, and sometimes have lopsided trades. But today was one of the worst I've ever seen, and wanted to get other opinions to see if I'm overreacting.


    One owner just sent Lynch, Drake, and Chris Godwin for Deandre Hopkins.


  3. I would agree about J Jones.


    But getting ready for a ff playoff run I would trust Jones with Ryan, over Hopkins and Savage.


    Right now no question on paper Hopkins as been great a true WR1 and Jones as been underperforming.


    But the OP asked that question concerning these two players and I would trade Hopkins for Jones based of course on Watson getting hurt.

    Don't buy any of this. I stand by my point that EVERYONE is over valuing Julio based on his name. Hopkins shows zero sign of slowing down with Savage, even against terrible matchups. Case in point this past week.

  4. So far is the point.


    FF is about being ahead of what might happen.


    Savage isn't the best QB that a wr like Hopkins can have.


    And I do think that his ff points will drop.


    They have already.


    He was great in 2015 and because he was so good in 2015 he was a first round or even a second round bust in 2016.


    I would trade him for Jones based on the fact that I think his ff points will start to go down with some else at QB.


    And indeed they have already, in ppr he's act two less points per game since Watson was hurt.


    I don't think ANYONE will argue that Hopkins was better with Watson, that's not really the point. Back to the topic, it was comparing Hokins to Julio. Based on what both players have shown, with any QB or situation, people are overvaluing Julio. Hopkins has shown in the last 2 games that he's still a WR1.


    Granted, I will admit that Hopkins' schedule is brutal down the stretch.

  5. I would trade Hopkins today for him.


    I think Hopkins is not QB proof we saw that last season.


    And his last two games without Watson, he has avg 19 points per game and that's very good.


    But with Watson he was avg 21 per game.


    And the more teams adjust to their QB situation the more I see Hopkins numbers be more equal to last season going forward.


    QB proof my.


    So you're saying because he didn't have a great season in a different offense with a different QB last year, his WR1 numbers with Savage won't continue? Even though he's heavily targeted against both good and bad defenses. Let's hear some data to back that up. Sounds completely subjective since we've seen zero reason to worry about Hopkins so far.


    Let's also completely throw out 2015 with Hoyer and Mallett where he was a top 3 WR.

  6. Based on your statement that Hopkins is pretty much QB proof.


    So I ask you once again, what happen last season?


    And you respond with a question about J Jones.


    I guess that was our answer ok then.


    Jones ranked 5th in ppr in avg points scored per game last season.


    Now how about my Question?


    Thought my question was self explanatory, but I'll help. I was pointing out how last season stats are meaningless week 10 of this season. Hence, Jones being ranked 5th in PPR last season, and being nowhere near that this season. Do I need to explain how Hopkins has been QB proof this season?


    I'll ask you a question now. What does a question about last season have anything to do with this topic?

  7. People give Julio WAY too much credit for his name value. Hopkins is pretty much QB proof, and everyone is overreacting to Savage. Against a good defense, he put up WR1 numbers again. I wouldn't even put Julio in the same tier as Hopkins this season. At some point you have to consider that Julio isn't going to have that 300 yard game everyone is waiting for.

    • Like 1

  8. Collins is fools gold. He will go back to his usual 6-7 pts next week. Let everyone else scramble to pick him up. BAL offense stinks. He is stil going to split carries 50/50. Woodhead coming back. I mean if you're desperate at RB then by all means, but if you are ok ar RB be smart and pick up a guy like DeDe Westbrook, etc..

    Sorry you dropped him before Thursday night.

  9. I've seen a ton of posts discussing Cohen's value with Trubisky under center. However, I haven't seen anyone discussing his usage last week with Cunningham coming back from injury. John Fox seemed to reduce Cohen's snaps to get Cunningham involved on passing downs, which seemed a bit concerning. Does anyone think this is a trend going forward? Cohen was clearly the better player on the field, and has had good value splitting with Howard. But adding a 3rd RB into that backfield seems like a mess.

  10. We do it every season, 8 hours per pick. On average, every pick takes about 10 minutes, with the occasional owner taking a few hours (work, sleep, family, etc). Everyone usually pre-drafts a bunch of players, and it automatically picks the next available one. We typically finish in less than 2 days. We have owners on both the East and West coasts with different family situations, so it allows everyone to be "available". Everyone loves it in my league.

  11. Struggling to buy this guy at 1.11. After DJ, Bell, Zeke, McCoy, Gordon, Freeman, and Murray, there's Howard, Ajayi, Gurley, and Miller. I want to like him based on his situation and team.
