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Posts posted by Enoch

  1. I think it comes down to roster size. If you can't keep all the players in the trade or have to drop other good players then no not very good. But- not good and fair are not the same. I would not veto

  2. I am part of a new dynasty/keeper. We are looking for more owners

    Free public league on fleaflicker, look for the name "FFL"

    25 man roster:

    starting 1QB, 2RB, 2WR, 1TE, 3 flex rb/wr/te, 1 kicker, 1 team def. and a bench of 14 players

    Next years draft will be initially 3 rounds (22 keepers) which will include rookies and free agents. If a team decides to keep 21 players then they would receive a 4th round draft pick.


  3. Cincy wins - easy over SD


    SF wins- GB can't stop the run


    Phily Wins - this one is hard to call, NO knows how to put up points. But they hit the wall many times this year. and Phily just good this year


    KC wins - Both teams have been up and down. But the running game of KC will give them the win. (note: KC homer) GO CHIEFS











  4. i dont understand why stafford isnt going top 5. honestly, id be fine taking him at 1.01 if there was some demand for him at the top. i mean cmon, hes going to be throwing to calvin johnson.... thats a match made in heaven for fantasy purposes. be patient and stick him on the bench for the first year, then reap the benefits the next few years


    I like Stafford,but he is still a rookie QB. Having good WRs will help,but it will not make him NFL QB. The only WR I can think of -that did that was Randy Moss in his prime, he made an "OK " QB look good.


    Matt Leinart had two good WRs and nice #3Wrs and was high ranked QB coming out college. Calvin is great,but this is still Detroit we are talking about


    Plus you can find a good #2QB in a dynasty league, but RBs are so hard to land

  5. Day 1 was awesome, Day 2 leaves something to be desired. To have a draft so full of O-linemen and after 3 rounds to only have 1 lineman, C'mon!! I'm okay with a TE LATER in the draft. Gonzo isn't lasting forever, so we needed someone else, but why not someone who isn't always injured. Safety just wasn't a need position IMO. Charles was a good pick I think, but I was hoping to get King and Doucet (Sp?), Surtain is old and we need another starting WR, not Darling! I just think they really blew a great chance to stock up on O-linemen, corners and a stud WR.



    I am with you on this, you can find a FA #2WR & backup RBs. Good O-limemen are not so easy. Wish they would load up on O-line and see who make it in the NFL

  6. Little more info - if anyone cares


    I e-mail both the commish and the other owner right after this went down (like 5 min. or less). I made this post less than half hour after


    Got an e-mail from the commish asking if the other owner knows what happen. At this point in time, have not recieved anything thing from the other owner.


    I don't want to cause problem in the league & will take whatevery the Commish & other owner say


    Thanks for the input

  7. I had two windows open for rone for roster. Plus I was look at more than one trade offer. I didn't like this offer at all & went to clear it out. Then I look up at the computer & say "Awaiting Approval" Still not sure how it happen.


    Has anyone had somthing like this before?


    I Love RB-Adrian Peterson and will never trade him- I same owner offer me Tom Brady & Fitz ( I turn down weeks before)




    The offer was OK -Not good

    Willie Parker & Larry Fitzgerald


    AD & WR-Rice


    anyone have any good input. This makes me sick to think I could lost my best player.

  8. If owner a is trying to make a trade in hopes you don't know a player is hurt,then I say the guy is scum. But if a trade goes down & things happen then all is fair.


    Still it is up to every owner to check things over before you make a trade. Just mad that people would try to pull stuff
