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Posts posted by McPaul

  1. Free league.....stop playing all your best players but don't be completely obvious.



    I like that.


    Alright, for the rest of the year, my team is: Quinn, Welker, Avery, Ginn, Hightower, Norwood, Boss, Kaeding, Chicago


    worst I can do is finish 10-3. -shrug-

  2. so basically my initial reaction was right and I should just quit the league hey?


    and no it's not completely even but really no trade is. I still want to be professional and not stoop to his level of drama, so I wont be attacking him by posting this thread and furthering the issues .


    he's the commish, so he can basically make changes as he sees fit. the league is run online and he's got the controls.

  3. I'm in a custom league that uses voting to veto a trade. you need 6 votes in a league of 16 teams.


    After some significant discussion this past Saturday, I traded Steve Slaton for Larry Fitzgerald. They need help at RB and I need help at WR.


    this was vetoed even after 3 people including the commish told me to my face that they did not vote for veto.


    I know for a fact that at least 8 people haven't even logged into the league since I offered the trade, so I know those 3 people had to have voted against it, making them liars.


    the commish has a history of gathering people together to get his way. last week there was a trade of David Martin for Jason Witten that was accepted. when the commish saw the trade he became infuriated and gathered people to vote against it, including myself (and I think rightfully so)


    two weeks ago the commish changed the rules for playoffs in our league. playoffs origionally were only the first 4 teams. he changed them to be 8 teams and one extra week in wk 14. Well, guess what.... I'm the first place team in this league by a mile and he is in 4th place, hanging in there by a thread. in week 14, if it were a regular season game, he would have had to play me. he would have lost. (yes, obviously there's a reason why we play the games, but projections show he would have lost). Also, if he were to hang onto that 4th place spot... in the origional version of the playoffs he would have had to play the first place team, which would have been me.


    this commish has a tendancy to create his own drama, changes rules of the league as he sees fit and bullies people into ensuring he gets his way.


    am I just bitter the trade didn't go through? well, yes and no. Without fitzgerald, I would have continued to do fairly well and had a good shot at winning the league. I think the deal was fair. Slaton has a hard schedule the rest of the way and may see his looks drop somewhat, but Fitz has Breaston taking away looks. I think that the trade would have been vetoed no matter which players were involved, so I'm not really that choked by it.



    I'm not sure what would be the right way to handle this.


    at the moment, I have dropped out of the league. every position (WR & RB) that has been affected by this trade I have taken out my starters and left vacant, and I will not make any more changes for the rest of the year. I will not be joining his league next year. Confrontation will not help, as many people have confronted him regarding his tactics (these type of tactics he engages in extend far beyond the reaches of fantasy football) in the past. I would kinda like to send a message to the guy and to the league that these tactics are not acceptable.


    It's been a weird night. I'll take a break, revisit this thread tomorrow night and would be curious about your responses.



  4. what about this one?


    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


    superbowl material.
