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Posts posted by BlackPlague

  1. My league is coming down to the 2 best teams - me and another guy. I went 13-0 and he went 10-3. We're pretty even so far today. It's basically my LT, Denver D, J Walker, Romo, Westbrook............ vs his S Alexander, Shayne Graham, T.O., and Barber.


    Gotta like my chances after seeing Walker just had a 39 yarder and LT ripped off a 60 yard run. :clap:

  2. Not to interrupt this great debate...but are these guys what the Showtime series Brotherhood is based on? I've only seen a couple episodes, but it seems familiar...political brother with fairly honest goals that has to make deals with the Boston underworld to get anything done has a mobbed up brother that is a pure criminal.

  3. In the commercial, it looked like they were playing Texas Hold 'em. :cheers:


    They are. :first: It's a bit of needless pandering to the lower brain celled folk, but whatever.


    Overall, I cannot wait to see this. From everything I've read, Craig hasn't received a poor review yet. Anyone that knows anything about Bond knows that Casino Royale was Bond's first 00 assignment so it's fitting that Craig looks younger and buffer than, say, Roger Moore's tubby ass. Eva Green has gotten a bunch of good press as well. IMO, she did well in Kingdom of Heaven and she's looking smoking hot in all the trailers and previews.


    I'm just glad they are going more traditional with Bond's character finally. They finally realized that the public was getting very tired of the same old Bond crap. Ian Fleming's Bond is a single-minded, angry, no nonsense dude that would shoot you just as easily as look at you. He isn't the jovial swashbuckler that the recent movies have portrayed.

  4. I got 2 warning letters from my ISP saying that I was violating the user agreement. I had downloaded a couple HBO shows through bittorrent. HBO is tracking people that download their shows and reporting them to their ISPs...but there isn't much they can do except get a nasty letter written because the ISP doesn't want to lose the monthly $$$.

  5. Sorry to be a downer, but Grudge 2 was horrible. It made absolutely no sense whatsoever. It was like they didn't have enough of a story for a full movie so they created several smaller ones and then connected them really poorly.


    It had a few freaky moments, of course, but in comparison to the first Grudge, #2 is nowhere close.

  6. History of Violence is the most god awful piece of crap ever created. And I'm trying to be nice.


    Inside Man is well worth a rental. Denzel and Clive Owens deliver the goods.


    Only recommendation I can think of right now that never quite made it to the mainstream is Equilibrium. It stars Christian Bale, Emily Watson, and Taye Diggs. It's a sci-fi/action movie that deals with a post-WWIII society that represses emotion to prevent violence. It's not the most original storyline but the movie is exceptionally well done and well acted...and the action scenes are pretty damn cool. :o

  7. 4-0 in my $100 entry work league. :blink: Won the battle of the lone 3-0s last week.


    QB: Favre - Bledsoe/Plummer were drafted to platoon at starter but picked up Favre late because he was still there. Favre started 3/4 weeks so far and is in my lineup so far for week 5.


    RB: Been riding LT and Westbrook here - Dunn has filled in well on injury/bye. Cadillac and Lamont Jordan waiting on the bench (yes, it's an 8 team league...and obviously, a pretty weak league to boot)


    WR: Holt/Driver/D Jax/J Walker - Holt has it cranking now. Driver/DJax been solid hit and misses. Lucky to have used Walker on his big week.


    TE: Waiver wiring best matchup. Some dork dropped Crumpler and I got him so will prob stick with him.


    K: Waiver wiring best weekly matchup


    Def: Again, was waiver wiring until I picked up Atlanta last week. Prob will stick with them.

  8. I've played DOA4, but not Tekken.


    I'm not too into fighting games. I just like the "flying panties of death" in DOA4.


    Going to go get NHL 07 tomorrow.


    Gears of War and Rainbow Six Vegas, both to be released in November, both look like must-have titles.


    NHL2K7 is most excellent. I haven't put it down since I got it last week.


    R6Vegas looks incredible...and the best news I heard about the series is that the maps are more like the original game's maps - emphasis on close quarters instead of open spaces like the newer R6s. Nothing used to beat multiplayer on the original killhouse map. :pointstosky:

  9. While I hate Bush as much as you do, I really don't think the likes of Chavez and Ahmadjihad (or whatever) have any moral authority to criticize him.


    Edit : fock sign in/sign out sign in/sign out... why can I never get it straight...


    Chavez certainly does. Everything he has done in Venezuela has been to the benefit of the poor and unfortunate. Disagree with his foreign policy and anti-US rhetoric all you want but his local politics are as morally high as they come.

  10. Please please please rememeber that Oakland played the #1 rushing defense in the NFL last year. You guys panicked over just one game against the top rushing defense in the league???? I'm not saying Jordan will be a top 5 back or even top 10 for that matter.... I don't even own him.... but just one game and you guys start panicking..... :wub:


    Exactly...after San Diego & Baltimore this weekend, Oak's schedule eases up quite a bit. He'll be good for some decent games soon. Though, as a Jordan owner myself, I am benching him in favor of Brandon Jacobs this week.


    No matter what you do, it does not good to try and deal him right now. You won't get anyone of any value in return from any owner that is even halfway paying attention. Like Culpepper last year, we can only ride the storm and hope it gets better.

  11. What exactly is this thing, "sleep"? I think I have heard of it before.


    If you're in the DC area, you could come work with me right now. I'm watching the rats run back and forth across the front drive. Pretty exciting stuff. :dunno:

  12. All these rebuttals only further magnify my original point. The prisoners are BEGGING US TO RETURN!


    Do you naysayers not see an irony in that?


    All that is magnified is that our methods of interrogation/torture are not as severe as the Iraqi's.


    That doesn't make them any more justifiable or morally correct, IMO.

  13. I'd wait a couple weeks before stating 3, 4, and 7. I can see the argument for SD not trusting Rivers...3rd and 8 and they run Turner, etc, etc. But Oakland has done absolutely nothing with the ball while the SD defense is all over them. Marty has always been conservative and with a 2 score lead vs an opponent that hasn't shown any threat, he's playing safe football right now.


    Now, if this is still happening a couple weeks down the road I will completely agree with you. But right now, it's way too early to tell.

  14. I'm currently up by 1 point (live score tracking). I've got LT and he has Moss. :doublethumbsup:


    Total lack of respect paid to the Oakland offense by SD right there. 3rd and 8 and they run Michael Turner...ahaha. They are already running out the clock and it's only the 3rd quarter.

  15. Exactly who would break into your hut and make you put your TV on ABC Sunday night?


    Idiot. :dunno:


    I know reading comprehension is not your strong suit, so let me slow down for you.


    A. Michael Moore's junk...you had to CHOOSE and PAY to see.


    B. 9-11/Knot's Landing mini-series...FREELY distributed on NETWORK tv that EVERY tv receives. You still have to turn the tv on to see it, but that is much, much more accessible than Michael Moore.


    C. Everyone knows Michael Moore's movies are simply the way he shapes the world around him...anyone that watches his movies without a grain of salt is a moron. However, this mini-series is being pushed as actual historical fact when it clearly is not.


    D. Network tv should be above biased political bashing. Make 9-11 into a feature film or kick it to a cable company.
