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Everything posted by JackARoot

  1. JackARoot

    New Computer for Wife

    Can size?
  2. JackARoot

    Things broke people say

    The judge told me I have to call five attorneys and get their retainer and payment plans so I can get a public defender
  3. JackARoot

    Meat Flaps

  4. JackARoot

    Stuff that is Overrated

    Movies in 3D
  5. JackARoot

    how tacky is a bug zapper?

    Those things are really tacky, I got my tongue stuck on one once
  6. JackARoot

    Paula Deen

    She is so annoying, I haven't been able to watch her for years. I think its just an excuse to dump her.
  7. My whole family was watching that crazy MFer. They were talking about how he was wearing jeans and a T-Shirt. Wifey said she would probably want to wear something tighter-fitting. One son said he would wear sweats so he would be more comfortable. I said I would wear bell-bottoms so that when I got out over the edge I could let the contents of my pants slip out the leg
  8. JackARoot

    What Celeb Deaths Were You Affected By?

    I saw Stevie Ray Vaughn the last time he stopped in the Indy area. Great concert Sad to see him go just a few weeks later.
  9. JackARoot

    Favorite all time South Park episode

    What, no love for the Sucubus episode
  10. JackARoot

    So apparently World War Z is actually a good movie

    Well, wasn't there a main character who was going around taking interviews from each person's perspective? I was assuming Pitt's character would be the interviewer...
  11. JackARoot

    So apparently World War Z is actually a good movie

    Yeah, me too. I'm interested to see if/how they handle the chapter about the female pilot who has to bail-out over infested territory. My oldest son and I like to watch The Walking Dead together, and his birthday is Monday, so I'm thinking about taking him to see it for his birthday.
  12. I say fock it, if I'm not I'll just find out the hard way
  13. JackARoot

    Which Cereal Box Mascot....

    Willford Brimley has jaws powerful enough to crush grape nuts
  14. JackARoot

    Happy Father's Day!

    Thank you, I had a wonderful steak and BJ day
  15. JackARoot

    Favorite Top Ten Song- 1980

    Some good ones this year so I'm torn, but I went with Call Me because it still has an edge to it that I like.
  16. JackARoot

    Which Cereal Box Mascot....

    Not a cereal mascot, but I'll bet Mrs. Butterworth is one bad biotch
  17. JackARoot

    The Belmont Stakes

    I'm getting ready to the OTB - I'm thinking I'll put $33 across on Orb. Who do you like?
  18. JackARoot

    The Belmont Stakes

    Well, 3.90 wasn't bad for Show. That's why I like to bet them across.
  19. JackARoot

    The Belmont Stakes

    I just got back from the OTB. All of the tracks were sloppy, so I was trying to pick mudders and was doing reasonably well, until I hit an exacta for a little over $100. So I took it and bet Orb for $33 WPS
  20. Not exactly ... that's when you pinch it off in the middle.
  21. JackARoot

    Does KISS belong in the Rock & Roll HoF

    I mean this was a 3 foot long cone of flames
  22. JackARoot

    Does KISS belong in the Rock & Roll HoF

    Yes, I think Kiss belongs there, but really Ratsass about the RRHOF. Funny story - One of the first concerts that I went to was a Kiss concert, with their makeup. So I'm like 16 and people are getting pretty wild around me, contact buzz from all of the weed being smoked etc. You know how people would light their lighter's and cheer for an encore? Well, I look over and a guy in the next section has an aerosol can AND a lighter and is spewing a flame into the air to cheer for the encore I'm pretty sure you can't get away wit that these days.