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Everything posted by JackARoot

  1. JackARoot

    Do You Fart In Front Of Your Significant Other?

    Only if her mouth is open at the time.
  2. JackARoot

    Pawn Stars

    Do they pay the experts to come down and give an opinion?
  3. JackARoot

    Pawn Stars

    Thanks for repeating what someone else said and not answering my question
  4. JackARoot

    Pawn Stars

    Yeah, I saw an interview with Rick that said they don't pay the experts. But what incentive do they have to spend the time to come down and render an opinion? (like at a pawn shop that isn't on TV) Do they give them first crack at buying the item? Do they pay them for their time at other pawn shops?
  5. JackARoot

    Job dilemma -- Update with job post 74

    Sue the sh!t out of em
  6. We had radio baby monitors for the twins (not internet based) and there were a few times that our receiver picked up stuff from a neighbor. One time the Dad was ranting and sounded close to violence but didn't cross the line.
  7. JackARoot

    Breaking Bad: The final episodes

    I think Skylar's motivation is greed, so she seems hypocritical when she comes down on Walt. Walt is hooked on the power, he's felt powerless all of his life, so he's a more sympathetic character.
  8. JackARoot

    best concert you never went too

    Also, went to Pink Floyd at the Hoosier Dome for their Learning to Fly tour, had to go to the restroom during the concert, and some doosh on acid jumped from the top level into our section, landed on top of some lady severely injuring her, and I could get back to my seat for the rest of the concert due to the emergency crew.
  9. JackARoot

    best concert you never went too

    I remember being a HS freshman and being jealous of all of the upperclassmen talking about The Who concert they were going to/went to, how great it was, etc. I think it was the "farewell" tour after the release of "It's Hard".
  10. JackARoot

    Hey man! whats your medical problem?!

    Me too, went from perfect vision to can't see sh!t close-up. Also, the seasonal allergies are kicking my ass right now.
  11. JackARoot

    Breaking Bad: The final episodes

    Who knew? BTW, I'm severely allergic to pseudoephedrine and its derivatives, so I'm pretty sure one hit of the blue would kill me.
  12. JackARoot

    Breaking Bad: The final episodes

    I think this is foreshadowing. There's no way the evil that Walt is doing doesn't come back to bite his family where it will hurt most. I predict Junior gets hooked and or o.d's on the blue. Also, I think the ricin is for Walt - Live Free or Die.
  13. JackARoot


    I loved the Chickenheart bit when I was a kid
  14. JackARoot

    Smilax. #1 bodybuildring supplement in the world.

  15. Valuable lesson learned here ...
  16. Sounds like this judge just thought he could push these people around and nobody would know about it. Likely there will be some disciplinary action taken against him now that it is in the national spotlight.
  17. JackARoot

    Spousal pet-peeves

    Let's hear em' I'll start with one: "Lid impaired" She can't thread a lid onto a container to save her life. Like peanut butter, jelly, milk, juice bottle, etc. Before we were married she got pissed because I dropped a full bottle of Welches Grape Juice when I was getting it out of the fridge, it hit the floor, went all over a wall which whe had to paint to get rid of the stain. Now that we've been married for a while I realize that I dropped it because the lid wasn't threaded properly, so when I grabbed the top the lid came loose. Whatcha got?
  18. JackARoot

    Spousal pet-peeves

    You probably know alot more about cars than me, but it seems to me that turning it way up just makes it blow more cold air until the engine warms-up
  19. JackARoot

    Spousal pet-peeves

    Appoints herself as the family drill-sergeant on Sunday morning. Fine if you want to boss the kids around, but you aint the boss of me little missy
  20. JackARoot


  21. JackARoot

    What are your favorite books?

    I'm currently reading Neptune's Brood and just finished Saturn's Children by Charles Stross - nice tribute to Heinlien's Friday. Also, his Laundry File series is pretty good.
  22. JackARoot

    I turn 40 tomorrow

    Seriously, my eyes started to go bad around 40, I'm 45 now and am helpless without my readers.