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Posts posted by Longhorndd

  1. Sorry for the MIA, I coach one of my boys baseball teams and our second baseman broke his femor and dislocated his leg at the hip after colliding with the first baseman on a play. I spent most of Sunday at the hospital with his parents. They had to insert a rod and pins in the leg.


    Poor boy has to wear a body cast for 6 weeks and no athletic activity for 6 months.

  2. longhorndd


    dland1957@yahoo.com requested that 1 roll of 4 1000-sided dice be rolled.


    Roll them bones ... your dice are


    Roll 1: 878, 230, 364, 999 = 2471.



    Mail was sent to you at dland1957@yahoo.com and to whoisjgalt@usa.net. (Mail addresses have not been confirmed.)
