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He Like Me

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Everything posted by He Like Me

  1. He Like Me

    I am deeply embarassed and ashamed...

    I'll take the Black Widow and her opponent here. Very nice! I guess you wouldn't consider a pool player an athlete, but they still look pretty darn good!
  2. He Like Me

    "Coolest" rapper of the 80's?

    Chuck D........and it's not even close!
  3. He Like Me

    Kurt Cobain

    Musical genius. He made a few good albums, killed himself and now he's a legend. Kind of like James Dean only having 3 films, and you still here about the man. That men, is genius! ...........well except for the fact that he's dead, but that didn't seem to bother him much now did it.
  4. He Like Me

    A small tribute to Harvey Korman...

    Harvey Korman Sydney Pollack Who's number 3?
  5. He Like Me

    Courtesy Flush

    Courtesy flush = work comode water potentially sprayed on my a$$. I'll pass. Plus I don't mind the smell of my own crap, fock everyone else!
  6. He Like Me

    The purr thing women do

    Does that turn anyone on? Seriously!? That's about a big a turn on to me as a stripper smacking her own a$$.
  7. He Like Me

    Let's play Marry, Fock, Kill - George

    This thread might have been a little cooler had we used the name Jessica.
  8. He Like Me

    Obama sticks his foor in his mouth......again.

    But seriously, so what's the score on speaking gafs? Something like GW 2000+ and maybe Obama 10 - 20? I don't think he could live 5 liftetimes and come close to that idiot.
  9. He Like Me

    Obama sticks his foor in his mouth......again.

    Go tell someone that cares! Should he be elected I heard we were changing the traditional Thanksgiving turkey dinner to fried chicken this year! That's what my good friend Fuzzy told me anyway.
  10. Try asking the nurse for some chapstick, she has like a ton of them in her drawer.
  11. I was going to say that one!
  12. He Like Me

    What clubs do you carry in your bag

    Not sure about clubs in my bag, but I know I carry two balls in my sack!
  13. He Like Me

    LetDaBigDog.....your plan didn't work...

    Is Car X the one that doesn't "haggle" because their prices are apparently so low anyway? Most places work with you, so other than it being that place, I don't get it. I bought my car last year at a very good price and even got them to take another 800 or so hundred off of it. Oops, missed that first sentence, guess that's the reason!
  14. He Like Me

    Chicks with tatoos on their

    Whatever, you know you'd be all over THIS
  15. He Like Me

    Chicks with tatoos on their

    At times, can be kind of sexy if you ask me. Are you all homos possibly?
  16. He Like Me

    TNG did something today for the first time EVAH...

    Blue the mailman for his early Memorial Day present?
  17. He Like Me

    Hey Obamaniacs !

    Fock Bayh! He's all up Hillary's a$$! I wouldnt' want him on the Obama ticket. I had really close views with Biden when he was running, so I'd go with him on that list.
  18. He Like Me

    Porsche Pictures

    Can I have it when you're done?
  19. He Like Me

    Beer, Liquor, Shot, Wine and a snack!

    Miller Lite Pappy Van Winkle Pappy Van Winkle no fav Wings
  20. Does anyone really put the actual price paid on the title?
  21. He Like Me

    Buying a vehicle from a single owner

    Mine's a '68 of classic variety, but as far as they know it could be a rust bucket. When I went to check it out on blue book, it didn't even go back that far on the year.
  22. A car that jumps ramps really well, a compound bow, and some exploding arrows. I'm pretty sure that's all you need.
  23. He Like Me

    Buying a vehicle from a single owner

    Of course!
  24. He Like Me

    State Songs

    Anyone check out the Preakness as they sang the Maryland state song? WTF? It's sang to Oh Christmas Tree (ok actually Oh Tenenbaum). Pretty sad I thought. Where's the originality? It's just your state song?! Why not make up some words and put it to Twinkle Twinkle!
  25. He Like Me

    It was the best of times and the worst of times.

    Spoken like a true woman! Would this statement be categorized as one of selfishness or craziness? Combo?