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He Like Me

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Posts posted by He Like Me

  1. There are two keys to sleeping as a new dad:


    1. Breastfeeding: it is better for the baby, mom gets to bond, yada yada yada. And, you can't do it. I think. <_<

    2. Bassinet (sp?) next to bed. Mom reaches over to grab hungry baby in the middle of the night for feeding.


    Walla... you don't have to get up.





    The other 2 B's of Beer and Bourbon seemed to work ok for me. :thumbsup:

  2. Tramp Stamps or maybe a small one on the butt cheak or ankle are VERY sexy.

    If you have a tatt on your breasts, I'll never want to see your t1ts ever again. I think it's hideous.

    I think sleeves are disgusting as well.


    Agree on the sleeves, and the tramp stamps can be sexy, but everytime I see a chick with an ankle tatoo, she's fat and/or ugly. :music_guitarred:

  3. I didn't care for her in your face shtick, nor her constant hammering of Obama. She comes from a po-dunk state that barely has the population of several of our cities, yet she's qualified to be a heart beat away to the presidency. If that's the case, maybe Jesse the Body should have been considered. I like how she seemed to pull away from McClain on his face kiss. Oh, and that voice would drive me freaking insane if had to listen to it for 4 years. :shocking: :thumbsdown:


    I'll give her one thing however, she seemed to energize the crowd that a night before seemed to be filmed live from a retirement community. :lol:

  4. I have never been a member of that place.

    I have never applied to be a member of that place.

    I just know a lot of stuff, mostly useless, that happens around this site because of a pretty good memory.


    You two need a room, reminds me of Airplane. :o


    Male announcer: The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in a red zone.

    Female announcer: The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in a red zone.

    Male announcer: The red zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in a white zone.

    Female announcer: No, the white zone is for loading. Now, there is no stopping in a RED zone.

    Male announcer: The red zone has always been for loading.

    Female announcer: Don't you tell me which zone is for loading, and which zone is for unloading.

    Male announcer: Look Betty, don't start up with your white zone ###### again. There's just no stopping in a white zone.

    Female announcer: Oh really, Vernon? Why pretend, we both know perfectly well what this is about. You want me to have an abortion.

    Male announcer: It's really the only sensible thing to do, if its done safely. Therapeutically there's no danger involved.

  5. One freaking conservative poll shows McCain ahead and this site starts crapping their pants.

    I think some of you only get your political news from this Geek Club. And many of the neo-conservative posts are coming from ONE IP address. :lol:

    The consensus polls show Obama ahead by 4-5 points.


    Now listen up. McCain nor any other Republican is winning this election. No whay!

    Are you kidding me? After these last 8 years. Bozo the Clown could win this election running as a Democrat in 08.


    To start with the Hillary people are mad that she didn't get the nod to run and they are not participating in these polls out of spite. THAT'S why it looks closer than it obviously is. But once the lovey-dovey starts at the Democrat convention next week and the Hillary people feel included, then they'll start participating in the polls.

    After that convention the polls will start reflecting the true pulse of the nation. No way a Republican wins in 08. You'd have to be mad to even consider it.


    Now wake up people. I mean it. Quit looking so stupid.


    I never got nervous by that poll. He'll take it in November, no problems. :doh:

  6. Yes. You are missing something. You're missing the fact that this isn't the football board.


    You're welcome.


    What's funny is you do that over there, simply posting a football question in the wrong forum, they go ape sh!t! :huh:
