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Everything posted by Xeris

  1. Xeris

    Portis and Betts

    Ever checked out Betts' injury history? If Betts were to see 30% of the carries, he'd be a lot less likely to make it through the season than Portis. By all means, don't let the facts get in the way of a good story though...
  2. Xeris

    Portis and Betts

    RBBC? You guys are kidding right? Gibbs simply followed what he said when asked about it earlier. Portis needs to get into football shape and he has missed a lot of practice. He was/is being eased back in. Portis is the feature back. Betts is a backup. Betts' carries will diminish from here. It will not be a RBBC. End of story!
  3. Xeris

    Saints offense really looks VANILLA

    Thank you! You are absolutely correct. Something wrong with Brees' arm? Wr's are slow? WTF? The Indy D was playing two deep safeties and bringing the heat with their exceptional DE's. The Saints play a stretch, down the field style of offense. Something had to give. Its pretty obvious that NO's down the field offense just wasn't going to have time to develop. What should have happened, was Payton bring in the full back, quit playing so much spread and run right at that DL until they wore them down. Its not like we're talking about a big DL here. Once they beat them up a bit, they would have to start bringing those safeties up and then you may be able to look down the field a bit more. Instead, the Saints stubbornly stuck to the gameplan and played right into Indy's strengths.
  4. Xeris

    Brees, Brees, Brees...

    The Saints got out coached last night. Simple as that. It was pretty obvious after the first half what Indy was going to do on defense. They were bound and determined to take away the deep pass. The safeties played back, allowing no one to get behind them. The DE's were unleashed on Brees. He didn't complete long passes because they weren't there, and he didn't have time to let them develop. There's a pretty efficient way to counter that however. You put your big full back in the game and run isolation after isolation with your thumper (Deuce) right at those DEs. Mixing in a few runs up the gut along the way. You have to beat them up and wear them down, and as a result, force those safeties to walk up and commit to the run. Otherwise you play right into their specialty. This is exactly what Indy's D is built to do. I should add that NO isn't going to see that kind of pass rush every week. Brees and the offense will be fine, although I do find it a bit disturbing that the coaching staff wasn't willing to adjust their gameplan...
  5. Xeris

    Corey Dillon

    To be honest, I'm kinda surprised someone like GB hasn't given him a 1 year deal.
  6. Xeris

    Who are you starting over Lee Evans?

    There are great corners and then there is Champ Bailey. Evans IMO is as good as any WR in the league. That being said, not too many QB's in the league have the cahones to try Bailey, and for good reason. Will Evans get the looks this week that he usually does? That is the real question...
  7. Xeris

    Who are you starting over Lee Evans?

    I currently have him starting, but am seriously second guessing. I may plug in DJax or Santonio. Actually, if I were 100% sure Djax was healthy, I would probably go with him.
  8. Xeris

    Clinton Portis

    What you are completely ignoring, is the fact that Portis has stated publicly (the last occurence just last week) his disdain for the preseason. Who could blame him after what happened last year? You are also ignoring the fact that both he and the coaching staff have stated on numerous occasions that if it were the regular season, he would be a go. Finally, the most highly renowned physician in Sports medicine, Dr. Andrews, examined him and deemed that he has progressed right on schedule. Do you know something Dr. Andrews doesn't? Tendinitis is an extremely common occurence among athletes. It wouldn't surprise me if at least half the RBs in the league have a minor flare up or two throughout the course of a season. Every indication is that this is minor and Portis has simply dogged the preseason. There has been absolutely nothing posted indicating Portis or anyone within the Redskins organization believe this to be a serious injury. Nothing...nada. He's not even listed on their injury report! I simply can not understand why such a minor injury has been blown so out of proportion that people actually believe the likes of Alexander, Gore, Westbrook and Henry are less of an injury risk than he. Whatever, I'll take him in the third round.
  9. Xeris


    I'd say that sounds pretty reasonable to me. Portis hasn't taken many live snaps yet. While I believe he is 100% healthy, I doubt very seriously he is ready to suit up and carry the ball 30 times. He can't be in football shape yet. You can do cardio all day long, but it just ain't the same. I would be very surprised if Betts doesn't see at least a dozen carries Sunday. That being said, I'll also be surprised if we don't see atleast one highlight reel TD run out of Portis on Sunday night SprtsCenter. He's got a chip on his shoulder IMO...
  10. Xeris

    Clinton Portis

    Good post! Some of these threads are a prime example of how the football IQ around here has decreased substantially over the last few seasons. Its one thing to think Portis is an injury risk (although the same could be said about Gore, Addai, Westbrook, Henry, Alexander, etc.) but to say Betts is the better back? Either some of these posters aren't watching the games, or they don't have a clue what they are looking at in the first place.
  11. Xeris


    Reminds me of another insightful debate from last year...RBBC in San Diego?
  12. Xeris

    Falcons claim Pinner, waive Snelling

    Dunn won't be going nowhere until the kid can learn how to pick up a blitz.
  13. Xeris

    is norwood really not starting?

    Thank you! Its nice to see a few guys around here that actually do understand the game. THis happens every year. Why is so and so not starting? Last year it was Tinker Bell. It is absolutely imperative that a RB be able to pick up a blitz in the majority of pro style offenses. It really doesn't matter if their ypc is better, because if they can't block, the coach will find his QB on the IR. These teams invest entirely too much time and money into their QBs, just to sit back and watch them get their head taken off by a blitzing LB. Its just that simple...
  14. Xeris

    thoughts on frank gore?

    Gore's health is a valid concern IMO, but with that said, I think anyone else I would consider there also has injury concerns. LJ took an absolute beating last year. I don't see much chance of improvement out of his OL or other skill positions this year. If anything, i see them taking another step back. So, if the Chiefs are going to do anything at all this year, they'll have to run LJ into the ground. I think he knows that too, and is exactly why he adamantly demanded a new contract. I certainly couldn't blame him! SA simply put, just doesn't look the same. He may indeed be back at 100%, but he hasn't shown it yet IMO. I think he'll still rank in the top 10, but I don't think he's the same runner he once was. Then there's Addai, Its not like he hasn't had his fair share of injuries in the past. Westbrook? Do I even need to say anything? I guess some may argue for Bush, but thats a reach IMO.
  15. Xeris

    Cowboys fans...

    Hmmm...Carrie Underwood, Jessica Simpson...must not be a bad thing...
  16. Xeris

    thoughts on frank gore?

    I think the only real worry with Gore this year, is the possibility of injury. There is very little doubt in my mind that this offense won't be significantly improved. The young guys appear to be coming on and the talent level in general has greatly improved IMO. They have some very effective weapons now. The OL should also see a marked improvement. I've already seen enough to convince me that the run blocking will be better. I could see it taking a little while to gel for the pass protection, but then you can say the same for most teams during the first part of the season, unless they've been together for a while. Sure, it would have been great to have Norv back, but how many of Gore's big plays last year did he make out of nothing? Gore's going to get his big plays. Absolutely play calling makes a differance, but in this case, I think the improved talent levels more than make up the difference. Lets not forget the D either. A lot of folks are picking them as a sleeper this year, and rightly so. I think they will generate a lot more big plays this year which will only improve field position and increase opportunites for Gore. While I could see a scenario in which his overall yardage may decrease, I'd be shocked if his TDs aren't significantly higher than last year. I can't blame anyone for worrying about his health, but IMO you are overthinking if you are knocking him for anything else...
  17. Xeris

    Alex Smith & the Niners 2007

    I've been pretty impressed with him so far. He looks a lot more confident to me. He's certainly much more decisive and is getting the ball out quickly. The thing that has really caught my eye the most however, is the comfort level he seems to be getting with Battle. One play in particular in the Denver game really impressed me. He completed a 25+ yd laser to about the 1 yd line to Battle in heavy traffic. It was placed perfectly, where only Battle could haul it in and thrown where he could get down, otherwise he would have gotten his head taken off. I don't think he would have made that throw last year. Again this is preaseason, but it just looks like the game is slowing down for him and he's picking things up much quicker and seeing much more of the field. The OL looks improved to me. The run blocking imo will at least be improved. Obviously its tough to see how well they will communicate and pick up the blitz in preseason however. On paper atleast, they should improve. I think VD is really going to open up that middle, and even though Lelie never really impressed me much, he's not the kind of guy a safety wants to cheat up on. Then of course, they have a solid vetern in Djax, who if he can stay healthy, can give CB's fits. Last but certainly not least, you have Gore who is an obvious threat both running and out of the backfield. Defenses will have to gameplan against him or he will eat them alive. This team ought to be able to stretch the playing field. If the OL has improved as much as I and many others seem to believe, Smith should be in a great position to benefit. Then if he has taken the next step, this offense could be just nasty...A lot of potential there IMO.
  18. Xeris

    Im gonna get slammed but..

    I couldn't agree more. Once upon a time this board was filled with a wealth of inside/homer information, insightful analysis and intelligent debate from posters that actually knew a little something about football. To be fair, you can still find quite a bit. There are definitely some good posters still lingering around. Unfortunately you just have to dig through the mounds and mounds of crap to find them. Maybe it's simply the popularity of FF that has brought in more casual (less knowledgeable) fans and/or maybe there are just simply a lot more snot nosed kids here. Whatever the root cause, the overall football IQ and level of maturity has certainly slipped a few notches. Its sad, because Mike has obviously put quite a bit of work into the site...
  19. Xeris

    Rotoworld Rankings!

    Hey buddy...could you spare some change?
  20. Xeris

    Betts -The Man in 2008?

    You may rise... Who is promising a great season from anyone? Indeed, who knows? LT very well may rip up is ACL on the first snap this year and Turner may go on to lead the league in rushing. Are you ready to say Turner is going to supplant LT? You say you aren't trying to say Betts is better than Portis, yet you cite how he put up more yards. Nevermind of course that Portis played with a dislocated shoulder. Nevermind that by all accounts (very well documented), the O'line didn't really start coming together until the latter part of the season. Nevermind that they didn't get any decent QB play until Campbell stepped in. None of that matters, right? What exactly is it that you are trying to say?
  21. Xeris

    Betts -The Man in 2008?

    Its blatantly obvious what's going on here. Portis doesn't want to play in the pre-season. After his freak injury last year, who could blame him for not wanting to risk himself in a game that means absolutely nothing? I don't know which amazes me the most, the short memories or paranoia in FF circles? Please show me an athlete whose career was substatially affected by "tendonitis". Further, he just had a check up with arguably the leading surgeon in sports medicine, who cleared him and said he was right on track. He's now practicing full speed. Sure, he may have to ice the knee after he runs, but he's fine! Betts is a pretty decent back and he probably could start on a few other teams, but he can't hold Portis' jock! Think about what you are saying. Portis is one of the very few elite RB talents to come through the league in years, and he's available in the 3rd and sometimes 4th round? IMO, there is going to be a lot of FF teams that will ride this 3rd / 4th pick all the way to their championship this year. Don't get caught looking the gift horse in the mouth on this one...
  22. Xeris

    Betts -The Man in 2008?

    Meantime, Portis's availability for the Redskins-Jaguars preseason game remains a game-time decision. Portis said after practice that he was able to do all the work, but he also joked that he might deem himself 98 percent healthy so that he doesn't have to play against Jacksonville. Team officials and athletic trainers want to see how his knee reacts from Tuesday's on-field work. "We'll see how his knee reacts from practice," Gibbs said. "He took quite a bit, and we'll kind of make a decision there." Asked if he'd like to get Portis some carries before the regular-season opener on Sept. 9, Gibbs replied: "You'd always like to get players snaps, get him 4-5 carries and get him hit a few times. "LaDainian [Tomlinson of the San Diego Chargers] gets no carries--they don't even play him. But I generally would like to see our running backs get 4-5 carries a game, but we haven't been able to do that. Sometimes it gets taken away from you [due to injury]. http://www.redskins.com/news/newsDetail.jsp?id=28563
  23. Xeris

    Betts -The Man in 2008?

    On today’s practice: “I got some work in today. It felt pretty good actually. It was (about) going out to see what I could do and I basically participated in everything so there weren’t no short cuts or ‘if’, ‘ands’ or ‘buts’ about it. I did everything they asked me to do.” On if he was concerned about practicing today: “I was worried that I was going to show too much too soon. I have to get my legs back under me. I slipped and fell a couple times running the ball but outside of that I felt good.” On if he’s going to play against Jacksonville: “I don’t know. If I play, I play. I felt good. Hopefully, I showed them enough in practice where I don’t have to play on Thursday. I’m the running back for the Washington Redskins. Whatever the head coach and the owner tell me to do, that’s what I have to do. That’s their call.” On if he feels fine not taking a snap in the preseason: “Football hasn’t changed. I look back in the day when Jim Brown and Earl Campbell and them used to play football. It’s still the same. The same plays John Riggins ran, the same plays Earnest Byner ran, it’s still the same.” On people saying that LaDainian Thomlinson doesn’t have to play in the preseason because he’s an MVP: “He just won it last year, I’m trying. Hopefully, this is my year. Hopefully, I can prove to coach going into the season with fresh legs, and a fresh body that I’m durable for the long haul. So hopefully this is my year to win MVP.” http://www.extremeskins.org/Jags07/Gibbs%2...s%208-28-07.pdf
  24. Xeris

    Let's Assume Portis Is Healthy...

    On today’s practice: “I got some work in today. It felt pretty good actually. It was (about) going out to see what I could do and I basically participated in everything so there weren’t no short cuts or ‘if’, ‘ands’ or ‘buts’ about it. I did everything they asked me to do.” On if he was concerned about practicing today: “I was worried that I was going to show too much too soon. I have to get my legs back under me. I slipped and fell a couple times running the ball but outside of that I felt good.” On if he’s going to play against Jacksonville: “I don’t know. If I play, I play. I felt good. Hopefully, I showed them enough in practice where I don’t have to play on Thursday. I’m the running back for the Washington Redskins. Whatever the head coach and the owner tell me to do, that’s what I have to do. That’s their call.” On if he feels fine not taking a snap in the preseason: “Football hasn’t changed. I look back in the day when Jim Brown and Earl Campbell and them used to play football. It’s still the same. The same plays John Riggins ran, the same plays Earnest Byner ran, it’s still the same.” On people saying that LaDainian Thomlinson doesn’t have to play in the preseason because he’s an MVP: “He just won it last year, I’m trying. Hopefully, this is my year. Hopefully, I can prove to coach going into the season with fresh legs, and a fresh body that I’m durable for the long haul. So hopefully this is my year to win MVP.” http://www.extremeskins.org/Jags07/Gibbs%2...s%208-28-07.pdf
  25. Xeris

    Let's Assume Portis Is Healthy...

    Meantime, Portis's availability for the Redskins-Jaguars preseason game remains a game-time decision. Portis said after practice that he was able to do all the work, but he also joked that he might deem himself 98 percent healthy so that he doesn't have to play against Jacksonville. Team officials and athletic trainers want to see how his knee reacts from Tuesday's on-field work. "We'll see how his knee reacts from practice," Gibbs said. "He took quite a bit, and we'll kind of make a decision there." Asked if he'd like to get Portis some carries before the regular-season opener on Sept. 9, Gibbs replied: "You'd always like to get players snaps, get him 4-5 carries and get him hit a few times. "LaDainian [Tomlinson of the San Diego Chargers] gets no carries--they don't even play him. But I generally would like to see our running backs get 4-5 carries a game, but we haven't been able to do that. Sometimes it gets taken away from you [due to injury]. http://www.redskins.com/news/newsDetail.jsp?id=28563