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Turf CamelToe

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Everything posted by Turf CamelToe

  1. Turf CamelToe

    Julius Thomas the next great TE?

    No link, but heard a claim that he played every single offensive snap 1st game. If so, me likey. Anyone substantiate?
  2. Turf CamelToe

    FFToday alum!

    Some fat pud with no life is my guess.
  3. Turf CamelToe

    Julius Thomas the next great TE?

    Linebackers can't cover him and Manning is throwing the ball...should have a good season.
  4. Turf CamelToe

    Denver vs Baltimore Week 1 - In-game Discussion

    i drafted him as a backup to Gronk...Noice!!
  5. Turf CamelToe

    Julius Thomas the next great TE?

    Nice start for JT
  6. Turf CamelToe

    Am I the only one completely sold on andre Johnson?

    AJ finished last season very strong and has looked great in preseason...I'm sold.
  7. Turf CamelToe

    Julius Thomas

    I'm rolling with him until Gronk gets back.
  8. Turf CamelToe

    Gronk drafters anonymous

    I took him in the 5th round after Doug Martin, Brandon Marshall, Andre Johnson and Sproles.
  9. Turf CamelToe

    Biggest mistake you made in your draft?

    Too early to tell, however starting the regret Brandon Marshall with 2nd pick after Doug Martin.
  10. Turf CamelToe

    Julius Thomas,Dwayne Allen and Cameron

    JT is my pick.
  11. Turf CamelToe

    Gronkowski Likely to be Activated

    ?????? Drops Graham? Gronkatron??? I got him in the 4th so hoping for good news.
  12. Turf CamelToe


    What would be concerning for Lacy is that Harris looked to pick up blocks pretty well yesterday. If Harris is healthy, I'm thinking hot hand time share.
  13. Turf CamelToe

    Wk 3 Preseason Games - Observations

    No biggie, we are all just observing
  14. Turf CamelToe

    Wk 3 Preseason Games - Observations

    Spiller comes in and limps off again..wtf are the coaches thinking?
  15. Turf CamelToe

    Wk 3 Preseason Games - Observations

    73 yards on 10 touches...not too shabby in my book.
  16. Turf CamelToe

    Wk 3 Preseason Games - Observations

    Looks like he is warming up to me.
  17. Turf CamelToe

    Oh no....CJ Spiller...

    He's back in
  18. Turf CamelToe

    Julio Jones or Brandon Marshall?

    I had the same choice to make, went with Marshall. The concensus from my League members was that I made the right choice, we shall see. I think they both have monster seasons.
  19. Turf CamelToe

    Bust predictions?

    Really going out on a limb with the Bell prediction...lol
  20. Turf CamelToe

    CJ1 point

    Loser fooled me again!!!! Argghhhhhh
  21. Turf CamelToe

    Mendenhall anyone?

    4.1 yds a carry = not too shabby. As a Steeler fan, I hope they don't rush him back. After the Bye week would be nice.
  22. Turf CamelToe

    Mendenhall anyone?

    I grabbed Mendenhall late in my Saturday draft, while Dwyer was still on the board. I figure Mendy has a greater risk reward value (Steeler fan, not that it matters)