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Everything posted by Diesel07

  1. Diesel07

    so i was taking a sh!t in the mall...

    next time i go to the restroom and someone comes & sits down in the stall next to me...im going to take my sh!t and when im done, ill leave it in there, go wash my hands, go back into the stall and flush that b!tch like 3 times, so it overflows and drenches him.
  2. Diesel07

    so i was taking a sh!t in the mall...

    oh, the frank
  3. Diesel07

    so i was taking a sh!t in the mall...

    it kinda bothered me for rest of the day. what if he thought it was small or told all his friends
  4. Diesel07


    Why cant we add/drop players that have played on Sunday? Its already Monday and i still cant add/drop players, WTF? Can you please turn off that function before you get dominated? Sincerely your, Diesel
  5. Diesel07

    i think i squeeked out the win

    WOW! That was a nailbiter. Freken Brooks stunk it up for me and Horne threw the ball at the pylon I was rollin when i was watching that game. I thought wow, you got to be kidding me...my QB, WR, and 2 RBs cant erase a 30 point deficit, great. Hump (whoever that is), Washington was killing me. That guy was running around like a mad man. They only credited Ware with 2 tackles (they forgot his 2 assist), but they also forgot to credit Wilson with his 1 tackle and 4 assist.
  6. Diesel07

    i think i squeeked out the win

    ya ive noticed that. i was comparing them to the ones on nfl.com and saw they didnt match up im glad that gmaes over
  7. Diesel07

    Can my DL hold the lead?

    doesnt look like it
  8. Diesel07

    Looks like I started..

    Collins tore it up too (have him in my other league).
  9. Diesel07

    Commish Notes-- Reposted Here

    WOW! That must of took you all day to write. I read about 95% of it. This is why i love this legue. You have to know your stuff and no luck will ruin the outcome of a game. Id hate for all my hard work and drafting go to crap by losing a game due to my opponents kicker making 2-5 50+ yarders. This is my main league eventhough its free I remember that game alst year when Brady threw 3 INTs to the Miami players I was rooting aginst you just becasue i didnt want you to win it 2 years in a row . The fantasy gods rained down on my team in the last half of the year. As some of you may recall i think my 2nd, 4th, and 5th round picks managed to suck. 2 of them got injured and had to sit out the whole year (Charles Rogers & Stephan Davis) and the other just flat out sucked (Chambers). Zap needed string adn tape to hold his team together....well let me tell you, i need more than that. I needed gorilla glue and duct tape to make .500. I went on a 6 game wining streak (barley missed the playoffs). I LIVED on the WW week to week Zap, i tihnk you said you never saw that many WW pickups ever lol...it was something like 90 i think I've never seen the best team win it all either , so im not sure my team will win it all this year (knock on wood), but well see...
  10. Diesel07


    Good doing business with you
  11. Diesel07

    Rosters are loaded

    i was going to draft him
  12. Diesel07

    Rosters are loaded

    shoot me an offer, i have 1 too many i think
  13. Diesel07

    AOL / Fanball LM is great but

    i have no gameplan for the draft as of yet. I hate the dredded 10 spot. decisions decisions
  14. Diesel07

    AOL / Fanball LM is great but

    Oh, well it still says team 8. How much time are you going to give 420 befoer you decide to use a replacement?
  15. Diesel07

    AOL / Fanball LM is great but

    c'mon 420, get your ass in there lets go. Same with you RLLD!
  16. Diesel07

    AOL / Fanball LM is great but

    ya, i hope this all gets situated, id hate for this draft to be ruined
  17. Diesel07

    Message Board

    roger that these lazy bastards who own this site need to get a dedicated server
  18. Diesel07

    AOL / Fanball LM is great but

    no team 1 or team 8 listed
  19. Diesel07

    AOL / Fanball LM is great but

    Well i would take your back Zap, but im in the middle of Katrina and from the looks of it, theres another one behind her whos supposose to take the same path, so i dont want to back you up and im sure you dont want that either.
  20. Diesel07

    AOL / Fanball LM is great but

    im down for whatever, id like to get it started friday, if its no timer.
  21. Diesel07

    Replacement for Tornado - JL

    thats pushing it, we'll see
  22. Diesel07

    Replacement for Tornado - JL

    What about Gore? I was thinking of getting him on the swing. Or do you think i should wait til round 3 for him?
  23. Diesel07

    Replacement for Tornado - JL

    so zap who do i take with my 19 pick, tiki or julius?
  24. Diesel07

    Replacement for Tornado - JL

    so you got JL frmo FBG, but need another one? toonz is waiting on deck