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Low Score

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Everything posted by Low Score

  1. Dude, where's my appeal?
  2. Low Score

    Comment on my recent trade !

    Maybe you made your team stronger by getting a TE that you needed but you gave up more than what you needed to and you probably just made another team in your league much stronger. Think of it this way, you maybe gained 3-4 extra TE points a week but another team in your league vying for a playoff spot just like you now has probably an extra 10-12 points a week he'll be getting. Hope it works out for you.
  3. Low Score

    Lets talk about Steve Smith's situation

    Very good observations thoshammer. Here's more detailed stats: 2006 1166 9 TD (productive year, played in 14 games) 2005 1563 yds 13 TD (monster year) 2004 60 yds 0 TD (injury year) 2003 1110 yds 7 TD (productive year, played in 16 but only started in 11 games) 2002 872 yds 3 TD 2001 154 yds 0 TD (note: I included rushing TDs). Of note, Delhomme was his QB from 2003 onward so without Delhomme is pretty risky. Given he's had a couple of down games this year with Delhomme out and we should expect at least a couple more until he and Carr synch up and the fact that even when he and Carr synch up, they won't gel as much as Smith and Delhomme, I think your numbers are right. I would say 900-1000 yds and 8 TDs. This hurts as I'm a Steve Smith owner.
  4. Low Score

    Ron Dayne or Brandon Jacobs?

    Profantasysports.com has just reported: Ahman Green (RB)—Green missed last week’s action against the Falcons and head coach Gary Kubiak has ruled out the running back for today’s game as well. Take it for what it's worth - I haven't been able to find a 2nd confirming source.
  5. Low Score

    Jerious Norwood to get more carries

    If Petrino can't figure out how to use Norwood, how would he have ever figured out how to use Vick. Another college coach who can't make the transition.
  6. Low Score

    Pick a D/ST for week 5

    I watched most of the Arizona / Pittsburgh game and what the Cardinal front seven did to what I thought was a very good o-line of Pittsburgh was pretty incredible (and I'm a Steelers fan). Any defense that controls the line like that will make good things happen. And STL has enough people out that this could get ugly this week. Pick Cards.
  7. Low Score

    Rivers @ DEN, Derek Anderson @ NE or Campbell vs DET

    Yea, I'm probably going with Campbell too but I really like Anderson - just not the matchup this week.
  8. Low Score

    Ken Darby

    From Profooballweekly: Kenneth Darby, RB (TB.) Tampa Bay announced it signed Darby from the practice squad, according to the Tampa Tribune. The Buccaneers took Darby in the seventh round of this year's draft. He has not played in a regular-season game. 10/3/2007 18:00:36 ET
  9. Low Score

    K Jones to "play alot"

    I've heard 10-20 plays (not carries mind you) from other sites. It will be interesting to see what happens. I think the Lions can score somewhat at will so I was thinking that they not work KJ too much today but I also think that the Iggles come out of their slump today too so it could be a close shootout. Also, I just picked up KJ off the WW in one of my leagues (10 player league). I can't believe it - even in a 10 team league, he should not have been on the WW.
  10. Low Score

    D/ST - Which way do you prefer?

    Yes, wait until near the end. It also depends upon your league's DST scoring - I have one league that rewards for yards allowed, points against, sacks, fumbles, etc. while another is a limited subset. The latter is not worth anything but the last round pick whereas the former is worth getting one of the top 5-7 DSTs a little earlier as they can put up numbers similar to #1 RBs or #1 QBs on a weekly basis. You really have to tier it out and compare to other positional tiers to know when to scoop up the value.
  11. Go with Curry this week. Evans has what, 15 yards this year? And the matchup is a very difficult one this week.
  12. Low Score

    Clinton Portis vs. the Giants

    Fabini played pretty well overall except for some mental breakdowns at the end of the 1st half...although, I'm sure Gibbs planned it that way. Bugle is a great o-line coach and he'll get the most of his guys. There will be a drop-off but not too much. Portis will rarely get 20+ touches this year but he'll have some 90/1 games and this week could be it. The NYG LBs stink, Strahan looks like he's still at the beginning of camp (because he is) and the g-spots...er, I mean g-men...are just in turmoil.
  13. Low Score

    Ronie Brown

    I recall the Jets had problems last year with bigger backs and Ronnie was successful. Their d-line was smallish and could get pushed a little. Not sure if that will be the case this year but maybe - it's only week 3.
  14. Low Score

    Lee Evans owners

    Have him in 2 leagues. Starting Braylon Edwards over him in 1 league and Joey Galloway over him in another.
  15. Low Score

    OJ faces serious jail time

    He'll hire someone to do it with the proceeds of his new book - "If I Broke In".
  16. Low Score

    OJ faces serious jail time

    This is sad because it takes time away from looking for the real killers. Why isn't there a smiley face wearing a ski mask!
  17. Low Score

    Lee Evans blows

    Is Lee Evans still in the league? Problem is - half of their offensive roster aren't starters on most teams. This is a bad, bad organization. I don't see what they see in Losman. Lee Evans is a decent #2 WR for a team somewhere else.
  18. Low Score

    Maroney Should He Be Benched?

    Tough one but yea, probably Portis. They plan to do some RBBC in Washington with Portis and Betts but that is keeping both of them fresh for the 4th quarter...and we know Gibbs loves to establish the run no matter what. Both Portis and Betts will be moderately successful this week.
  19. Low Score

    Who do I sit?

    It's between Jackson and Branch. I would probably bench Jackson. I don't think Branch is that bad in the Seattle offense - last week was an aberration.
  20. 1 point per 10 yards rushing 1 point per 10 yards receiving 6 point TDs -1 point for lost fumbles
  21. Low Score

    Pick one RB

    Not Bell against MIN. Portis and Betts split evenly last week and there's been no indication the 'Skins are going to change that rotation (it's what the homers had been saying and the were right). I'd go with Benson - he'll get a lot of carries and KC just plain stinks (i.e. they are nowhere near the Chargers).
  22. Low Score

    L.Jordan or R.Brown?

    Ugh. I guess Brown but neither is attractive this week.
  23. Low Score

    Which RB would you start this week?

    I'm a Brown owner and I would start MJD. He should do fine against ATL. Brown is not great and with Newman back for the Cowboys, they can get more agressive with the front 7 despite the NT being out.
  24. Low Score

    Pick 2 rb's PPR league

    Caddy is the easy choice. Probably go with Jordan 2nd. Clinton has a tough match-up against Miami, plus he's in the doghouse with the coaches and Betts will share some of the carries (I suspect a 2:1 ratio Portis:Betts).
  25. Low Score

    RB Help

    I'd go with McGahee. It's still unclear what role Brown will truly play in Cam's offense. Plus, the Redskins defense will be back to it's old self this year.