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Everything posted by ffexpert

  1. ffexpert

    Freeman... Place your bets

  2. ffexpert


    What is the deal with guy? When will he play? Also, what are your thoughts on him - someone you are targeting to buy, or trying to get rid of?
  3. ffexpert


    just traded gates for gronk, this is not making me feel good about it.
  4. ffexpert

    Pead Inactive, who you startin DRich over?

    its acutally .5 ppr soooo...
  5. ffexpert

    Pead Inactive, who you startin DRich over?

    now im trying to decide between him wilson and snelling...
  6. ffexpert

    Daryl Richardson tough enough to trust?

    him tonight or wilson....
  7. ffexpert

    Dobson or Thompkins

    I also had to make a decision between kembrell and dobson. My head says Dobson, my heart says Kembrell...what do patriots homers say?
  8. ffexpert

    Matt Forte

    Matt Forte has lost the goaline carries (why, i dont know). In Yahoo he is rated as the number 2 running back, would you try to package him, or try to trade him straight up, for a Mccoy, jamaal, martin or lynch?
  9. ffexpert

    Matt Forte

    "We’ve kind of isolated and declared Michael our goal-line running back," said Trestman. you are right, forte may still get it at the 5+, but unlikely at the 1-3. I guess that is only part of the equation. With yahoo having him rated so high, would you try to "sell high" and target one of the above mentioned running backs who are actually projected to put up fewer points.
  10. ffexpert

    Charles Clay

    Dolphins homers...is this guy worth a pick up? i haven't watched any of the phins games but he seems to be pretty involved. Also, is he the goaline RB?
  11. ffexpert

    Week 2 Trade Targets

    he is exactly the type of player I would try to sell if i had him on my team. 2 great weeks for a historically streaky player = trade time. However, every once in a while that type of move makes you look like an idiot if he keeps producing.
  12. ffexpert

    Week 2 Trade Targets

    Who are you targeting to try to trade for this week? Any guys you feel will be good value the rest of the way. also, anyone on your team you are looking to dump, who has more perceived value than you feel they are worth going forward?
  13. ffexpert

    Week 2 Trade Targets

    I undestand the "ground floor" montra. I guess i typically just have a hard time getting value for guys right after they had a huge game. Even if he can come close to sustaining his play, knowing owners in my league they will not let him go for a reasonable price right after that game.
  14. ffexpert

    Week 2 Trade Targets

    i agree with this - i was more thinking of guys who have under performed stat wise, but could and should start performing better from a fantasy perspective.
  15. cant decide between him a D. Richardson...
  16. ffexpert

    Percy Harvin

    i just picked him up in my redraft auction league. i left very little money for my bench and am left with the brandon lafell's and ronnie hillmans of the world. I was happy to drop a scrub for the potential of a startable player late in the year. If nothing else, he could be decent trade bait around week 5-7 if the hype machine starts building in regards to him coming back.
  17. ffexpert

    Biggest mistake you made in your draft?

    McFadden over D. Wilson. Kaepernick over Stafford (this isnt too bad, i just have a good feeling about Stafford and a bad one about Kaep.)
  18. ffexpert

    David Wilson

    This is a guy who i cannot put my finger on. He runs well, catches well, but i just cant seem to get comfortable with drafting him. Andre Brown is there and seems to get most of the 3rd down and goaline work. I have to believe much of this is concern over Wilson's pass protection. However, if Wilson were to get 70%+ of the work he could be awesome. What do you all think of him. Is he overvalued, undervalued? Would you be confident with him as your RB2, how much would you spend on him in an auction?
  19. ffexpert

    WR/RB/TE strategy question

    my league is switching from mandatory 3 wr to 2 WR and a WR/TE...does this change anything? I'm still thinking i will plan to draft 3 startable WR and not worry about the possibility of second TE.
  20. ffexpert

    Sleepers - Who you got?

    I like Ty Hilton...but his hype has built pretty high. In my auction he went ahead of jordy, mike wallace, decker, torey smith, Hakeem nikcs, djax, steve smith, jennings, garcon,and stevie johnson. Now he may end up being better than most these guys, but he was hardly a steal
  21. ffexpert

    Eric Decker

    What is the scoop with this guy? finished in the top 10 wr (at least in my scoring last year) and is being drafted around 20-25 wr. I know denver got welker, but will that hurt him this much?
  22. ffexpert

    Points per Game Played

    is there anywhere you can find fantasy points per game played. i think that would be a helpful tool to try to find some undervalued players who missed time last year due to injury but were successful when they were in the line up.
  23. im rolling with...reggie bush
  24. ffexpert

    My projections are done

    Weird, that is exactly what im doing but it did not work, it sorted things but the values are not seeming to be perfectly sorting from large to small.
  25. ffexpert

    My projections are done

    anyone else having issues with the rankings of players after inputting your own league settings?