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Everything posted by Longus

  1. Longus

    I will answer all questions

    It would help if I knew the rest of your roster. but if you are good at rb then drop if not then keep thanks for asking!
  2. Longus

    I will answer all questions

    That would leave you really thin at wr. I would not do this trade Thanks for asking!
  3. Longus

    I will answer all questions

    I wouldnt do that. murray and bush are very serviceable. foster goes does and tate is the man. Thanks for asking
  4. Longus

    I will answer all questions

    damned if you do and damned if you dont. i would drop brown and take spiller IF you were to make a move. Thanks for asking!
  5. Longus

    Spiller for Vick?

    PPR League I get Vick for trading Spiller. My roster is in the signature. If you have a question please leave it here.... http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=404343&st=200 Thanks for asking!
  6. Longus

    I will answer all questions

    i would do this. sproles is not gauranteed his touches like matthews is. Thanks for asking!
  7. Longus

    I will answer all questions

    I would go with SJAX, Murray, Spiller, Fitz, Thomas
  8. Longus

    I will answer all questions

    With the team that you have I would sit tight. Freeman is a viable option if needed. Thanks for asking!
  9. Longus

    I will answer all questions

    keep em coming!
  10. Longus

    I will answer all questions

    my friend. you are in a quandry. I would look closely for injuries and gamtime status. This is the order I would play them in(based on gametime descion) AP Williams Burleson Thanks for asking!
  11. Longus

    I will answer all questions

    I think you made a great trade for the short and long term. I give this team a A+ in 12, 14 16 team league. IF you dont win your league I will be disappointed. Thanks for asking!
  12. Longus

    I will answer all questions

    keep em coming!
  13. Longus

    I will answer all questions

    this is a close one, but I choose Wayne because of the potential that the colts will be playing from behind. Thanks for asking!
  14. Longus

    I will answer all questions

    Ridley VJAX, Garcon Thanks for asking!
  15. Longus

    I will answer all questions

    Garcon. Thanks for asking
  16. Longus

    I will answer all questions

    You have the right thinking. Smith and Green and Martin. Thanks for asking
  17. Longus

    I will answer all questions

    I would prolly make this trade . As much as I love shady, I think DMC is going to better if he can stay healthy. Jordy Nelson is a proven commodity over Decker. Tate will have a better year than Smith.
  18. Longus

    I will answer all questions

    14 Teamer? Wow, in that case you are pretty solid at RB.
  19. Longus

    Please Vote. PPR

    Just a vote would suffice. Thanks! If you would like for me to answer your question please leave it in this post ..... http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=404343
  20. Longus

    I will answer all questions

    DMC, Martin, Gerhart Green Ellis, Richardson(if he plays), then if not i'd go with spiller.(you are really thin at RBs in this league..) Thanks for asking!
  21. Longus

    I will answer all questions

    DO IT! Thanks for asking!
  22. Longus

    I will answer all questions

    I'd go with Turbin if Lynch is out. If lynch is playing I'd go with Redman.
  23. Longus

    I will answer all questions

    i would do this trade. adds depth to your team especially where you start 2 rbs and 2 wrs thanks for asking!
  24. Longus

    I will answer all questions

    I would do this as it would give you much needed depth. and its a good trade
  25. Longus

    I will answer all questions

    I would keep smith at the flex and would go with Lloyd as your wr3. Thanks for asking.