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Maroon Bells

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Everything posted by Maroon Bells

  1. Maroon Bells

    Anyone else think C.J.Anderson will win rushing title?

    A lot of what the Vikings do will depend on how well he does this year. If he continues to defy all reasonable laws of human physical limitation, then they may just continue to pay him. They can afford it. The uniqueness of the Vikings' situation is that so little of their cap is used by their QBs. And until it's time to pay Bridgewater (2018, at which time Peterson will be long gone) they will likely just keep paying Peterson's contract until he shows some sign of decline.
  2. Maroon Bells

    Anyone else think C.J.Anderson will win rushing title?

    You mean other than talent? Anderson reminds me of the half dozen or so other backs in Denver's history. Olandis Gary, Mike Anderson, Rueben Droughns. They have great seasons because they were in great situations, and then they just disappear because they were never that talented to begin with. I think CJ was in a great situation and he took advantage of it. I think he'll do well again this year (he should score a lot), but I question whether he has the speed, vision, power or make-ya-miss (read: talent) to consistently beat defenses who will be better prepared for him this season. JMO.
  3. Maroon Bells

    Watkins or Cooper ? Whos better?

    Long term, Cooper. This year, Watkins. Despite his situation, he's in his 2nd year and that's a big difference.
  4. Maroon Bells

    Rookie RB Steal of the Draft

    I thought Tevin Coleman was the most underrated back in the NFL draft. He's in a decent situation and, like Chris Johnson's rookie year, Coleman should get a lot of yards in big chunks.
  5. Maroon Bells

    Why are Rams D/ST ranked top 6 rest of season?

    That's a pretty exceptional depth chart on D. One has to think they'll eventually start to play like it.
  6. If you've held onto him this long, you might as well wait a couple more weeks. On, before, but no later than 10/8, the date of his arraignment, we'll know how long AD will be out. I think he'll agree to a deal where he admits guilt and in return receives no jail time. That's when the NFL will hand down its sentence. It could be 6 games or it could be the season. I think the former is more likely, which means that AD could be back by the end of November. If the sentence includes "time served" then it would be the end of October. For the best RB in football, that's worth holding for a couple more weeks. Any commissioner who independently "removed" Peterson from fantasy rosters should be replaced immediately.
  7. Maroon Bells

    Waiver Wire RB Headaches - Short Term vs. Long Range Value

    You got it upside down. Ryan Mathews is out for 5 to 7 weeks, meaning Donald Brown will be the feature back on a good offense for a good part of the season. Sure Woody will get his carries, but this is not a timeshare. Woody will continue to do what he does and Brown will get the Mathews carries. Knile Davis is a Charles handcuff only. If Charles is healthy, and it sounds like he's close, Davis is worthless. Good luck if you want to count on Ridley, but he's in the middle of this pack. I'd put Bradshaw up with Brown at the top of this list. Asiata will get you points at a Toby Gerhart pace. I'd put him 3rd. When Martin is healthy, and he's almost there, the best case scenario for Rainey is timeshare. Robinson, same thing.
  8. I don't think so. I was a big advocate of his in the preseason, but he just hasn't shown ability to match his freak athleticism. Yet. He's a bit like Christine Michael in that way. Should be great, but just hasn't shown it yet. Matt Asiata is still the smarter play. He's a better receiver out of the backfield than even Peterson and he will be getting the red zone carries as well. I know you have to jump on these guys BEFORE they explode, but I need to see more from McKinnon before I roster him over Asiata.
  9. Maroon Bells

    Week 3 Waiver Picks...

    Tend to agree. Averaging 6.5 points over two games and hasn't yet scored a TD, which will come. I'd definitely hang on to him for a bit...
  10. Maroon Bells

    AP - Stick a fork in him.

    When I say cultural I don't mean racial. Some parents use a switch and some don't. Has nothing to do with race.
  11. Maroon Bells

    AP - Stick a fork in him.

    Yes, I have. They're minor. It's why the first grand jury wouldn't even hear the case. Again, it's a parent whipping his kid with a switch, which happens a hundred times a day in some households. And, yes, it leaves a mark. But the fact that AD texted the following will work in his favor. It supports the notion that corporal punishment is part of his culture, likely part of his childhood... “You will be mad at me about his leg...He got about five more pops than normal. He didn’t drop one tear! … He’s tough as nails.” “Never do I go overboard! But all my kids will know, hey daddy has the biggie heart but don’t play no games when it comes to acting right.” He said he would never “eliminate whooping my kids … because I know how being spanked has helped me in my life.” This case is going to put a wedge into that cultural divide and I would be surprised if the NFL wants to step in the middle.
  12. Maroon Bells

    AP - Stick a fork in him.

    I'd be surprised if AD weren't back next week. The whole thing has been blown way out of proportion because of the Rice/Goodell witchhunt. It's a parent spanking a child. The first grand jury wouldn't even hear the case.
  13. Maroon Bells

    Floyd looks like the #1

    I do expect his usage to increase. I fully expect him to have some huge games. But good luck trying to guess which ones. I love John Brown, have loved him all preseason, but unless they start giving him carries in the backfield, ala Cordarrelle and Percy, I just have a hard time seeing reliable fantasy production from a kid who's 3rd in line behind two very, very good receivers.
  14. Maroon Bells

    Floyd looks like the #1

    Because it's not true. Offense doesn't live in a vacuum, folks. It morphs and pivots and changes itself based on what the defense gives it. If Floyd makes an impact, you can bet he'll get more attention from defenses, likely clearing some room for Fitz to work. He may suffer from usage; he may suffer from how defenses play him; but he is far from an age-related decline.
  15. Maroon Bells

    Floyd looks like the #1

    One of my favorite things every year is reading the swaggering declarations people make after one week of the NFL season.
  16. Maroon Bells

    Hot Waiver Wire pickup of the week!

    I'm glad no one has mentioned the Vikings defense. 22 points. Told ya.
  17. Maroon Bells

    Last minute thoughts on Andre Ellington?

    Ellington was my RB3 so I wasn't starting him anyway, but I disagree that Dwyer is not worth considering as your RB2. It was possible that Dwyer was going to get a lot of the goal line carries anyway, and now he'll see a lot more work between the 20s. And this is still a very good Cardinals offense whose WRs will likely keep boxes clean for their backs. I'd start Dwyer over a lot of other RB2s.
  18. Maroon Bells

    Which WR surprises you?

    After making a couple mistakes in my draft (non-PPR), I have a weak bottom end at WR. These are a few of the receivers who were left undrafted in my draft. Anyone on this list get your blood racing? • Jerrico Cotchery • Nate Washington • Kenny Stills • Kenny Britt • Jordan Matthews • Aaron Dobson • Dexter McCluster
  19. Maroon Bells

    Which WR surprises you?

    Tempting. I'd feel better about him if he weren't behind two very very good receivers. So his ceiling is a bit limited. All those visions of Randy Moss or Anquan Boldin type rookie seasons are probably, well, fantasy. HOWEVER, if I had Fitz or Floyd, I'd be all over this kid as a handcuff. Because if one of them goes down, those visions may not be so far fetched.
  20. Maroon Bells

    Which WR surprises you?

    There was a time when Cedric Benson was worthless. Same with Ryan Mathews. Brandon Marshall. Pierre Garcon. Michael Crabtree. Wes Welker....sometimes things change. I hate the piece a crap, but if he's indeed the #1 receiver in Ramland, he has value.
  21. Maroon Bells

    who has the balls to roll with travis kelce week 1

    I'm not starting him, but I picked him up off the wire because without Bowe, he could have a really nice first game. The ghost of Julius Thomas still haunts me....when I went back and forth deciding whether or not to pick him up, ultimately deciding not to.
  22. Maroon Bells

    Fan Duel

    I played a bit last year and came out on top, but I don't put much money in because I still don't quite understand how it works. For example, can someone tell me the difference between head to head and 50/50 leagues?
  23. Maroon Bells

    Bold Predictions - Doug Orth

    Definitely agree with Doug on his Cassel prediction since I made the exact same prediction a couple of weeks ago. Smart guy, that Doug Orth. I hope he's right on Foster. Was not a big fan, but he came REAL cheap in my auction and couldn't pass him up.
  24. Maroon Bells

    Which WR surprises you?

    Well the mistake I made was having 3 or 4 too many beers and drafting a 2nd kicker, so I have a roster spot to fill with either Britt, Matthews, Stills or Dobson—the four that I've narrowed this to. Any preference? Matthews has great upside in a great offense, but I doubt he'll ever be more than their 3rd WR this season. Is that enough? Dobson has Brady and should be the deep guy in that offense, but Thompkins worries me. Stills is hurt right now, but over the course of the season, might have the highest floor among the four. Britt is apparently the #1 receiver in St. Louis, so no matter what you think of him (or the Rams), that's hard to ignore on the waiver wire.
  25. Maroon Bells

    Which WR surprises you?

    I liked what he did at Vandy, but I'm having trouble seeing a rookie, part-time player having much of an impact. For example, I know the offense in St. Louis ain't the Eagles, but from all indications Britt is the #1 receiver in that offense. Matthews strikes me as one of those 12 pt one week and 2 the next type players.