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Everything posted by doggiestyles

  1. doggiestyles

    James Starks

    uhmmm is this one you'll be taking credit for?
  2. doggiestyles

    Ax elf fan club

    I for one will never hate on all the attention and recognition he keeps begging for.
  3. doggiestyles

    Anyone Else Having Problems With CBSSportsline?

    i just looked and cbs was fine for my league
  4. doggiestyles

    Miles Austin

    I would do it in a heartbeat. Austin may be out until after the bye, but its only two games. The guy has 233 rec yards and 4tds after two weeks with a bad hammy.
  5. doggiestyles

    Anyone Worried About Hakeem Nicks?

    When you hear the term buy low sell high, remeber that is how good deals are made. Dont Sell Low or Buy High. Eli has ben a serviceable qb in the past and he will straighten it out this year. Im not saying the Giants will have a good year as a team, but Eli and Nicks(barring injury) will have some good weeks. If you really want to unload Nicks, wait for a breakout game.
  6. doggiestyles

    Miles Austin

    his value is very high despite his hammy problems. Good luck if the owner sells low, but I think you have little chance of that.
  7. doggiestyles

    Am i giving up on Felix too soon?

    Your in a sell low situation right now. I might wait a week or two and hope he has a couple of decent games with Romo being less than 100%.
  8. doggiestyles

    Any league using Team RB's ?

    I always said it would be easier if we picked team teams. No more stress as to who to play, easier to keep track of bye weeks, makes IR a thing of the past, faster draft. This would be great in a dynasty league if you could get the Patriots, Packers, or Steelers. Heck you could set your line up in August and check back in Janurary.
  9. doggiestyles

    Gronkowski vs Hernandez

    i had both last year(2 different leagues) I had started to alternate them. Who ever had the best week play the other the following week.
  10. doggiestyles

    In a bit of a fix....

    Stick with the Pats and youll be fine.
  11. doggiestyles

    Say it ain't so Stevie

    Too bad when that groin thing keeps popping up. Hope he can play with it.
  12. doggiestyles

    The Genius That Is Axe Elf

    When you toot your own horn, make sure nobody is standing behind you to get caught in the mist.
  13. doggiestyles

    Week 2 Defense - On the Wire

  14. doggiestyles

    Commish breaks WW rules. Now what?

    I would give him the benefit of the doubt. Then ask him how he plans to fix the situation in a way that is pleasing to the other owners. Put it on his plate, let him know it needs to be fixed. Make sure you ask him when his decission will be made. Now you will know if he's worthy of holding the commissioner title.
  15. doggiestyles

    AD got PAID

    So you know AP is different than so many players that dont perform as well after getting a large contract. Thanks for the great insight. I feel better.
  16. doggiestyles


    If I were a Foster owner, I would hope he doesnt play this week and maybe next. If they do the right thing and give him time to fully recover, he should be able to regain last years form. There is the concern that Tate looks great and cuts into his carries going forward, but Foster should still get plenty and goal line work as well. All opinion on my part.
  17. doggiestyles

    Between these two RB's

    Amen to this. Hightower has fumbleitis and hes not Shannys guy = I think we see Roy the Shanny toy by mid season.
  18. doggiestyles

    AD got PAID

    As an AP owner I was excited that he would be playing for a contract this year...now not so much. Does anyone else think this will hurt his production?
  19. doggiestyles

    Randy Moss

    For those who have not yet heard, Randy Moss was spotted in New Orleans having dinner with Elvis. True story!!
  20. doggiestyles

    LeGarrette Blount this year?

    I really like this kid. he is one of the better ruuning backs in the NFL on maybe the worst run blocking team. I am very disappointed that TB didnt do much to upgrade their o-line via the draft. A concern of mine is all the goal line opportunities that were squanderd by this poor o-line. Blount is beast. He can break tackles, drag tacklers, or just hurdle over them. Id love to say the sky is the limit for him, but it should be said the o-line is the limit for him. Round 3 is about correct at this point, but bump him up if TB gets some better blocking in free agency.
  21. doggiestyles

    I heart you Jamaal Charles

    Thank you, Thank You, Thank you
  22. doggiestyles

    Is Brett Favre going to start?

    Minny might just be looking for a high draft pick at this point. Maybe they could grab a QB who is under the retirement age.
  23. doggiestyles

    People playing against Eagle/Viking

    Thanks for the update...CNN isnt always the best at reporting weather. I was quite surprized when they said 5.8
  24. doggiestyles

    Let's Congratulate Tom Brady

    Just to fixor all of you..I'm going to draft him next year...ha ha what do you think of that..The last time I drafted the bum he got an ouchie on his knee and never got me a td the whole season....now he will be fixored next year if I hear any more out the bunch of you.